Cheetah 5.7 Software – Now Available for Beta testing!
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Developed over the past 15 years for Single Unit Action Potential and LFP research experiments, Cheetah Software provides researchers with the ultimate, high performance electrophysiology recording and experiment control software available for neural signal processing, display, recording and network data distribution for customized, online experiment analysis and control.
With Cheetah, users can easily configure electrode input channel assignments and signal processing options. Cheetah seamlessly integrates with Neuralynx’s latest hardware acquisition subsystems - Digital Lynx SX, Cube-64 telemetry and Digital Multiplexing headstages (Intan) – as well as with Cheetah 32/64 analog amplifier systems, thereby extending the investment made in laboratory equipment.
- ♦ High performance: 8 to 512 channels
- ♦ Signal processing for LFP/EEG/EMG & spike
- ♦ Microwire tetrode, stereotrode & single wire spike processing
- ♦ Online FFT displays improve signal evaluation
- ♦ Online reference selection allows for quick reference change
- ♦ Audio monitoring of input signals
- ♦ Real-time data record distribution for experiment control & analysis
- ♦ High performance displays for spikes and EEG
- ♦ Integrated video tracking
- ♦ Integrates with 3D spike sorting
- ♦ Unfiltered, raw data file records
- ♦ Pre-defined configuration files for easy startup
- ♦ Modifiable configuration files to suit user specific needs
- ♦ User-friendly interfaces
- ♦ Multi-threaded for full use of computer resources
- ♦ Free access to extensive library of software utilities & development packages
Cheetah 5.7 (Beta) further enhances recording and experiment control with the addition of native 32- and 64-bit Windows® support for increased memory usage and higher performance, as well as:
- ♦ FFT feedback display window type for quick signal evaluation
- ♦ New data files per recording option
- ♦ Automatic switching of data files at a maximum time for easier handling of smaller files
- ♦ Raw data file playback options to set starting point and playback file speed adjustments
- ♦ Support for multiple NetCom client applications simultaneously (less need for the NetCom Router)
Neuralynx, Inc.
Learn more about Cheetah 5.7 Beta testing and download availability