Trending News
Triggers for Programmed Cell Death Revealed in Multi-Disciplinary Study
By combining and developing various microscopic and spectroscopic techniques, researchers have revealed triggers of programmed cell death.
Nanopore Ion Source Overcomes a Longstanding Logjam in Protein Science
A new method for transferring the ions that mass spectrometers analyze can dramatically reduce sample loss so nearly all of it remains intact.
New Mass Spectrometry Technology Could Transform Tiny Sample Analysis
Researchers have developed a nanopore ion source that significantly reduces sample loss in mass spectrometry. Unlike traditional methods, this technique transfers ions directly into the mass spectrometer.
Using the “Ice Bucket Challenge” Researchers Discover How Bacteria Anticipate the Seasons
Bacteria use their internal 24-hour clocks to anticipate the arrival of new seasons, according to research carried out with the assistance of an "ice bucket challenge".
Blood Protein Profiles Linked to Severe Periodontitis
Researchers have identified altered blood protein levels in individuals with severe periodontitis, including reduced EGF and OLR-1 proteins. These findings offer potential biomarkers for predicting and treating the disease.
Protein Study Pinpoints How Cellular Adhesion Can Be Flexible Yet Stable
Research teams are analyzing how proteins work together to enable our cells to both stick and move. The marker protein paxillin is at the center of their interest.
Arthritis Drug Has the Potential To Halt Lingering COVID-19 Lung Problems
Research suggests that arthritis drugs such as baricitinib and anakinra might effectively treat post-COVID lung fibrosis. Researchers have found that these existing drugs could help heal damaged lungs.
Fungal Mold Uses a Surface Protein To Weaken the Human Immune System
The mold Aspergillus fumigatus produces an enzyme on the surface of its spores with which it can attenuate the human immune response. This makes it easier for for the fungus to colonize human tissue with severe courses of infection.
Blood Biomarker May Help Early Detection of Alzheimer's Disease
A new blood biomarker – potassium isotopes – offers a unique and promising avenue for diagnosing Alzheimer's disease earlier.
Endometriosis Map Shows How Hormones Impact the Condition
A new study has created the most detailed human endometrial map, revealing unique cell types and interactions throughout the menstrual cycle. This atlas could advance understanding of endometriosis and hormone-related conditions.