Infrared Spectroscopy – Products

Product News
Thermo Fisher Scientific Enables Mixture Analysis with Nicolet iN10 MX FT-IR Imaging Microscope
The microscope is designed to enable analysts to determine the identity and distribution of chemical species within complex structures on a microscopic scale.

Product News
Bio-Rad Releases Software to Assist in Polymer Infrared Spectral Interpretation
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. has announced the addition of AnalyzeIt™ Polymer IR to its KnowItAll® Informatics System.

Product News
NETZSCH Announces Flexibility in Thermal Analysis with new NETZSCH STA 449 F1 Jupiter®
Quantitative determinations regarding thermal stability, decomposition behavior, composition, phase transitions and specific heat are included in the capabilities of the new STA.

Product News
Setaram Launches TGA, STA and TGA-DSC
According to Company, its new high temperature TGA, STA and TG-DSC system can operates up to 1600°C.

Product News
Molecular Biometrics to Demonstrate Biospectroscopy-Based Metabolomics Technology for IVF at ESHRE Annual Meeting
Researchers will report progress using metabolomic profiling of biomarkers as assisted reproductive procedure in assessing embryo viability for in vitro fertilization.

Product News
PerkinElmer Introduces Spectrum™ 400 Infrared Spectrometer for FT-IR and FT-NIR Measurement Capabilities
The Spectrum™ 400 can provide optimized FT-IR and FT-NIR spectroscopy, microscopy and chemical imaging with push-button in a single, research-grade instrument.

Product News
Bruker Optics Expands its FT-IR Product Line with New Spectrometers
Bruker Optics introduces several new FT-IR spectrometers including ALPHA, MATRIX™-MF, VERTEX™ and IFS 125/M spectrometers at Pittcon 2007.

Product News
Jasco Publishes Irtonµ Microscope Brochure
The brochure highlights the features and benefits of the microscopes’ compact design, convenience, and use.

Product News
AUTOSTRUCTURE™ Software for Automated X-Ray Structure Determination
a program suite for fully automatic determination of 3D crystal structures of organic, mineralogical and inorganic molecules from X-ray data.