PFAS – Products

Product News
Rezin: An Exceptionally Clean Resin for SVOC Analysis
Restek’s new Rezin certified clean SDVB resin is an exceptionally clean SDVB resin for semivolatile organic compound (SVOC) sampling.

GC-MS Solutions Enhancing Food and Environmental Testing
This compendium offers a collection of application notes highlighting state-of-the-art GC-MS methods that can provide unmatched accuracy, sustainability and productivity for your lab.

Advanced Technologies for Streamlining Water Testing
This article highlights the strategies and technologies transforming water analysis, from automation to cutting-edge spectroscopy.

Product News
Efficient PFAS-Free Degassing of Aqueous Solutions
Biotech Fluidics has introduced the DEGASi® life science degassing chamber that provides efficient degasification of aqueous liquids at flow rates up to 20 ml/min.

Testing London’s Water for PFAS
This article delves into current efforts to monitor PFAS in London’s water, highlighting early findings, testing challenges and international regulatory differences.

Innovative Approaches for PFAS Detection
This article provides an in-depth exploration of innovative detection techniques and the challenges faced in accurately quantifying PFAS in various samples.

SCIEX 7500+ system
Residue analysis in food matrices is challenged by the presence of interfering co-extractables which can result in instrument contamination and system downtime. Experience the robustness of the SCIEX 7500+ system to help mitigate these challenges

Robust Quantification of PFAS in Food
This compendium of technical notes and webinars highlights how to achieve robust PFAS analysis with a next-generation system.

The Agilent 6475 Triple Quadrupole LC/MS System: Speed, Sensitivity and Efficiency for Pesticide Testing
The Agilent 6475 triple quadrupole LC/MS is the latest evolution of the reliable LC/MS/MS workhorse customers trust the most. Through advanced hardware coupled with easy to use onboard instrument intelligence, required limits of detection for the analysis of pesticides can be achieved day in and day out.

Captiva EMR PFAS Food Cartridges: Superior PFAS Analysis Simplified
Captiva EMR PFAS Food I and II cartridges are designed to facilitate easy and efficient matrix removal, while ensuring robust PFAS recoveries to meet the requirements of low-level reporting for different food matrices.