PCR – Products
Product News
Quick and Easy Kit for Isolating gDNA From FFPE Tissue
The new MagSi-DNA FFPE kit from AMSBIO enables quick and easy isolation of genomic DNA from mammalian formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue or cell samples.
Product News
Bio-Rad Showcases Compatibility of SEQuoia™ RNA Library Preparation Kits With New Innovative Sequencers
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. has developed partnerships with innovative next-generation sequencing instrument providers and announces compatibility of the SEQuoia RNA Sequencing Library Preparation portfolio on new state-of-the-art sequencers.
Product News
Bio-Rad’s CFX Opus Deepwell Dx Real-Time PCR System Advances Large Reaction Volume IVD Assay Development
Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc. has announced the launch of the CFX Opus Deepwell Dx Real-Time PCR System, a real-time PCR system listed with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration for in vitro diagnostic testing.
Product News
New Eppendorf Conical Tubes 25 mL Variants for Even Better Sample Recovery
Eppendorf’s last tube innovation – the conical tube format 25 mL – comes with new versions: Amber, Protein LoBind® and DNA LoBind®.
App Note / Case Study
Automated Parallel Capillary Electrophoresis for Purity Analysis of ssDNA and RNA Oligonucleotides
As oligonucleotides (oligos) are synthesized, small amounts of impurities can be introduced at each step, and different synthesis methods and purification efficiencies can impact the quality of the sample.
App Note / Case Study
Improving qPCR Reliability With Automated RNA Normalization and Plate Setup
Quantitative real time PCR, often coupled with reverse transcription (RT-qPCR), is a powerful technique for detecting differences in the copy number of nucleic acids and can be used for analysis of gene expression.
App Note / Case Study
Ensuring Quality Control of IVT RNA Workflows
This tech note highlights technology that switches easily between DNA and RNA analysis to ensure quick and reliable quality checks and precise sizing of DNA and IVT RNA products.
PIPETMAX® Automated Pipetting System
PIPETMAX® is an automated pipetting solution for the efficient processing of high-throughput biological assays. It helps you improve accuracy, reproducibility, and consistency among your samples. Unlike traditional automation platforms, it comes in a benchtop size that easily fits into any lab.
Making the Switch to In-House Mycoplasma Testing
Many regulatory guidelines state that cell banks and cultures used in the production of biologics must be tested for mycoplasma. Mycoplasma infections can cause severe problems in manufacturing as these organisms can alter DNA, RNA and modify host cell plasma membrane antigens.
Product News
New dPCR Liquid Biopsy Assays for QuantStudio Absolute Q dPCR System and Custom Design Tool Simplify Cancer Research
Thermo Fisher Scientific has introduced over 50 new Absolute Q Liquid Biopsy Assays to run on the Applied Biosystems QuantStudio Absolute Q dPCR System.