Power3 Makes Extensive Medical Research Available to Industry Partners

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Power3 Medical Products, Inc. has said that it is making its medical research database available to industry partners.
The database - 2,000 patient samples from the last five years used to identify 500 protein biomarkers - represents the platform for Power3's patent-pending proteomic testing and biomarker discovery methods for early detection, monitoring and staging of a broad range of diseases, including breast cancer, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease), and other neurodegenerative diseases.
"The database offers a broad spectrum of patient samples from our proteomic research," said Silvia Quintero of Power3's scientific team.
"Specimens include human cells, serum, plasma, bone marrow, tissue, biopsies, and breast ductal fluid, backed by strong clinical documentation."
"This 'living' database is the foundation for our identification of 500 protein biomarkers, and continues to expand through Power3's strategic partnerships and world-wide collaborations."
Steven B. Rash, CEO of Power3, said the "ultimate goal of this sample collection is to commercially validate our proteomic science."
"We believe the entire medical and scientific community must address key global clinical needs in diagnostics and drug targeting."
"At Power3, we are positioning our products to capture clinical and public awareness and a significant portion of the early detection screening market."
"Power3 believes on concentrating on the patient with the disease rather than pure scientific outcome," he said.
"Our biomarkers show promise for early detection and identification of disease....and with earlier detection should come earlier and more effective treatment."
Over recent weeks, Power 3 has announced what Mr. Rash called "significant progress" in its work using biomarkers for the early detection of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases.