Screening Strategies in Drug Discovery – News and Features

Improving Efficiency in Drug Discovery and Development
This article explores methods to enhance efficiency in the drug discovery and development pipeline, focusing on optimizing processes and exploring innovations that could streamline the path from research to approval.

Evaluating Thousands of Compounds On Cellular Metabolism
Researchers can test the effects of more than 1,500 compounds on cell metabolism in parallel. Their analysis also led to the discovery of previously unknown mechanisms for known drugs.

The Impact of Functional Genomics in Drug Discovery
Functional genomics can help deconvolute the link between genotype and phenotype in disease, revealing new drug targets and progressing understanding of existing drugs.

How Broadly Neutralizing Antibodies Are Driving Next-Gen Vaccines
This article explores how broadly neutralizing antibodies are being researched, not only for their potential in the prevention of HIV, but also for other rapidly mutating viruses such as influenza and SARS-CoV-2.

How Is AI Accelerating the Discovery of New Materials?
With the advent of machine learning and artificial intelligence, materials science could be poised to take its next big leap in efficiency since the introduction of computational chemistry.

How Is AI Being Used in Drug Discovery?
This article provides examples of how AI is helping to shape drug discovery, from drug design through to clinical trials.

Prediction of Liver Toxicity Revolutionized in Largest 3D In Vitro Benchmarking Study
The use of human liver microtissues (hLiMTs) cultured in a 384-well microplate system was explored as a predictive model for assessing drug-induced liver injury (DILI) with promising results.

Industry Insight
Research Partnership Aims To Advance Fragment-Based Cancer Drug Discovery
Cancer Research Horizons and Diamond Light Source aim to strengthen their partnership, combining their expertise and resources to bring new cancer treatments to patients.

Cancer Cells’ “Eating” Ability Could Inform Treatment
Scientists discovered how cancer cells migrate by digesting the surrounding tissue matrix, enabling them to spread. A molecule called a2b1 integrin was identified as a key driver of this process. Blocking a2b1 integrin reduced cancer cell migration.

Virtual Drug Screening Identifies Candidates for Cancer Immunotherapy
Researchers at Weill Cornell used virtual screening to find small molecules targeting cancer checkpoints, showing promise as alternatives to monoclonal antibody treatments. The study identified compounds MG-T-19 and MG-V-53.