Opinionated Science Episode 38: Do Gut Microbes Play a Role in Autism?

In this episode, the team examine a new study that challenges the notion that gut microbes may play a causal role in autism spectrum disorder. Might a link once ascribed to signaling from the gut’s nervous system actually just be a consequence of restricted diet?
Opinionated Science is Technology Networks’ homemade podcast, where our team of scientists-turned-journalists cut out the chewy jargon and serve up slices of the most fascinating stories from the world of science. Expect a new Opinionated Science every other Friday.
Read more from this podcast:
Small study suggesting alteration of ASD traits after microbiome transfer
Our immersive article on the microbiome – Inside the Microbiome
A “For the Record” from Autism Speaks on their change in direction
Jake Gratten and colleagues write on their study for The Conversation