Perkinelmer Introduces Cellular Screening and Other Solutions

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PerkinElmer, Inc. has announced that it will introduce key technologies in cellular screening and reagents at the Society for Biomolecular Screening (SBS) 11th Annual Conference and Exhibition in Geneva, Switzerland.
PerkinElmer will showcase its LumiLuxTM uHTS solution, that have prevented meaningful productivity and quality advances in live cell screening.
The LumiLux is designed to enable luminescent uHTS cellular screening with all types of cells in 1536 well format with higher throughput than existing technologies.
It features an integrated cell stirrer that is generating solid traction in the market, and producing significant scientific and productivity results.
The Company will also introduce its LANCE cAMP assay that moves GPCR functional screening – the largest therapeutic drug discovery area – solidly into the uHTS arena.
It is fully optimized for use with all detectors, including PerkinElmer’s uHTS ViewLux, increasing throughput and performance.
Also, the Company’s ProxiPlate™ 384 drives increased lab productivity with optimum sensitivity levels.
The solutions are designed to increase customers’ productivity and advance drug discovery research and results.
“PerkinElmer continues to invest in solutions that advance the performance of research efforts throughout the entire drug discovery and development process,” said Peter Coggins Ph.D., president of PerkinElmer Life and Analytical Sciences.
“For example, our new LumiLux Cellular Screening Platform provides, for the first time in the industry, true uHTS capability for live cell screening using luminescent technology.”
“This expands our market leading position in uHTS offerings, and complements existing solutions including our CellLux™ Cellular Fluorescent Workstation and our ViewLux™ uHTS Microplate Imager.”
The JANUS™ Automated Workstation is designed to employ a modular design which combines the flexibility of four- or eight-tip Varispan dispense capability with the power and throughput of 96- and 384-tip Modular Dispense Technology.
JANUS is designed to offer the addition and replacement of liquid handling and labware movement functionality as application and throughput demands evolve.
The Evolution Precision Pipetting Platform with Modular Dispense Technology, a microplate processing platform with the functionality to combine any user-defined liquid handling protocol with ultimate dispense tool optimization providing complete walk-away automation.
The BioXPRESSION™ Biomarker Platform with Proteomic Signature Technology (PST) is designed to give researchers the ability to screen thousands of samples and obtain the highest confidence results for population segmentation, pre-clinical trials and disease profiling.
The 2102 EnVision™ Multilabel Plate Reader continues to expand its capabilities through a temperature control option available later this year.
The Victor3™ Multilabel Plate Reader is designed to support the demands of laboratories for multiple assay technologies on a single platform.
Victor 3 accepts all types of microtitration plates between 1 and 1536 wells, as well as Petri dishes, slides, filters and Terasaki plates.
CellEx™ Poly-D-lysine coated microplates - proprietary technology to anchor live cells onto a microplate for cellular applications.