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A man sits working at his computer late at night.

Can You Change Your Sleep Schedule?

Are you an early bird or a night owl? Explore how your circadian system acts as an internal clock to keep your body functioning.
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Weekly Science News Roundup

Your weekly science news roundup is here.
A woman wraps a man's leg with a bandage.

How To Hack Your Brain When You're in Pain

Researcher and physician Amy Baxter unravels the symphony of connections that send pain from your body to your brain, explaining practical neuroscience hacks to quickly block those signals.
Technology Networks - weekly science roundup.

Weekly Science News Roundup

Your weekly science news roundup is here.
Weekly science news roundup video.

Weekly Science News Roundup

Your weekly science news roundup is here.
Close up of a brown eye.

Take a Look Inside a Real Human Eyeball

In this video, Justin from the Institute of Human Anatomy discusses the anatomy of the eye as well as its incredible evolutionary history.
A black woman.

Skin-Lightening Agents – What Users Don’t Know Could Hurt Them

Researchers from Northwestern University have conducted a study to explore skin-lightening habits among skin of color (SOC) individuals in the United States. The study suggests a lack of awareness exists about the potential dangers associated with this practice.
Coarse salt.

What Happens When You Quit Salt?

Should you be on a low-sodium diet? What actually happens to your body and brain when you reduce salt?
A woman looking at herself in the mirror.

We Are Attracted to People Who Look Like Us, Suggests Speed-Dating Study

University of Queensland researchers analyzed speed-daters to understand how we evaluate facial attractiveness. The study – published in Evolution and Human Behavior – found that individuals rated faces similar to their own as more attractive.
A large octopus

Do Octopuses Dream?

When octopuses sleep, strange patterns sometimes flicker across their skin. Now, neuroscientists have been able to peer into the brain of a sleeping octopus for the first time and explore this strange sleep state.