Pharmacovigilance – Multimedia
Looking Deeper: Imaging and Analysis of Advanced 3D Cellular Models
By recreating many of the cell-cell and cell-matrix interactions found in native tissues, spheroids and organoids provide more physiologically accurate models of disease and development than traditional 2D cultures.
App Note / Case Study
Applications Using Human Liver Spheroids
Recently, the advantages of PHH liver spheroids use in liver toxicity tests over the traditional 2D monolayer culture of PHHs has been demonstrated by many scientists.
Ketamine, MDMA, DMT and Psilocybin: A Closer Look at Four Psychedelics
Treatments using psychedelics are making waves in psychiatric medicine. In this article, we explore the background, mechanisms of action and therapeutic applications of four leading psychedelic drugs.
App Note / Case Study
Solutions for Pharmaceutical Analysis
Pharmaceutical analysis in drug development mainly focuses on methods to identify and quantify potential new drug candidates. It is imperative that effective, robust methods are used to maintain the safety of the product.
Drug–Target Binding: Recent Research Developments
Being able to accurately predict drug–target interactions (DTIs) and drug–target binding affinity (DTBA) is crucial in early drug development and during drug repurposing endeavors. Here, we look at some recent research developments in this space.
COVID-19: Vaccines, Pregnancy, Menstruation, Breastfeeding and Fertility
What is the guidance for vaccination of women with breastfeeding infants, women who are pregnant or planning to get pregnant and women who are menstruating? What about vaccines and fertility? WHO’s Dr Soumya Swaminathan explains in Science in 5.
How Stem Cells Are Shaping Drug Discovery
Stem cells are increasingly being used in new and innovative ways to improve the drug discovery process – spanning academia, biotech start-ups and large pharmaceutical companies.
Key Developments in Cancer Immunotherapy Over the Last Decade
Download this list to explore current immunotherapeutic strategies, recent regulatory approvals and the future of cancer therapy.
Key Techniques in Cell Therapy Quality Control
Download this list to discover more about some of the latest key techniques in cell therapy quality control.
Why COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects May Feel Worse After the Second Dose
This video explores why COVID-19 vaccines cause short-term side effects, and why these may feel worse after the second dose of the vaccine.