Neuroimaging – Products

Product News
PANalytical Launches Empyrean Nano Edition
PANalytical launches a goniometer-based X-ray scattering platform for advanced SAXS/WAXS experiments.

Product News
PET imaging for tau visualization in the brain
Tau is an excellent biomarker and a major pharmaceutic target for Alzheimer’s disease (AD) given its contribution to neurodegeneration.

Product News
Tews Laboratory Uses LaVision BioTec UltraMicroscope
Company has announced that the Tews Laboratory uses an UltraMicroscope for research into the molecular mechanisms of tumor invasion and enhanced imaging of cells.

Product News
Shimadzu Introduces Its LABNIRS functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy System in the United State
Company has announced the release of LABNIRS fNIRS system for brain imaging research.

Product News
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center uses a Renishaw inVia Confocal Raman Microscope
Company has announced that the memorial sloan kettering cancer center uses an inVia to support the development of novel nanoprobes for molecular imaging, image-guided therapy and theranostics.

Product News
ATLAS Neurophysiology System
ATLAS Neurophysiology System
One Integrated, High Performance Acquisition System for
Human Single Unit Recording for Epilepsy Research & DBS Recording.

Product News
Cheetah 5.7 Software – Now Available for Beta testing!
Developed over the past 15 years for Single Unit Action Potential and LFP research experiments, Cheetah Software provides researchers with the ultimate, high performance electrophysiology recording and experiment control software available for neural signal processing, display, recording and network data distribution for customized, online experiment analysis and control.

Product News
Shimadzu Introduces its LABNIRS fNIRS System
Company will introduced LABNIRS at the annual meeting of the Society for Neuroscience in U.S.

Product News
Head-mounted solution for wireless EEG monitoring
The rodentPACK2 transmits data via radiotelemetry, offering a well-tolerated alternative to tethered EEG.

Product News
Bruker Introduces Four Next-Generation Preclinical Imaging Systems at WMIC 2015
New PET/CT and PET/MRI systems change performance paradigm.