CRISPR and Genome Editing – News and Features

Mutations Point to Promising Drug Target in 5% of Adult Cancers
Researchers have discovered that about 5% of adult cancers rely on a gene called PELO to survive, offering a promising drug target.

Potential New Childhood Brain Cancer Holds Promise Against Treatment-Resistant Tumors
A new study reveals that the experimental drug CT-179 targets OLIG2-positive cancer stem cells, preventing tumor recurrence in medulloblastoma. Preclinical trials show the drug crosses the blood-brain barrier and enhances radiotherapy.

Study Finds No Evidence CAR T-Cell Therapy Causes Secondary Cancers
A study of 783 patients treated with CAR T cell therapy found no evidence that the therapy itself caused secondary cancers. Researchers confirmed that rare cases of cancer were linked to prior treatments like chemotherapy, not CAR T therapy.

Gene Therapy Shows Promise for Rare Bone Disease in Mice
Researchers have developed a gene therapy that may provide a long-term treatment for hypophosphatasia. Unlike current therapies requiring frequent injections, this approach delivers a single dose to restore bone mineralization.

How a Precision Gene-Editing Tool Addresses CRIPSR’s Teething Issues
The innovation, he says, could transform the way scientists measure and address genomic breaks in gene-editing systems.

Weight Loss and Diabetes Drugs: What’s the Latest Research?
Studies have suggested that GLP-1RAs may show promise for a host of conditions, from alcohol use disorder to Parkinson’s. But reports of unpleasant side effects have prompted further studies. This article explores the latest research on these drugs.

Study Paves Way for Off-the-Shelf Cancer CAR T-Cell Therapy
New research could make it possible to use off-the-shelf CAR T cells provided by donors for cancer therapy.

Engineered Cell Lines Reveal the Resilience of the Human Genome
The most complex engineering of human cell lines ever has been achieved by scientists, revealing that our genomes are more resilient to significant structural changes than was previously thought.

Prokaryotic Cells: Definition, Structure and Characteristics
Prokaryotes are unicellular organisms that lack membrane-bound structures. This article details the structure of prokaryotic cells and provides examples of prokaryotic organisms.

How the Maternal X Chromosome Impacts Memory and Aging
A UCSF study reveals that maternal X chromosome expression may accelerate brain aging and cognitive decline. Female mice with silenced paternal X genes showed faster hippocampal aging, but CRISPR reactivation reversed deficits.