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Quantitative Top-Down Proteomics & Its Impact on Clinical Research/Basic Biology  content piece image

Quantitative Top-Down Proteomics & Its Impact on Clinical Research/Basic Biology

Advanced Cell Culture Systems content piece image

Advanced Cell Culture Systems

Choosing & Using Fragments in the Generation of Selective Kinase Inhibitors content piece image

Choosing & Using Fragments in the Generation of Selective Kinase Inhibitors

Detection and Characterization of Nanoparticles in Food and Biological Materials content piece image

Detection and Characterization of Nanoparticles in Food and Biological Materials

With the increasing use of nanotechnology in food and consumer products, there is a need for reliable detection and characterization methods for nanoparticles (NPs) in complex matrices. NPs often interact with each other or with their surroundings leading to aggregation, adhesion to surfaces or dissolution in dispersion solvents. Accurate and precise characterization of metrics such as size, shape, particle mass and number concentration therefore remains a challenging analytical task. Asymmetric flow field flow fractionation (AF4) hyphenated with inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) is a powerful technique for the detection and characterization of inorganic NPs in complex matrices. In order to acquire accurate data the AF4 separation method and settings must be optimized for each new sample matrix and analyte NP combination. Furthermore, additional information obtained by single particle (sp) ICP-MS analysis of collected fractions or an imaging method such as transmission electron microscopy (TEM) are necessary for trouble shooting and for independent verification of results. spICP-MS as stand-alone technique is a powerful screening method for many inorganic NPs. A number of examples where AF4-ICP-MS and single particle ICP-MS were applied for the detection and characterization of NPs in food and biological matrices will be presented including: • Silver NPs in chicken meat • Silicon dioxide NPs in tomato soup • Aluminum-containing NPs in noodles • Gold NPs in cells
Quantitative Top-Down Proteomics & Its Impact on Clinical Research/Basic Biology content piece image

Quantitative Top-Down Proteomics & Its Impact on Clinical Research/Basic Biology

Listen as Prof Neil Kelleher, discusses how he believes the Orbitrap Fusion Lumos MS might better characterize unexpected PTMs in Top-Down Proteomics to decode cellular function.
Cardiac iPSCs for Drug Discovery content piece image

Cardiac iPSCs for Drug Discovery

DeNovix DS-11 FX Spectrophotometer / Fluorometer Series:  1uL UV-Vis + Fluorescence content piece image

DeNovix DS-11 FX Spectrophotometer / Fluorometer Series: 1uL UV-Vis + Fluorescence

LabTube Meets John Draper, Aberystwyth University content piece image

LabTube Meets John Draper, Aberystwyth University

CappBravo Single Channel Pipette content piece image

CappBravo Single Channel Pipette

Microfluidic Systems for Biomarker Analysis and Cancer Diagnosis content piece image

Microfluidic Systems for Biomarker Analysis and Cancer Diagnosis

We first report on a magnetic surface coverage assay, in which ‘large’ (2.8 μm) magnetic beads have contact with ‘small’ (1.0 μm) immobilized magnetic beads via magnetic dipolar interaction to induce specific immunocomplex formation.