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Isabel joined Technology Networks in June 2024 as a Science Writer and Editor after completing her PhD in human physiology from the University of Nottingham. Her research focused on the importance of dietary protein and exercise in maximizing muscle health in advancing age. She also holds a BSc in exercise and sport sciences from the University of Exeter and an MRes in medicine and health from the University of Nottingham.
Identifying and characterizing the multitude of cell types that make up the brain is fundamental to understanding their function in health and disease.
Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) approaches can provide transcriptomic profiles of individual cells isolated from brain tissue. However, the spatial context of these cells is vital to truly understand their function.
Download this infographic to learn more about:
The importance of spatial transcriptomics in research
Differing spatial transcriptomics techniques
Applications of spatial transcriptomics in neuroscience
in Neuroscience
Identifying and characterizing the multitude of cell types that make up the brain is
fundamental to understanding their function in health and disease.
Single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) approaches can provide transcriptomic
profiles of individual cells isolated from brain tissue. However, the spatial context of
these cells is vital to truly understand their function.
This infographic will explore how spatial transcriptomics is being used in
neuroscience and its applications across different neuroscience subdisciplines.
What is spatial transcriptomics?
Spatial transcriptomics involves
using technologies that enable gene
expression data to be analyzed in a
positional context.
Spatial transcriptomics holds
unmatched capabilities for linking
single-cell transcriptomic profile
with connectional, morphological,
physiological and functional properties
while providing cellular locations within
Spatially resolved transcriptomics was
the tissue.
Nature’s “Method of the Year” in 2020
Spatial transcriptomics techniques
Spatial transcriptomic technologies vary in complexity, throughput and resolution.
There are generally two main categories of methods:
1. Imaging based-methods
In situ hybridization (ISH)
In situ sequencing (ISS)
rRNA molecules are visualized in situ, rather
mRNA is sequenced directly in a section
than being extracted from cells. Labeled
of fixed tissue or cell, preserving its
probes (complimentary RNA sequences)
morphology. This method was originally
are hybridized to transcripts of interest
based on padlock probes targeting known
within the sample which can be visualized.
RNA sequences. Method variations have
now been developed, including using
Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) is
fluorescent probes and barcode-based
one commonly used method.
erse transcriptio
Reverse transcription
Fluorescence microscopy
Lysis RNA extraction
The spatial resolution of
current methods can
vary from subcellular to
regional level with there
often a trade-off between
resolution and throughput.
Method complexity makes
data and protocol sharing
more difficult.
A range of complexities
emerge when integrating
spatially resolved omics
data due to technical
concerns during sample
collection such as
tissue gaps, distortions
introduced during
sectioning and tears.
These technical limitations
pose challenges for spatial
transcriptomics data
generation, processing,
analysis and interpretation.
Reverse transcription Hybridization Amplification Sequencing
1. Improving
resolution without
2. A diverse range
of methodologies
3. Harmonizing
spatially resolved
data across omics
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Fixation Hybridization
luorescence microscopy
Lysis RNA extraction
The spatial resolution of
current methods can
vary from subcellular to
regional level with there
often a trade-off between
resolution and throughput.
Method complexity makes
data and protocol sharing
more difficult.
A range of complexities
emerge when integrating
spatially resolved omics
data due to technical
concerns during sample
collection such as
tissue gaps, distortions
introduced during
sectioning and tears.
These technical limitations
pose challenges for spatial
transcriptomics data
generation, processing,
analysis and interpretation.
Reverse transcription Hybridization Amplification Sequencing
1. Improving
resolution without
2. A diverse range
of methodologies
3. Harmonizing
spatially resolved
data across omics
Sponsored by
Fixation Hybridization
Lysis RNA extraction
The spatial resolution of
current methods can
vary from subcellular to
regional level with there
often a trade-off between
resolution and throughput.
Method complexity makes
data and protocol sharing
more difficult.
A range of complexities
emerge when integrating
spatially resolved omics
data due to technical
concerns during sample
collection such as
tissue gaps, distortions
introduced during
sectioning and tears.
These technical limitations
pose challenges for spatial
transcriptomics data
generation, processing,
analysis and interpretation.
Reverse transcription Hybridization Amplification Sequencing
1. Improving
resolution without
2. A diverse range
of methodologies
3. Harmonizing
spatially resolved
data across omics
Sponsored by
Fixation Hybridization
2. Sequencing-based methods
In situ capture
Regions of interest are isolated from a
Involves capturing and barcoding
sample, placed in individual test tubes and
transcripts within the tissue. Sequencing is
the RNA is extracted and sequenced.
then performed outside the tissue.
Spatial ID
RNA extraction
The spatial resolution of
current methods can
vary from subcellular to
regional level with there
often a trade-off between
resolution and throughput.
Method complexity makes
data and protocol sharing
more difficult.
A range of complexities
emerge when integrating
spatially resolved omics
data due to technical
concerns during sample
collection such as
tissue gaps, distortions
introduced during
sectioning and tears.
These technical limitations
pose challenges for spatial
transcriptomics data
generation, processing,
analysis and interpretation.
Reverse transcription Hybridization Amplification Sequencing
1. Improving
resolution without
2. A diverse range
of methodologies
3. Harmonizing
spatially resolved
data across omics
Sponsored by
Fixation Hybridization
RNA extraction
NA extraction
The spatial resolution of
current methods can
vary from subcellular to
regional level with there
often a trade-off between
resolution and throughput.
Method complexity makes
data and protocol sharing
more difficult.
A range of complexities
emerge when integrating
spatially resolved omics
data due to technical
concerns during sample
collection such as
tissue gaps, distortions
introduced during
sectioning and tears.
These technical limitations
pose challenges for spatial
transcriptomics data
generation, processing,
analysis and interpretation.
Reverse transcription Hybridization Amplification Sequencing
1. Improving
resolution without
2. A diverse range
of methodologies
3. Harmonizing
spatially resolved
data across omics
Sponsored by
Fixation Hybridization
RNA extraction
Applications of spatial
transcriptomics in neuroscience
One major challenge within neuroscience is systematically understanding the
extraordinary diversity of brain cell types and how they contribute to brain function.
Below are some areas of neuroscience that have been explored using spatial
transcriptomics techniques:
Mapping the mammalian primary motor cortex
As part of the Brain Research through
Advancing Innovative Neurotechnologies
(BRAIN) Initiative - Cell Census
Network (BICCN), neuroscientists have
generated a comprehensive multimodal
cell census and atlas of the mammalian
primary motor cortex.
Zhang et al. used MERFISH to generate a
molecularly defined and spatially resolved
cell atlas of the mouse primary motor
They profiled ~300,000 cells in the
What is the primary motor cortex?
mouse primary motor cortex and its
The primary motor cortex is the region
adjacent areas, identifying 95 neuronal
of the cerebral cortex involved in the
and non-neuronal cell clusters. The
planning, control and execution of
data revealed a complex spatial map in
voluntary movements.
which excitatory and inhibitory neuronal
clusters adopted laminar organizations.
Notably, intratelencephalic neurons, the largest branch of neurons in the primary motor cortex,
formed a large continuous gradient along the cortical depth axis, in which the gene expression
of individual cells correlated with their cortical depths.
Brain cell type identification
Neuronal cells are the most basic structural and functional units of the nervous system.
Zeisel et al. examined the mouse nervous system to understand the diversity of neuronal cell types
using RNA sequencing data from 500,000 single cells and mapped cell types spatially. The authors
identified seven distinct, regionally restricted astrocyte types that obeyed developmental boundaries
and correlated with the spatial distribution of key glutamate and glycine neurotransmitters.
Mapping different disease states
Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a common and irreversible
neurodegenerative disease characterized by extensive
synaptic loss.
Sadick et al. used single-nuclei RNA sequencing (snRNA
to characterize astrocytes and oligodendrocytes from
apolipoprotein human AD and age- and genotype-matched
non-symptomatic brains. Spatial transcriptomics techniques
were used to localize heterogeneous astrocyte subtypes
to specific regions of brain tissue across samples. Results
revealed that astrocytes and oligodendrocytes have altered
and heterogeneous transcriptomes in AD, in addition to
astrocyte inflammation responses mimicking some AD
gene expression changes.
Spatial transcriptomics may also provide insights into malignant primary and secondary brain
tumors through understanding the complex cell types within the tumor microenvironment and
how they interact with each other.
Sleep deprivation
Sleep deprivation has far-reaching consequences on the brain and behavior, impacting memory,
attention and metabolism.
Vanrobaeys et al. used spatial transcriptomics techniques to define the impact of a brief period of
sleep deprivation across the brain in male mice. Sleep deprivation induced pronounced differences
in gene expression across the brain, with the greatest changes in the hippocampus, neocortex,
hypothalamus and thalamus. Both the differentially expressed genes and the direction of regulation
differed markedly across regions.
Applications of spatial
transcriptomics in neuroscience
Despite the explosion of technological innovation in spatial transcriptomics in recent
years, some of the technical limitations of current approaches remain:
1. Improving
3. Harmonizing
resolution without
2. A diverse range
spatially resolved
of methodologies
data across omics
The spatial resolution of
Method complexity makes
A range of complexities
current methods can
data and protocol sharing
emerge when integrating
vary from subcellular to
more difficult
spatially resolved omics
regional level with there
data due to technical
often a trade-off between
concerns during sample
resolution and throughput.
collection such as
tissue gaps, distortions
introduced during
sectioning and tears.
These technical limitations
pose challenges for spatial
transcriptomics data
generation, processing,
analysis and interpretation.
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