at R D McDowall Limited
Bob is an analytical chemist with over 50 years’ experience, including 15 years working in the pharmaceutical industry and over 30 years working for the industry as a consultant. Bob has been involved with process redesign, specifying and implementing laboratory informatics solutions for over 40 years and has nearly 35 years’ experience of computerized system validation in regulated GXP environments. Bob is also a trained auditor. He has run training courses on computerized system validation, digitalization, LIMS, instrument qualification, data integrity and auditing since 1988.
London Hospital Medical College
Awards & Certifications
1997 LIMS Award from the LIMS Institute (Pittsburgh, USA)
Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (FRSC) recognised by Royal Society of Chemistry
Chartered Chemist (CChem)
Chartered Scientist (CSci)
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The Museum of Analytical Antiquities

Computer Software Assurance: Perfect Solution or Confidence Trick?

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Data Reporting: Connecting the Islands of Automation

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