Light Microscopy – Products

Product News
Leveraging ZEISS Airyscan to Integrate subcellular and Structural Detail with Inscopix Functional Neural Network Data
Expanding freely behaving microscopy by delivering increased resolution, signal-to-noise and optical sectioning through data correlation.

iMScope Trio, transforms your data from just "Observation" to "Analysis"

Product News
Fluorescence Imaging Technique Goes from Micro to Macro, Moves Closer to Clinic
FLIM used to analyze whole mouse tumor with cellular resolution.

Product News
Breakthrough 3D Live Cell Imaging Technology Changes the Future of Stem Cell Research
A Swiss company, Nanolive, developed a new revolutionary microscope, the 3D Cell Explorer, that for the first time allows scientists to image living stem cells over long time periods (days), at unmatched contrast and resolution. Last but not least, it’s 3D.

Product News
New 2D Superresolution Mode for ZEISS Airyscan Delivers 120 nanometer Lateral Resolution
Improved optical sectioning delivers higher resolution without the need to acquire a z-stack.

Product News
GE Launches DeltaVision™ Ultra Microscopy System for Imaging and Analysis of Cell Biology in One Integrated Platform
DeltaVision Ultra is the seventh-generation automated deconvolution microscope from GE Healthcare that delivers quality images and robust data analysis with minimal training.

Product News
New 2D Superresolution Mode for ZEISS Airyscan Delivers 120 Nanometer Lateral Resolution
Improved optical sectioning delivers higher resolution without the need to acquire a z-stack.

Invitrogen EVOS FL Auto 2 Cell Imaging System
Cancer Research

Invitrogen EVOS FL Auto 2 Cell Imaging System
Cell Science

Product News
Krystal Microplate Develops Drug Testing Assay for Plasmodium vivax
Porvair Sciences confirms that the National Center for Biological Sciences is using its Krystal 384 black microplate to standardize drug testing assay for Plasmodium vivax infection.