Latest App Notes & Case Studies
App Note / Case Study
Device Qualification of the Thermo Scientific Finnpipette Novus Electronic Pipette (IQ/OQ/PQ)
During device qualification, one verifies and documents whether the equipment, in this case a pipette, is reliable and capable of fulfilling the requirements of its intended use. All qualification activities are fully documented according to pertinent quality and regulatory requirements and signed by authorized personnel.
App Note / Case Study
Use of Thermo Scientific Finnpipette Novus Electronic Pipettes for Accurate and Efficient Preparation of Standard Curves
This application note discusses the use of a Thermo Scientific
Finnpipette Novus Electronic Pipette for the preparation of standard
curves. With 10 different functions, the versatile Novus Electronic
pipette can perform most every standard curve required. The pipette’s performance was compared to a manual Thermo Scientific Finnpipette model to determine if there were appreciable differences in pipetting speed and accuracy during curve preparation.
App Note / Case Study
Validated Luminometric DLR™ Reporter Gene Assay with Thermo Scientific Varioskan® Flash
One of the most common luminometric assays is Dual Luciferase® Reporter Assay from Promega corp. This application note shows how this assay is performed with Varioskan Flash multitechnology microplate reader. The note includes the performance of the normal DLR assay and results from some tests showing important aspects of the basic behaviour and performance of the DLR™ chemistry. This paper describes the overall efficiency of the Varioskan Flash in the measurement of DLR assay.
App Note / Case Study
BD Cytometric Bead Array Cell Signaling Flex Set System
The BD™ Cytometric Bead Array (CBA) Cell Signaling Flex Set
system lets you achieve high productivity in cell signaling studies
by extracting more data from less sample faster than traditional
Western blot techniques.
App Note / Case Study
Promega’s ADP-Glo™ Kinase Assay performed on BMG LABTECH’s PHERAstar FS and POLARstar Omega
The PHERAstar FS as well as the POLARstar Omega offer the ability to perform the ADP-Glo™ assay from Promega in a 384-well format. The ADP-Glo™ Kinase Assay is a homogenous luminescent assay to detect ADP in concentrations ranging from 1 mM to 0.01 µM. Instrument settings and standard ATP/ADP curves over a wide concentration range are presented for both the PHERAstar FS and the POLARstar Omega.
App Note / Case Study
RADAR, a Xevo TQ-S function, combined with Low-High pH UPLC Screening for Fast, Simple Bioanalysis Methods Development
Here, we demonstrate the productivity gains possible with Xevo TQ-S for use in bioanalytical methods. Xevo TQ-S employs a unique RADAR functionality to collect data in the time scale of a narrow 1- to 2-second peak.
App Note / Case Study
Monitoring Bacterial Cell-to-Cell Communication “Quorum sensing” Using FLUOstar OPTIMA
Bacteria can monitor and respond to changes to environmental conditions via a cell density process known as quorum sensing. Bacteria use this process to monitor their community by producing, detecting and responding to low molecular mass signal molecules, called autoinducers. Effects on quorum sensing were investigated by measuring growth and bioluminescence of Vibrio fischeri. The FLUOstar OPTIMA was utilized to measure absorbance and luminescence in parallel.
App Note / Case Study
alamarBlue® Assay for Assessment of Cell Proliferation using the FLUOstar OPTIMA
The alamarBlue® cell proliferation assay is based on a reducing environment that indicates metabolic active cells. Active cells are able to convert resazurin into the resorufin. Resazurin is blue and non-fluorescent whereas resorufin is red and highly fluorescent; therefore a fluorescent and a colorimetric detection are possible. This application notes focuses on the quantification of cell proliferation in a Human Osteoblast cell culture by measuring alamarBlue® fluorescence on the FLUOstar OPTIMA microplate reader.
App Note / Case Study
A DELFIA® time-resolved fluorescence cell-mediated cytotoxicity assay performed on the PHERAstar
A europium based time-resolved fluorescence cytotoxicity assay was used to study the loss of membrane integrity of target cells. For that cells are loaded with a fluorescence enhancing ligand that penetrates the cell membrane quickly and is hydrolized to form a hydrophilic ligand that is released from cells only after cytolysis. The data obtained with BMG LABTECH´s PHERAstar shows that estrogen dramatically reduces cell induced by natural killer cells.
App Note / Case Study
Detection of NADH and NADPH with the Omega’s High Speed, Full UV/Vis Absorbance Spectrometer
NAD+, NADH as well as NADP+, NADPH have been known to play vital roles in energy metabolism, antioxidation, and reductive biosynthesis. Changes in these systems can be monitored using absorbance spectroscopy. NADH and NADPH absorb light at 340 nm, whereas NAD+ and NADP+ do not. The FLUOstar, POLARstar and SPECTROstar Omega microplate readers from BMG LABTECH all have a UV/Vis spectrometer that can measure any absorbance range from 220-850 nm.