Adding More Confidence to Sensitive Quantitation in Complex Foods by GC/TQ

Dynamic MRM/Scan Mode: Adding More Confidence to Sensitive Quantitation in Complex Foods by Triple Quadrupole GC/MS (GC/TQ)
Concern about trace-level food contaminants is driving the demand for robust, rapid and reliable methods for identification and quantitation of chemical residues and contaminants in food matrices.
In this app note, the use of novel simultaneous dynamic multiple reaction monitoring (dMRM) and scan (dMRM/scan) data acquisition mode for GC/TQ analysis of pesticides in challenging food matrices is described.
Download this app note to discover how this approach:
- Eliminates the need to reanalyze the sample in each data acquisition mode separately
- Maintains sensitivity and dynamic range comparable to a conventional dMRM analysis
- Enables more confidence in compound identification by library spectrum matching