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NMR Spectroscopy – News and Features

Archeological dig of boron monoxide with brushes labeled as different analytical methods.

Elusive Boron Monoxide Structure Finally Determined After 83 Years

Using new NMR methods and previously unavailable analytical tools, a team of researchers has finally solved the structure of boron monoxide.
Close up of a giant African snail sat of a rock.

Heparin Crisis: Problems Solved and Solutions Found

Scientists have discovered an alternative, novel source of the important anticoagulant heparin, extracted from the mucus of the giant African snail.
Radioactivity symbol lit up of a black background with sparks coming from it's surface.

Rare Isotope Chemical Information Harvested From a Fraction of Material Previously Needed

A new approach has been developed to harvest detailed chemical information on radioactive and/or enriched stable isotopes. The approach is much more efficient, requiring 1,000 times less material than previous methods, with no loss of data quality.
A close up of a microscope.

Ultrasensitive NMR Device Could Improve Protein Studies

A new way of machining microscale rotors from diamond crystal can enable ultrasensitive NMR devices for probing proteins and other materials.
A small magpie moth.

Newly Discovered Protein Domain Regulates Collagen Transport

Researchers have characterized and named the protein domain that is responsible for the recognition of collagen for the first time.
A cell that is about to rupture due to programmed cell death.

How Do Our Cells Kill Themselves?

Every day, millions of cells die in our body. Other than generally assumed, cells do not simply burst at the end of their lives but rather, a specific protein serves as a breaking point for cell membrane rupture.
A picture of a sunrise.

Key Event Controls the Timing of Our Biological Clock

Molecular clocks in our cells synchronize our bodies with the cycle of night and day, cue us for sleep and waking, and drive daily cycles in virtually every aspect of our physiology. Scientists studying the molecular mechanisms of our biological clocks have now identified a key event that controls the timing of the clock.
A snow globe showing a city surrounded by microplastics.

Microplastics: The Snowflakes of the Plastic World

Science writer Kerry Taylor-Smith takes a deep dive into the persistent problem of microplastics.
Bacterial cells.

The First Multicellular Organism Likely Evolved Through Chemical Signaling

The earliest animal likely used chemical signaling to evolve from a single cell to a multicellular organism.
Four different tablet types sit on or around a white puzzle piece.

Fragment-Based Drug Discovery Enters the Mainstream

This article will discuss the principles of fragment-based drug discovery and will highlight some examples of recent successes in this area.