Light Microscopy – Products

Product News
Deepcell Launches AI-Powered Single Cell Analysis Platform
Deepcell has announced the launch of the REM-I Platform, a high-dimensional cell morphology analysis and sorting platform which comprises the REM-I benchtop instrument, Human Foundation Model and Axon data suite.

Product News
CrestOptics Launches CICERO System To Provide All-in-One Solution for Widefield and Spinning Disk Confocal Microscopy
CrestOptics S.p.A. has announced the launch of its new spinning disk confocal microscope system, CICERO.

Vutara VXL Super-Resolution Microscope
The Vutara VXL workstation incorporates Bruker’s single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM) technology in a streamlined system to enable advanced spatial biology research. When combined with Bruker’s fluidics unit, it enables multiplexed imaging for targeted, sub-micrometer multiomics.

Product News
Abberior Installs State-of-the-Art STED Microscope at MBC BioLabs
Abberior has announced that they have placed a super-resolution STED microscope at MBC BioLabs.

Product News
Leica Microsystems and Cell Signaling Technology Announce Partnership on Antibody Validation
Leica Microsystems and Cell Signaling Technology (CST) have announced a partnership to validate CST antibodies on the Cell DIVE multiplexed imaging solution.

Product News
CrestOptics’ DeepSIM Super Resolution Confocal Microscope Module Named as a Top 10 Best Microscopy Innovation of 2022
CrestOptics S.p.A. has been recognized as developing one of the ten best microscopy innovations in the 2022 Microscopy Today Innovation Awards.

App Note / Case Study
Accurately Analyze Fluorescent Widefield Images
The specificity of fluorescence microscopy allows researchers to accurately observe and analyze biological processes and structures quickly and easily, even when using thick or large samples. However, out-of-focus fluorescence increases background, reduces contrast and makes accurate image segmentation more challenging.

App Note / Case Study
Imaging Organoids With Light-Sheet Fluorescence Microscopy
Studying tissue and organ biology is challenging, particularly in mammals, given sample accessibility and ethical concerns. However, the use of organoids alleviates these challenges, supporting researchers in exploring questions that previously could not have been investigated without them.

TrueLive3D Imager Light-Sheet Microscope
Optimized for fast 3D multi-sample volume imaging of delicate live specimen in their native 3D environment, the TruLive3D Imager is especially suited for multi-position imaging of small embryos (e.g., mouse), 3D spheroids, organoids, oocytes and more, enabling time-lapse, high-throughput imaging experiments.

Product News
Sartorius Unveils LIVECell, a Deep-Learning Dataset for Label-Free, Quantitative Cell Segmentation
Sartorius has announced the publication of an article in Nature Methods describing the company’s LIVECell (Label-free In Vitro image Examples of Cells) deep-learning dataset for label-free, quantitative segmentation of live cell images.