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When Your Eyes Can’t See, but Your Brain Is Still Watching
For some people without vision, information extraction from sound can provide the brain with information in much the same way as light and vision.

Weekly Science News Roundup
Here are our top stories from the last week! Which was your favorite?

What You Need To Know About Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy
We speak to an expert to learn more about mitochondrial replacement therapy.

Weekly Science News Roundup
Here are our top stories from the last week! Which was your favorite?

Do We Only Use 10% of Our Brains?
In this video, Justin from the Institute of Human Anatomy discusses how scientists and medical professionals know with certainty that we use 100% of our brain.

Is MDMA the Solution to PTSD?
What if the treatment for one of the most daunting psychological conditions were a party drug? New research suggests that might be coming.

What Energy Drinks Do to the Body
In this video, Justin from the Institute of Human Anatomy discusses the effects energy drinks have on the body, and specifically the nervous system.

Weekly Science News Roundup
Here are our top stories from the last week! Which was your favorite?

Weekly Science News Roundup
Here are our top 4 stories from the week of the 28th of April! Which was your favorite?

This Week in Science
Check out the Technology Networks news team's selection of their favorite scientific stories from the week.