Maximize Biopharma Data Generation With Highly Multiplexed Mass Spectrometry Imaging

Highly multiplexed protein expression profiling can be achieved by employing MALDI HiPLEX-IHC tissue imaging probes and their associated workflows.
The combination of MALDI Imaging with fluorescence microscopy and histopathological staining enables you to uncover complex networks of biological interactions in cancer, aging and other biological research.
Metabolic cascade information during disease progression can now be connected with protein localization within tissue.
Map proteins, examine metabolic activity and dig deeper into cellular biology by adding spatial localization to your current methodologies. In this webinar, we’ll showcase this novel workflow, highlighting the benefits it can bring to your research.
Attend this webinar to:
- Understand the targeted protein imaging capabilities of mass spectrometry
- See examples of MALDI Imaging in the pharma/biotech industry
- Learn about true multiomics techniques for tissue analysis