Neurogenomics – News and Features

Mapping DNA Modification in the Developing Human Brain
Researchers have created a map of DNA modification in two regions of the brain critical to learning, memory and emotional regulation. The map offers a benchmark for ensuring stem cell-based models accurately replicate human brain development.

Alcohol Exposure Affects Epigenetic Regulation in the Placenta
Researchers discovered that alcohol exposure prior to embryo implantation leads to significant molecular changes in the placenta, including altered gene expression and DNA methylation.

You Have Your Mother's Energy
Researchers shed light on why only maternal DNA is inherited inside the mitochondria and why if paternal mitochondria slips into a developing embryo, it can lead to lasting neurological, behavioral and reproductive problems in adults.

Inflammation in Depression Associated With Altered Immune Genes
A collaborative study between UK and Italian researchers investigates the biological mechanisms of major depressive disorder (MDD), focusing on the immune system's involvement. The research highlights gene expression profiles linked to inflammation.

Key Mutation in Many Cancers Decoded
Researchers at the University of Chicago found that the TET2 gene affects RNA modifications, influencing how DNA is packaged in cells. TET2 mutations may lead to cancer by disrupting this process, suggesting new targets for therapies.

Genetic Variants Trigger an Inflammatory Response, Increasing Alzheimer's Risk in Females
In a preclinical model, researchers have discovered that two genetic variants that confer a high risk of AD together trigger a harmful inflammatory response in the brain's immune cells, particularly in females.

Stem Cell Map Reveals Insights Into Human Individuality
Researchers at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine have mapped variation in human stem cells that explains how cells of an individual may shape a unique “developmental dance”.

Male and Female Mouse Brains Process Threats Differently
Research reveals significant differences in threat processing between male and female mice, despite similar behavioral responses. The study emphasizes the importance of including both sexes in neuroscience research.

Decoding Living Systems One Cell at a Time
Single-cell analysis offers a unique perspective of the genetic and molecular features of individual cells. In this article, two early adopters of single-cell analysis technologies highlight some of the latest advances and new applications.

Mapping Development and Disease With Spatial Biology Technologies
This article examines how next-generation sequencing and state-of-the-art imaging technologies are being combined to characterize and map the spatial organization of cell types in tissues.