Accelerate Your NGS Workflows
Last Updated: September 5, 2023
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Published: June 27, 2023
From Bench to Sequencing In Days, With Vendor-Qualified Automated Methods
As relative costs decrease, next generation sequencing (NGS) technologies are increasingly applied in both basic and clinical research. Nevertheless, the preparation of high-quality DNA or RNA libraries can prove costly, laborious and require highly technical expertise.
The development of vendor-qualified, automated library protocols offers a solution to this growing problem by enabling labs to save time, money and valuable resources.
This brief highlights how vendor-qualified, automated library preparation methods can accelerate a variety of NGS workflows.
Download this whitepaper to discover:
- The three levels of automated library preparation readiness
- Vendor-qualified solutions reduce setup time from months to days
- Case studies featuring the high-throughput, rapid application and setup of custom NGS workflows
How VendorQualified
Accelerate NGS
From Bench to
Sequencing in Days
With the cost to sequence genomes declining dramatically,
scientists and researchers are applying next generation
sequencing (NGS) technology to new discoveries and clinical
research applications at a rapidly expanding rate. These
applications are driving the need for sample preparation
workflows that prepare the DNA/RNA libraries prior to
sequencing. This growing appetite for new kits plus the demand
for higher-throughput solutions often mean that start-up to
sequencing can take months. For the laboratory manager
and user, the challenge is not installing and starting to use the
automated sample preparation system, it is the difficult and
time-consuming steps to get the automated methods to create
the proper libraries that are required for sequencing and the
generation of high-quality genomic data.
The development of vendor-qualified, automated library
protocols offers a solution to this growing problem. This
scientific brief examines how vendor-qualified automated
library protocols are shrinking the time laboratories spend
to start sequencing from months to days. It describes how
installing automation with a vendor-qualified method eliminates
much of the on-site application development, field service, and
support work that are required by a custom or unqualified
automated method. It also reviews the three steps of library
readiness – software-protocol, water- and chemistry-tested,
and vendor-qualified – and describes how each one can impact
start-up times.
Key features
• Protocol Developed, Software Coded
Automated Methods
• Fully Vendor-Qualified NGS Libraries
• Understanding the Science of NGS
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
How Vendor-Qualified Automated Methods Accelerate NGS Workflows - From Bench to Sequencing in Days 2
Some automation suppliers are beginning to provide vendorqualified automated library protocols as part of their NGS
sample preparation offerings. For example, one automation
company, Revvity, pioneered this approach and has
developed over 130 of these vendor-qualified automated
library protocols with additional ones continuously in
The Three Levels of Automated Library
Preparation Readiness
When a laboratory is considering the decision and
deployment of automation for an NGS library preparation kit,
it is important to understand the three levels of automation
solution readiness prior to making a decision.
Protocol Developed, Software Coded
The software program installed in the automation system
is the low-level coding that controls all workflow steps and
methods. Some laboratories will buy automation hardware
where the software protocols are already written for the
DNA/RNA kits, but the NGS kit and chemistries are not yet
created or tested.
In this mostly do-it-yourself approach, the automation
hardware will be installed by the vendor, but the laboratory
user must test and refine the software protocol, test the
chemistry, update the protocol, qualify the application,
sequence the samples, and verify the results. NGS sample
preparation protocols are complex and have many different
steps such as shaking, incubation, mixing, and thermocycling.
Ensuring the chemistry works to vendor specifications can be
very time consuming. The testing and qualification processes
can require months of trial-and-error work, particularly
if the automation supplier’s field service technicians do
not understand the science behind NGS kits, have limited
NGS expertise, or do not provide testing support. Sample
preparation and sequencing are expensive processes.
In this scenario the customer must incur these costs and
time if they decide to purchase an automation system with
only the protocol written but must perform the testing and
qualification work themselves.
It is not just the software protocol coding, it is ensuring that
what you have coded has dialed in the chemistry properly
to ensure the libraries meet vendor specifications for
sequencing. You can quickly code the automation’s ability to
move plates around and make liquid transfers but ensuring
that the chemistry works to vendor specifications can be
very time consuming.
Water & Chemistry Tested with Quality-Control (QC) Results
At this level of readiness, the automation vendor has
developed the software protocol and then must perform
water and chemistry testing and QC analysis. Water testing
is performed to make sure the application’s liquid transfer
scheme performs as expected. The vendor should run
at least 7 columns of samples to ensure the automation
achieves the correct calculations for master mix and tip logic.
The vendor also conducts chemistry testing to confirm the
system’s pipetting scheme is accurate and that there are no
complications between plates and the deck layout. Finally,
QC is performed to ensure the NGS libraries are of the
correct yield and size. This is normally done by testing on
instruments such as ThermoFisher Qubit, Revvity LabChip
GX Touch or Agilent TapeStation instruments. The vendor
will begin the testing with a small sample set (3 columns),
conduct quality control, and if correct, continue with fullplate chemistry testing. Even with this more thorough
testing and QC, no sequencing has been performed on the
libraries. Therefore, after automation system installation,
the customer must still prepare and sequence the DNA/RNA
libraries at their site to confirm it meets their quality and
compliance needs. It is not uncommon that sequencing may
show problems that the QC did not, such as duplication rate,
coverage depth and uniformity, or GC bias. If this happens,
the automated protocol will need updates. Therefore, even
with this additional vendor chemistry and QC testing, the
customer may still spend weeks to months tweaking and
further developing the protocol, chemistry, and library
creation to get the correct sequencing results.
Fully Vendor-Qualified NGS Libraries
After performing water and chemistry testing and QC
analysis in their own applications development laboratories,
some automation vendors will send their final prepared
DNA/RNA libraries to the NGS kit supplier who sequences
the libraries and performs analysis to ensure library
quality and all metrics meet their highest compliance
and standards. Once acceptable data is produced, the
sequencing supplier will approve the application as a
vendor-qualified automated library.
How Vendor-Qualified Automated Methods Accelerate NGS Workflows - From Bench to Sequencing in Days 3
At this point, the automation equipment and the automated
library preparation kits are ready to be set up at the
customer’s site. This level of readiness assures the customer
the quickest time from installation to sequencing real samples.
It gives the customer confidence in the sequenced data since
the kit vendor has already qualified the assay performance to
ensure that the automated results are equivalent to their own
prescribed manual performance and results.
In addition, to ensure customers have confidence in their
automation workstations futures, suppliers such as Revvity
continually work with kit vendors to update their automation
methods if the kit vendor releases a new or updated version.
The Benefits of Vendor-Qualified NGS Library
Preparation Assays
The beauty of the vendor-qualified automated library
workflow is its rapid time from set-up to sequencing and
assurance of quality data. The automation vendor already
has invested in the protocol software development, water
and chemistry testing, and QC analysis. Plus, the kit vendor
has run the library samples through sequencing to ensure the
automation data is equivalent to their manually generated
data. All of this development and qualification work is
performed before the automation equipment is installed at
the customer’s laboratory.
The automation vendor’s field applications specialist will
install and test the equipment and protocol and provide user
training on the application. They will ensure the automation is
performing as expected and the user is fully able to operate
the system. Finally, libraries will be created and analyzed for
quality control before being sequenced to show quality data.
Overall, after the equipment is installed, the customer can be
sequencing libraries in as few as 5 days (see figure 1).
If the laboratory’s kit requires some customization, such
as modification of PCR cycles, the software interface on
a vendor-qualified solution should enable simple user
configurations while still meeting kit vendor requirements.
These adjustments should include user variables such as
incubation and fragmentation times and PCR cycles.
The installation and setup of an automated vendor-qualified
DNA/RNA library represent the fastest path from installation
through QC to sequencing. For the laboratory manager, it
• Faster time to revenue operations and asset utilization
• More time spent on production, less on development
• No employee programming knowledge required
• Greater flexibility to react to market conditions and
• Automation that is future proof
• Employees engaged in higher-value work
• Rapid automation of emerging methodologies
Now, laboratory employees can spend more time on
sequencing and minimal time on library preparation, testing,
and qualification.
For the laboratory user, a vendor-qualified automated
method also offers attractive benefits, such as:
• Fastest automation start-up
• Quickest time to deploy additional libraries
• More efficient use of samples
• Access to automated protocols for future kits
Figure 1: Once the equipment is installed, the setup of a vendor-qualified DNA/
RNA library is the fastest path from installation to sequencing and typically
requires about 5 days. (Source: Revvity Field Application Services)
Vendor-Qualified DNA/RNA Library Installation & Setup
DAY 0: Equipment Installation
DAY 1: Software Installation & User Training
DAY 2: Water Testing
DAY 3: Chemistry Testing
DAY 4: QC & Analysis
DAY 5: Sequencing
How Vendor-Qualified Automated Methods Accelerate NGS Workflows - From Bench to Sequencing in Days 4
Case Study: The Trials of Deploying a Custom
Automated NGS Method
An emerging biotech company required an automated,
high-throughput NGS library preparation system with an
integrated, on-deck thermocycler to run a kit they currently
performed manually. The customer purchased automation
with the capability to process two, 96-plate assays. While
the vendor promised they would install the system and get
the assay up and running quickly, initial operation proved
otherwise. The first sample preparation runs did not deliver
the expected throughput, and the DNA library did not provide
acceptable data due to a faulty sample preparation process.
The laboratory conducted a number of trial-and-error
optimization routines over 18 to 24 months until it generated
valid sequencing data. Two years after the installation, the
laboratory only had one method running of the several it
wanted to apply, and it was operating with only a single
96-well plate workflow.
While this is an extreme case, it highlights the difficulty
of deploying an unqualified custom automated method.
On average, it can require about 6 to 9 months to get an
automated custom sample preparation method installed and
sequencing acceptable results.
Case Study: 5 Days to Sequenced Data at a
Large Pharmaceutical Company
A large pharmaceutical company needed rapid start-up of an
NGS sample preparation automated method. Its sequencing
laboratory purchased a high-throughput automation system
and a vendor-qualified DNA library preparation protocol. The
system included the operating software, library preparation
protocols, and all the documentation and workbooks needed
to install and support the solution. The supplier’s service
team set up the automation equipment.
Day 1: The field application specialist imported the
automated protocols and configuration to the automation
system. This work included calibrating the liquid handler
positions to ensure they performed accurately.
Day 2: The field application specialist trained the laboratory’s
NGS team on how to use the software and its user interface.
Day 3: Water testing was conducted with the liquid handler
filling and running the plates with the volumes specified in the
setup guide. The users also ran chemistries on the system to
ensure compliance with kit specifications.
Day 4: The customer executed an initial QC protocol to
confirm the samples met the specified concentrations and
yields and were ready for sequencing.
Day 5: The laboratory started sequencing samples and
generated acceptable data.
Understanding the Science of NGS
While many automation providers are experts at
programming a liquid handler to mimic a manual workflow,
they do not necessarily understand the science of NGS.
Their automation product lines are wide, and NGS is not
their specialty. When purchasing an automated NGS sample
preparation solution, the customer should ensure the vendor
has an applications development group and field applications
team that are knowledgeable about NGS science and how to
automate it.
These valuable resources accelerate the installation and
setup of custom automated methods, can quickly overcome
the challenges of new chemistries, and can adjust sample
preparation methods as vendors develop new kits or
versions. They also can train the lab employees on how to
apply the chemistries as well as operate the automation.
NGS labs are under considerable pressure to accelerate their
times to sequencing, discovery, and revenue. Laboratory
managers need lower costs per sample, higher throughput,
reduced staff training times, and future-proof solutions to
ensure they meet their facility’s goals. Laboratory users
want simple-to-use automation, fast start up times, easier
and more efficient operation, faster changeovers, and better
error recovery. With library prep solutions already proven
with sequencing results, laboratories can make considerable
progress in reducing the time to start up new sequencing
kits and data generation. As NGS laboratories evaluate
new automated sample preparation solutions, focusing
on vendors who have vendor-qualified automated library
How Vendor-Qualified Automated Methods Accelerate NGS Workflows - From Bench to Sequencing in Days 5
protocols can play a key role in meeting their objectives. With
library prep solutions already proven with sequencing results,
laboratories can make considerable progress in reducing the
time to start up new sequencing kits and data generation. As
NGS laboratories evaluate new automated sample preparation
solutions, focusing on vendors who have vendor-qualified
automated library protocols can play a key role in meeting
their objectives.
Today, these automated library protocols cover most NGS kits
and save time and effort during new system installation and
start up as well as when deploying new automated methods
on existing automation systems. In the future, if different NGS
automated methods may be required, it is important to engage
with a supplier who will have those new automated methods
available in a vendor-qualified status.
Buying an NGS sample preparation system should not involve
spending weeks or months of development and testing all
while keeping your fingers crossed the created libraries will
sequence properly. Instead, laboratories should consider
vendor-qualified automated solutions that offer the fastest
times to sequencing with proven qualified results.
Revvity has pioneered the development of vendor-qualified
DNA/RNA libraries and has produced over 130 of these
automated library protocols. Additional ones are continuously
in development. They support nearly all kit vendors and
applications in the NGS sequencing market. To learn more
click here.
How Vendor-Qualified Automated Methods Accelerate NGS Workflows - From Bench to Sequencing in Days 6
Company Product Sciclone® G3
Sciclone® G3
NGSx iQ™
BioQule™ NGS
Revvity NEXTFLEX® Rapid XP V2 DNA-Seq Kit X X X X
Revvity NEXTFLEX® Rapid DNA-Seq Kit 2.0 X X X X
Revvity NEXTFLEX® Cell Free DNA-Seq Kit 2.0 X X X
Revvity PG-Seq® Kit X
10x Genomics® Genomic Preparation X
ArcherDx® Universal DNA Reagent Kit v2 X
CareDx® AlloSeq Tx X
IDT® xGen DNA Library Prep Kit EZ X
Illumina® Nextera® XT DNA Kit X X X
Illumina® TruSeq® DNA PCR-Free Kit X X
Illumina® TruSeq® Nano DNA Kit X
Illumina® Illumina® DNA Prep X X X
Illumina® Illumina® DNA Prep with Enrichment X X
Illumina® DNA PCR-Free Library Prep Tagmentation X X
NEB® NEBNext® Ultra™ II DNA Library Prep for
Illumina® Instruments X X
NEB® NEBNext® Ultra™ DNA Kit X X
NEB® NEBNext® dsDNA Fragmentase™ Kit X
NuGen® Celero DNA-Seq X
NuGen® Ovation® Ultralow DR Multiplex System (1-96) X X
PacBio® 2kb Template Preparation & Sequencing X X X
PacBio® 10kb Template Preparation & Sequencing X X X
PacBio® 20kb Template Preparation Using BluePippin™
Size-Selection System X X
PacBio® Greater than 10kb Template Preparation Using
AMPure® PB Beads X X
PacBio® HiFi SMRTbell® Libraries with SMRTbell Prep
Kit 3.0 X X
PacBio® Multiplexed Microbial Library Prep with
SMRTbell Express Template Prep Kit 2.0 X X
Roche® DNA HyperPrep™ Kit X X X
Roche® DNA HyperPlus™ Kit X X X
Roche® KAPA EvoPlus Kit X
Thermo Fisher® Ion Torrent™ Ion Express® Fragment Library
Prep Kit X X
Thermo Fisher® Ion Express® Plus gDNA Fragment Library
Prep Kit X X
TwinStrand™ Bioscience TwinStrand Duplex Sequencing™: Pre-PCR X
TwinStrand™ Bioscience TwinStrand Duplex Sequencing™: Post-PCR X
Twist® Library Preparation Kit X X
QIAGEN® QIAseq® FX DNA Library Kit X
QIAGEN® QIAseq® Targeted DNA v3 Panel X X
IDT®/Swift® Accel-NGS® 25 Plus DNA Library Kit X
IDT®/Swift® xGen Amplicon Panels X
Fast and Easy Library Prep Methods for Your NGS Workflow - DNA Library Preparation Kits
How Vendor-Qualified Automated Methods Accelerate NGS Workflows - From Bench to Sequencing in Days 7
Company Product Sciclone® G3
Sciclone® G3
NGSx iQ™
Revvity NEXTFLEX® Rapid Directional RNA-Seq Kit with Poly(A) Beads 2.0 X X X
Revvity NEXTFLEX® Combo-Seq™ mRNA/miRNA Kit X X
10x Genomics® Chromium™ Single Cell 3' Library Kit v3 X
Agilent® SureSelect® Strand-Specific RNA Library Prep Kit X
Illumina® RNA Prep with Enrichment (L) Tagmentation X X
Illumina® TruSeq® RNA Access Kit X
Illumina® Stranded mRNA prep X X
Illumina® TruSeq® Stranded mRNA (poly-A selection) Kit X X X
Illumina® TruSeq® Stranded Total RNA™ Kit X X X
Illumina® Stranded Total RNA Prep, Ligation with Ribo-Zero Plus X
Illumina® TruSeq® RNA Library Prep Kit v2 X X X
Illumina®/Epicentre Ribozero™/Scriptseq™ Stranded RNA Kit X
Lexogen® autoSENSE™ mRNA-Seq Library Prep Kit for Illumina® Sequencing X
NEB® NEBNext® Ultra™ RNA Library Prep Kit for Illumina® Sequencing X X
NEB® NEBNext® Ultra™ RNA II Library Prep Kit for Illumina® Sequencing X
NuGen® Ovation® Human Blood RNA-Seq Library Systems X
NuGen® Ovation® Human FFPE RNA-Seq Multiplex System X
NuGen® Ovation® RNA-Seq System v2 X
NuGen® Ovation® Universal RNA-Seq System (strand-specific) X
PacBio® HiFiViral SARS-CoV-2 X
Roche® RNA HyperPrep™ Kit X X X
Roche® RNA HyperPrep™Kit with RiboErase™ X X
Roche® Stranded RNA-Seq Kit X X
Roche® Stranded RNA-Seq Kit with RiboErase™ X X
Roche® Stranded mRNA-Seq Kit X X
Roche® mRNA HyperPrep™ Kit X X
Takara formerly Clontech SMART-Seq® HT Kit
Thermo Fisher® Ion Express™ Plus gDNA Fragment Library Prep Kit X
Thermo Fisher® (Ion Torrent™) Ion Total RNA Kit v2 X
Twist® cDNA Library Preparation Kit for ssRNA Virus Detection X X
Fast and Easy Library Prep Methods for Your NGS Workflow - RNA Library Preparation Kits
How Vendor-Qualified Automated Methods Accelerate NGS Workflows - From Bench to Sequencing in Days 8
Company Product Sciclone® G3
Sciclone® G3
NGSx iQ™
Revvity NEXTFLEX® Small RNA-Seq Kit v3 X X X
Revvity NEXTFLEX® Small RNA-Seq Kv3 Automation Kit with UDIs X X X
Fast and Easy Library Prep Methods for Your NGS Workflow - Small RNA Library Preparation Kits
Company Product Sciclone® G3
Sciclone® G3
NGSx iQ™
Revvity NEXTFLEX® Variant Seq™ SARS-CoV-2 V2 Kit X X X
Agilent® HaloPlex® Kit X
Agilent® HaloPlex® Kit X
Agilent® SureSelect® XT2 Kit X X X
Agilent® SureSelect® XT Kit X X
Agilent® SureSelect® XT HS X X
Agilent® SureSelect® QXT Kit X X
Cergentis® TLA Targeted Locus Amplification Kit X
IDT®/Epicentre xGen Hybridization and Wash Kit X
IDT®/Epicentre xGen Exome Hyb Panel v2 X X
Illumina® COVIDSeq™ Test X X X
Illumina® Nextera® Rapid Capture Kit X X
Illumina® TruSeq® Rapid Exome Kit X
Illumina® TruSeq® Custom Amplicon v1.5 Kit X
Illumina® TruSeq® Custom Amplicon Low Input Kit X X
Illumina® TruSeq® Exome Kit X
Illumina® TruSeq® Focus Panel X
Illumina® TruSeq® Cancer HotSpot Panel v2 X
Illumina® TruSeq® Comprehensive Panel v3 X
Illumina® TruSight® Cancer Kit X
Illumina® TruSight® Enrichment Kit
Illumina® TruSight® Rapid Capture Kit X
Illumina® TruSight® Tumor Kit
Illumina® TruSight® Tumor 15 Kit
NEB® NEBNext® Direct® Cancer HotSpot Panel X
NuGen® Ovation® Target Enrichment System X
Roche® KAPA HyperCap v3 X X
Thermo Fisher® Ion TargetSeq™ Exome Kit
Thermo Fisher® Ion Ampliseq® Panels
Twist® Human Core Exome Kit X X
Twist® Twist® Custom Panels X X
Twist® Fast Hybridization Target Enrichment X X
Fast and Easy Library Prep Methods for Your NGS Workflow - Exome/Target Capture Library Preparation Kits
How Vendor-Qualified Automated Methods Accelerate NGS Workflows - From Bench to Sequencing in Days
For a complete listing of our global offices, visit
Copyright ©2023, Revvity, Inc. All rights reserved. AG042305_09_SB
Revvity, Inc.
940 Winter Street
Waltham, MA 02451 USA
(800) 762-4000
Company Product Sciclone® G3
Sciclone® G3
NGSx iQ™
Revvity NEXTFLEX® Rapid XP DNA-Seq Kit v2 X X X
Revvity NEXTFLEX® 16S V1-V3 Amplicon-Seq Kit X
Revvity NEXTFLEX® 16S V4 Amplicon-Seq Kit 2.0 X
Revvity NEXTFLEX® 18S ITS Amplicon-Seq Kit X X
Revvity NEXTFLEX® Rapid DNA-Seq Kit 2.0 X
Revvity NEXTFLEX® Rapid DNA-Seq Kit X
NuGen® Ovation® Ultralow Methyl-Seq Library System X
Fast and Easy Library Prep Methods for Your NGS Workflow - Metagenomics Library Preparation Kits
Company Product Sciclone® G3
Sciclone® G3
NGSx iQ™
Revvity NEXTFLEX® Poly(A) Bead Selection X X
Revvity Normalization & Pooling Protocol X X
Beckman Coulter® SPRI® Purification Protocol X X
Beckman Coulter® SPRI® Size Selection Protocol X X
NuGen® Encore® Biotin Module X
NuGen® Ovation® FFPE WTA System X
NuGen® Ovation® Pico WTA System v2 X
Thermo Fisher® PicoGreen® Quantitation X X
Thermo Fisher® Qubit® Quantitation X
Thermo Fisher® Quant-iT® Quantitation X
Roche® SYBR® FAST qPCR Kit X
Roche® Library Quant Kit X X
Roche® hgDNA Quantification and QC Protocol X X
Fast and Easy Library Prep Methods for Your NGS Workflow - Supplementary Applications & Protocols
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