Latest App Notes & Case Studies

App Note / Case Study
Uncovering the Role of T Cells in Cancer With Spatial Biology
This application focus explores how high-plex spatial profiling can be applied to better understand the role of T cells in cancer immune surveillance and how cancers evade the immune system.

App Note / Case Study
Maximize Sample Recovery in Automated Workflows
This application note explores key factors impacting dead volume and provides insights into how advanced tube designs enable maximum recovery for precious samples.

App Note / Case Study
Ensure Sample Integrity Over Time
This application note examines how advanced tube designs and sealing technologies address these risks and help maintain sample quality across a range of working volumes over 3 years.

App Note / Case Study
Unraveling Protein Complex Dynamics
Discover how cutting-edge methodologies capture transient interactions with precision, providing a deeper understanding of complex binding dependencies.

App Note / Case Study
Leverage AI To Perform Cell Segmentation on Brightfield Images
This application note showcases how an AI-based module has been trained to analyze brightfield images for cell segmentation, allowing insights into cell proliferation and cell morphology without the need for manual drawing on images.

App Note / Case Study
Unlock High-Sensitivity IVT mRNA Analysis
This application note explores the cutting-edge tools that allow researchers to efficiently assess the integrity and purity of IVT mRNA, ensuring high-quality results.

App Note / Case Study
Faster, Reliable Cell Line Development Solutions
This case study highlights a novel platform that enabled a research team to identify, isolate and expand rare NIH-3T3 clones expressing HER2 and EBFP2, achieving results in weeks rather than months.

App Note / Case Study
Complementary Methodologies To Optimize Monoclonal Antibody Analysis
This application note explores how these complementary techniques provide unique insights into size heterogeneity, offering a clearer picture of antibody integrity.

App Note / Case Study
Optimized Culturing To Model the Tumor Microenvironment
This application note explores optimized culturing conditions for precision-cut slices (PCS) of non-small cell lung carcinoma, demonstrating how carefully tailored media support robust, stress-free tumor models for reliable research outcomes.

App Note / Case Study
Discover a High-Throughput, Real-Time Angiogenic Tube Formation Assay
This application note highlights a high-throughput angiogenic tube formation assay using a co-culture of HUVECs and fibroblasts, enabling efficient and accurate drug discovery screening.