Achieve Robust Data Acquisition in Water Samples
App Note / Case Study
Published: June 25, 2024

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Robust and consistent detection is crucial for ensuring the safety and compliance of drinking water samples, protecting public health and adhering to regulatory standards.
In testing laboratories, drift and deviation of internal standards, paired with failed QC checks caused by the samples, lead to additional work and sample re-analysis – an ultimately costly process.
This application note highlights how inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) offers consistent performance that requires minimal oversight and maintenance for the analysis of water samples.
Download this application note to discover:
- Proven strategies for maintaining robust, reliable ICP-MS operation
- Tips for minimizing downtime with easy and effective maintenance
- Techniques to enhance data quality and accuracy in regulated testing environments
Robust and consistent data acquisition for the
analysis of water samples using ICP-MS
Applicable regulated methods for screening of water
samples, foodstuffs, or pharmaceutical products require
adherence to strict quality control protocols to ensure data
quality and accuracy of results. The ultimate objective
for analytical testing laboratories is to analyze a variety of
sample types in a single method. Drift and deviation of the
internal standard as well as failed QC checks caused by
the samples lead to additional work, and ultimately cost,
as certain samples need to be identified, potentially diluted,
and re-analyzed.
Authors: Bhagyesh Surekar,
Cristian Cojocariu and Daniel Kutscher;
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany
Keywords: Drinking water analysis,
ICP-MS, routine maintenance, long term
performance, robustness
This note highlights the robustness of the
Thermo Scientific™ iCAP™ RQ ICP-MS for the unattended
analysis of drinking waters over six weeks (or 27 days of
operation). At the same time, it provides operators such
as lab technicians and lab managers useful information for
improving maintenance schedules and ultimately improve
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry
(ICP-MS) is a widely recognized technique for trace
element determinations, providing outstanding detection
limits and a wide dynamic range. However, for applications
in regulated markets, robust and reliable operation of the
instrument is often more important to achieve consistent
performance every day, rather than achieving ultimate
detection performance. This is the foundation for the ability
to provide results back to both internal and external clients
in time and achieving return on investment.
To achieve consistent operation over an extended
period (and ultimately, the lifetime of the instrument), it is
important that the system is designed with robustness
in mind. This includes crucial components, such as the
sample introduction system, the plasma generator and
components of the mass spectrometer, such as ion optical
devices, collision reaction cell (CRC), and the detector.
At the same time, it is equally important that the system is
maintained properly to assure that all individual parts are in
perfect condition to fulfill their task. For laboratories running
regulated methods to monitor the quality of drinking waters,
ensure the absence of toxic elements in waste waters,
or analyze soils and sediments, routine maintenance and
troubleshooting can be significant sources of downtime,
causing inefficiency and loss of productivity. It is therefore
of utmost importance that routine maintenance can be
executed in an easy and straightforward manner, requiring
minimal time. At the same time, consistent intervals
for performing maintenance are of high value, as the
unproductive time of the instrument can be planned in
advance and accounted for in the working plan of the
The instruments of the Thermo Scientific™ iCAP™ Qnova™
Series ICP-MS were designed to allow robust and reliable
analysis while being easy to maintain. The key components
that operators handle most, such as the nebulizer, spray
chamber, and interface, can be easily accessed and
disassembled for effortless maintenance and minimal
To enable the productive analysis of the sample matrices
typically analyzed in routine laboratories, the instruments
are equipped with exchangeable skimmer cone inserts,
a proprietary feature, to reduce the impact of differing
amounts of total dissolved solids (TDS), which may
significantly affect the response of the internal standard,
leading to failed samples and hence the need to dilute and
re-analyze. The instruments include three types of skimmer
cone inserts, each for a different range of applications.
In most cases, the High Matrix insert provides the best
balance between matrix tolerance and sensitivity for most
sample types, so that a wide range of samples can be
analyzed without the need to change the configuration of
the instrument.
Table 1. System configuration of the iCAP RQ ICP-MS
Nebulizer Glass concentric, MicroMist
Spray chamber Quartz cyclonic
Torch Quartz
Injector 2.5 mm i.d., quartz
Cones Ni sampler and skimmer cone,
High Matrix skimmer cone insert
Peristaltic pump tubing
PVC tube orange/yellow (0.508 mm i.d.)
for uptake; Santoprene™ tube gray/gray
(1.295 mm i.d.) for rinse
Uptake/wash time 60 s each
Time per sample 208 s
On every day of operation (usually Monday through Friday),
the instrument was switched on, and after an automatic
warm-up time of 20 minutes, the instrument´s settings and
performance were verified. This basic system suitability
test comprised a performance report in STD mode
(or No Gas mode), followed by a performance report
in KED mode, which was the only mode used for the
analysis of all elements in this study. It is important to run
a performance check also in standard mode (although not
used in the actual measurement) to verify correct settings
of the plasma conditions (i.e. oxide formation below 2.0%)
and general performance of the instrument.
The iCAP RQ ICP-MS was used to analyze an identical
sequence containing locally collected tap water. The tap
water was acidified to contain 2% HNO3
for stabilization
of the elements in solution and fortified with 100 ng·mL-1
of gold to stabilize mercury in solution and avoid memory
effects for this element effectively. The analysis was
carried out following a quality control protocol similar to
the requirements in applicable methods for the analysis
of drinking waters (i.e., US EPA Method 200.8 or
EN-ISO 17294 as examples). In short, acceptable limits
for the internal standard recovery were within 60–130%,
and for QC recovery between 80–120%.
For this study, an iCAP RQ ICP-MS was used in conjunction
with a Teledyne™ CETAC™ ASX 560 autosampler. The
instrument was operated using standard conditions and the
exact system configuration is shown in Table 1.
Elements Std 1 Std 2 Std 3 Std 4 Std 5 Std 6
Na, Mg, Ca, K 10 50 250 1,000 5,000 25,000
Hg 0.01 0.05 0.25 1 5 25
Be, Al, V, Cr, Mn, Fe,
Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se,
Rb, Sr, Mo, Ag, Cd,
Sb, Ba, Tl, Pb, Th, U
0.1 0.5 2.5 10 50 250
QC standard
Na, Mg, K, Ca 1,000
Hg 1
Be, Al, V, Cr, Mn, Fe,
Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Se,
Rb, Sr, Mo, Ag, Cd,
Sb, Ba, Tl, Pb, Th, U
Maintenance action Frequency Comment
Visual inspection of all components
of the sample introduction system Weekly No subsequent action required unless contamination or potential wear
out was observed.
Cleaning of glassware (nebulizer,
spray chamber, torch and injector) Upon indication
Elevated concentration levels in the blanks may indicate contamination
in the sample introduction system. Drift of the internal standard
may indicate a problem with sample delivery. Elevated nebulizer
backpressure indicates a potential obstruction of the nebulizer.
Alternating a spare set of components can be used to improve uptime.
Cleaning of cones Upon indication
Indication about required cleaning or exchange of the cones can be
obtained from the performance report (i.e. low 59Co sensitivity and 59Co/35Cl16O ratio).
Mass calibration Upon indication Checked in the performance report and corrective action
automatically triggered.
Detector cross calibration Upon indication Checked in the performance report and corrective action
automatically triggered.
Issue/reason for failure of the performance report Solution
Low sensitivity/high oxides or doubly charged ions
Inspection of the sample introduction system components, especially
cones, nebulizer, and spray chamber.
Check nebulizer supply pressure to eliminate potential blockage as
a reason, clean if needed.
Source Autotune: To adjust torch position relative to the interface,
optimize the nebulizer gas flow and first ion lenses in the mass
Poor signal stability leading to high RSD failure
Inspection and potential exchange of the peristaltic pump tubing
(shape, color).
Inspection of all components of the sample introduction system,
especially nebulizer and spray chamber.
Low sensitivity and failure of Co/ClO ratio in KED mode
Inspection of all components of the sample introduction system,
especially cones (if not done previously).
Inspection and cleaning of the cones. Autotuning of the KED mode:
optimization of helium gas flow and related ion optical components.
Table 2. Linearity and QC standards used. All concentrations are given
in µg·L-1.
Table 3. Regular maintenance of the system. Applicable procedures are summarized in the Operating Manual of the system.
Table 4. Identification of specific issues. Applicable procedures are summarized in the Operating Manual of the system.
This pre-defined sequence was scheduled to run for
approximately 10 hours and contained a total of
188 samples (including all blanks, standards, and QC
checks) and a total of 160 unknown samples per day.
Corrective actions were executed if the performance report
failed or if QC failures, sample failures, or bad calibration
curves were observed and included an autotune as a
first step of troubleshooting. In accordance with best
practices, the steps summarized in Table 3 are generally
recommended and were taken as a response to specific
In addition, the results obtained in the performance report
can provide useful indication to identify specific issues
during troubleshooting. This is highlighted in Table 4.
The calibration solutions used for establishing multielement calibration curves and the QC standards for all
elements are summarized in Table 2.
Standard mode
Parameter Specification Average
7Li [cps/(µg·L-1)] 55,000 118,249
59Co [cps/(µg·L-1)] 100,000 147,067
115In [cps/(µg·L-1)] 240,000 335,415
238U [cps/(µg·L-1)] 330,000 565,609
Oxide ratio [%]
140Ce16O/140Ce) 2.0 1.7
Doubly charged ratio [%]
137Ba++/137Ba) 3.0 2.8
KED mode
59Co [cps/(µg·L-1)] 30,000 54,367
Interference suppression
factor (59Co+/35Cl16O+) >18 >25.6
Table 5. Applicable performance criteria for the iCAP RQ ICP-MS and
average performance during study
Built-in QC testing
Thermo Scientific™ Qtegra™ Intelligent Scientific Data
Solution™ (ISDS) Software contains a full feature set for
setting up regular QC checks. Available tests include blank
tests (i.e., ICB and CCB) for verification of contract required
detection limits, calibration tests (ICV/CCV), paired sample
tests (duplicates and serial dilutions), spike tests (matrix
spike, fortified blanks), as well as continuous tests (internal
standard recovery, relative stability verification). These tests
can be customized with respect to the selection of specific
analytes and acceptance criteria (applicable warning
and failure limits for each analyte). Results are displayed
using customizable color coding, also in all subsequent
views used for data evaluation. In case of a QC warning
or failure, corrective actions can also be automatically
triggered by the Qtegra ISDS Software, including the
option to rinse and repeat the test (in which case a new
line will be automatically added to the sequence), full recalibration and an automatic repeat of all samples analyzed
after the last successful QC check, and also aborting the
remaining sequence in order to avoid an unnecessary
consumption of both argon gas and samples. Due to the
available functionality, the sequences were run completely
unattended and abortion of LabBooks caused by failed
QC checks was accomplished automatically by Qtegra
ISDS Software alone. Samples that were not acquired
because of an interruption of the planned sequence were
rescheduled for analysis on the next day.
Qtegra ISDS Software also monitors a wide range of
hardware parameters during a measurement and stores
them on a per sample basis in the same data file, the
LabBook. The monitored parameters include a wide
range of utilities, such as readbacks of plasma power,
nebulizer flow and backpressure, as well as set and read
back voltages of all ion lenses in the system. Therefore,
a complete record of the condition of the instrument
is generated in every analysis, enabling effective
troubleshooting of potential issues related to hardware
Results and discussion
Over the entire period covered in this study (six weeks
or 27 days of operation), the performance of the
iCAP RQ ICP-MS exceeded the minimum performance
specifications significantly. The average performance is
highlighted together with applicable limits in Table 5.
Even on the day with the lowest sensitivity obtained, the
performance of the system still exceeded specifications
between 11 and 44%. The mass calibration was stable for
the entire duration of the study as indicated by the daily
performance reports.
The planned sequence ran without any issues and
deviations on almost all days of this study. On two days,
interruptions to the planned sequence were caused by
issues with the manually prepared QC check solutions
(i.e., solution vial empty). On one day, an increased drift
of the internal standard lead to an automatic abortion of
the sequence through the QC management tools in the
Qtegra ISDS Software. However, the constant monitoring
of instrument related settings easily facilitated subsequent
troubleshooting. In this case, the increased drift of the
internal standard correlated with an increased nebulizer
supply pressure (up to 40% increase during the run),
so that the nebulizer could be identified quickly as the
reason for failure, and subsequent cleaning followed by
an autotune completely resolved the issue. In addition, as
a performance report was run prior to troubleshooting on
the next day, confirmation of the issue and the root cause
was readily achieved and subsequent failures or downtime
effectively avoided.
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This information is presented as an example of the capabilities of Thermo Fisher Scientific products. It is not intended to encourage use of
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Over several weeks, a predefined sequence containing
160 invoiceable samples in a total batch of 188 samples
was run during 27 operating days on an iCAP RQ ICP-MS.
In total, close to 4,000 individual samples were acquired in
this period. Over the entire time, the system's performance
exceeded specifications significantly, and allowed required
detection limits and consistent response to the required
QC checks to be easily achieved. The built-in feature set
Figure 1. Average QC recovery observed in more than 200 QC samples acquired over 27 different days
Average recovery of QC samples over a period of 27 days
Recovery [%]
A full overview of all QC samples that were successfully
acquired (>200) is shown in Figure 1. As can be seen
from the data, the average recovery was well within the
regulatory limits. The standard deviation for individual
elements across all QC samples was within ±6%.
for automated QC checks in the Qtegra ISDS Software
together with its leading data visualization allowed for
easy creation of sequences for unattended daily operation
and help with interpretation of the data. This highlights
the potential of the iCAP RQ ICP-MS to cope with the key
requirements in a busy laboratory performing analytical
testing of all kinds of water samples, namely to allow for
robust and reliable analysis of a high number of samples
over an extended period.
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