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SWATH® Acquisition

SWATH® Acquisition

SWATH Acquisition on a SCIEX TripleTOF® system has rapidly become one of the premier mass spec acquisition strategies for identification and quantitation of analytes in complex samples. No other technique can do what SWATH can do. SWATH is the only data independent acquisition (DIA) technique that allows comprehensive detection and quantitation of virtually every detectable compound in a sample (MS/MSALL). This provides confidence in your quantitative results and virtually eliminates the risk of missing a critical component. SWATH Acquisition can only be achieved through the power and speed of SCIEX TripleTOF® and QTOF technology. If it’s not SCIEX, it’s not SWATH.

SCIEX helps to improve the world we live in by enabling scientists and laboratory analysts to find answers to the complex analytical challenges they face. The company's global leadership and world-class service and support in the capillary electrophoresis and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry industry have made it a trusted partner to thousands of the scientists and lab analysts worldwide who are focused on basic research, drug discovery and development, food and environmental testing, forensics and clinical research.
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