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Latest App Notes & Case Studies

App Note / Case Study

Monitoring of volatile organic contamination in cleanroom environments

Airborne molecular contamination (AMC) is a concern for any high technology manufacturing process, especially in the microelectronics industry. Organic contamination may cause adverse effects on production tools and consequently increase costs for high-tech companies.
App Note / Case Study

Real-time Measurement of Plant Defense and leaf Wounding Reactions.

Common methods of analyzing compounds released when leaves are wounded do not have the capability to monitor reactions of the plants in a time resolution high enough to reveal underlying reaction sequences.
App Note / Case Study

Real-time Monitoring of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) in Buildings, Offices, Cars and Planes

VOCs are chemicals that evaporate easily at room temperature. Organic refers to carbon-based molecules. Many of which are known to be harmful to human health. Chemical contamination of indoor air is a contributing factor to the so called "Sick Building Syndrome".
App Note / Case Study

Proton Transfer Reaction - Mass Spectrometry

Dioxin surrogates and VOC emissions online measurement
App Note / Case Study

Enzyme Kinetic Measurements for a Combinatorial Library of Inhibitors of Pseudomonas Elastase

Pseudomonas elastase (LasB) is a key drug target in various chronic and intractable infections. A library of 160 potential, in-house synthesised, elastase inhibitors were screened using a fluorescence assay with the internally quenched substrate Abz-Ala-Gly-Leu-Ala-Nba. Enzymatic kinetic measurements were done on a FLUOstar OPTIMA and Km and Vmax values were calculated for each inhibitor using the MARS Data Analysis software.
App Note / Case Study

Analysis of migration using the OrisTM Cell Migration Assay-TriCoated kit on the POLARstar Omega

The Oris™ Cell Migration Assays from Platypus offer certain advantages over traditional migration assays. Especially the TriCoated kits enable the researcher to test the effect of different extracellular matrix components like Collagen I or Fibronectin on migration. In this application note we show the real-time monitoring of cell migration using a POLARstar Omega from BMG LABTECH equipped with a CO2 gas vented system.
App Note / Case Study

RADAR, a Xevo TQ-S function, combined with Low-High pH UPLC Screening for Fast, Simple Bioanalysis Methods Development

Here, we demonstrate the productivity gains possible with Xevo TQ-S for use in bioanalytical methods. Xevo TQ-S employs a unique RADAR functionality to collect data in the time scale of a narrow 1- to 2-second peak.
App Note / Case Study

Cellular Dopamine and Intracellular Calcium Signaling Using the Next Generation HTS Microplate Reader

Two cell-based signaling assays from Invitrogen, Fluo-4 Direct™ Calcium Assay and Tango™-bla U2OS GPCR Assay, were performed on the PHERAstar FS HTS instrument. The PHERAstar FS has several unique features that enhance the performance of these assays including direct optic bottom reading, high resolution cell layer scanning, injection at the point of measurement and dual emission detection.
App Note / Case Study

Monitoring Bacterial Cell-to-Cell Communication “Quorum sensing” Using FLUOstar OPTIMA

Bacteria can monitor and respond to changes to environmental conditions via a cell density process known as quorum sensing. Bacteria use this process to monitor their community by producing, detecting and responding to low molecular mass signal molecules, called autoinducers. Effects on quorum sensing were investigated by measuring growth and bioluminescence of Vibrio fischeri. The FLUOstar OPTIMA was utilized to measure absorbance and luminescence in parallel.
App Note / Case Study

Functional Screening of recombinant CHO-M1 cells using the PHERAstar from BMG LABTECH

Functional screening of single cell clones was achieved using the HTRF® IP-One assay. The HTRF® assay from Cisbio proved to be a fast and reliable method to directly screen a large number of stable transfected single cell clones. Carbachol dose response curves with fresh cells from a growing culture and frozen instant cells showed similar results for EC50 and signal-to-blank values.