Latest App Notes & Case Studies
App Note / Case Study
SDMS Vision Publisher Facilitating Masslynx and Empower Software Data Capture
As the volume and complexity of research data continues to grow, the use of an electronic format for laboratory record keeping is the key to simple recording and global communication of critical scientific information.
App Note / Case Study
Flexible Lab and Data Management for the Applied Biosystems SOLiD(TM) Next Generation Sequencing System
The Applied Biosystems SOLiDTM system is revolutionizing genetic analysis. Its massively parallel sequencing of clonallyamplified
DNA fragments provides accurate, high-throughput results for growing applications in transcriptomics, epigenomics, and whole genome and targeted resequencing, all in one platform.
App Note / Case Study
Promega’s ADP-Glo™ Kinase Assay performed on BMG LABTECH’s PHERAstar FS and POLARstar Omega
The PHERAstar FS as well as the POLARstar Omega offer the ability to perform the ADP-Glo™ assay from Promega in a 384-well format. The ADP-Glo™ Kinase Assay is a homogenous luminescent assay to detect ADP in concentrations ranging from 1 mM to 0.01 µM. Instrument settings and standard ATP/ADP curves over a wide concentration range are presented for both the PHERAstar FS and the POLARstar Omega.
App Note / Case Study
Counting Cells for Immunology Using CellometerTM Auto T4 Cell Counter
CellometerTM Auto T4 is routinely used for counting cells used in
immunology research. This application note provides some details on methods of using the CellometerTM system, and shows images and counting data to illustrate a typical application. Viability determination is based on trypan blue dye exclusion. Cell concentration is determined automatically based on total cell count and dilution factor. Cell size exclusion is used to count mature DC cells cultured from PBMC.
App Note / Case Study
Kinetics of CpG internalization and sub-cellular organelle co-localization within circulating human plasmcytoid dendritic cells
Plasmacytoid dendritic cells are principal players in the innate immune response to viruses. Although rare (less than 0.2% of circulating peripheral blood cells), they secrete over 3 pg of the potent antiviral cytokine IFN-a per cell in response to HSV, mainly via TLR-mediated signaling upon recognition of viral DNA motifs.
App Note / Case Study
Measurement of nuclear translocation in primary T cells using correlation analysis of images obtained on the ImageStream®
Molecular translocation of transcription factors from the cytoplasm to the nucleus is a pivotal event in many processes critical to cellular activation, diff erentiation and host defense. Existing methods used to measure nuclear translocation have significant limitations.
App Note / Case Study
Determination of Total Cyanide in Municipal Wastewater and Drinking Water Using Ion-Exclusion Chromatography with Pulsed Amperometric Detection (ICE-PAD)
Cyanide is a well known acute toxin that prevents cellular respiration by irreversibly binding with the iron in cytochrome C oxidase. In addition, thiocyanate, which is metabolized from cyanide, interferes with iodine uptake by the thyroid gland, causing goiters and other long-term iodine deficiency diseases.
App Note / Case Study
Using Amino Acid Analysis for Protein Identification
Compositional data of peptides and proteins can be determined using an amino acid analyser. If the identity of a protein is unknown, the compositional data of the protein can be used in searching protein databases.
App Note / Case Study
Improved Amino Acid Analysis of Feedstuffs
Amino acids play an essential role in the nutritional composition of feedstuffs, however for many years diets were formulated to meet the requirements of crude protein rather than specific amino acids.
App Note / Case Study
Rapid Analysis for the Diagnosis of PKU
Using the Biochrom 30 Amino Acid Analyser, phenyalanine levels can be measured using a rapid, accurate programme for the diagnosis of PKU.