As per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) pose risks to humans and ecosystems, governmental agencies have established standardized methods to monitor the levels of these substances. For drinking water, the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) developed the EPA Method 537.1.
Traditionally, this method relies on liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS). However, high-resolution accurate mass (HRAM) spectrometers can rival the sensitivity of traditional LC-MS/MS and provide more accurate quantitation needed to screen the growing number of PFAS.
This application note presents a validation of the EPA Method 537.1 using automated solid phase extraction (SPE) combined with HRAM spectrometry.
Download this application note to discover:
- How HRAM spectrometers enhance sensitivity and accuracy in PFAS analysis.
- The benefits of automated SPE for streamlined sample preparation.
- Practical insights to improve environmental monitoring.
To demonstrate method performance for the per- and polyfluorinated
alkyl substances (PFAS) analysis using Orbitrap™ high-resolution mass
spectrometry as an alternative to conventional triple quadrupole instruments
for determination of PFAS in drinking water matrices using EPA Method 537.1.
Within the last decade, liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
(LC-MS/MS) sensitivity has increased by at least a factor of ten and is
therefore sensitive enough for quantitation of targeted compounds for
validated methods. The ease of use for detecting polar compounds makes
LC-MS/MS the technique of choice for analysis of compounds of emerging
concern (CECs) in environmental samples. However, with the development of
high-resolution accurate mass (HRAM) spectrometers, sensitivity rivals that of
triple quadrupole MS instruments and, in addition, mass resolution provides
the added benefits of accurate quantitation along with unknown screening
capabilities. HRAM using Orbitrap technology combines the sensitivity
of a triple quadrupole analyzer for quantitation with the confidence of full
scan data for quantitative identification and confirmation similar to MS/MS
instruments that participated in a method validation study.
Ali Haghani, Andy Eaton,
Eurofins Eaton, Monrovia, CA
Richard Jack, Maciej Bromirski,
Thermo Fisher Scientific,
San Jose, CA
High-resolution accurate mass
spectrometry, PFOS, PFOA,
GenX, ADONA, PFASs, emerging
contaminants, EPA 537.1, Orbitrap,
Secondary validation study for EPA Method 537.1 using
automated SPE followed by LC-Q Exactive Orbitrap MS
This application note highlights the Thermo Scientific™
Q Exactive™ Hybrid Quadrupole-Orbitrap™ mass
spectrometer used as one of the outside laboratory
validations for updating EPA Method 537 r1.1 -
Determination of Selected Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl
Substances in Drinking Water by Solid Phase Extraction
and Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry
EPA 537 Rev. 1.1, first published in 2009 to determine
14 different PFAS in drinking water, has been updated
to EPA Method 537.1 and includes four more PFAS.
These new PFAS that have been replacing PFOA and
PFOS in manufacturing processes are GenX chemicals,
specifically the hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid,
as well as 11-chloroeicosafluoro-3-oxaundecane-1-
sulfonic acid (11Cl-PF3OUdS), 9-chlorohexadecafluoro3-oxanone-1-sulfonic acid (9Cl-PF3ONS), and 4,8-dioxa3H-perfluorononanoic acid (ADONA). EPA Method 537.1
can be used by EPA’s Regions and other government and
commercial environmental laboratories to measure PFAS
in finished drinking water.
Table 1. List of PFAS compounds included in this method
This application note describes the quantitation of
selected PFAS reagent and drinking water using EPA
Method 537.1. The list of PFAS included in this study is
shown in Table 1.
Sample preparation
PFAS standard solutions
Target, internal, and surrogate PFAS standard mixtures
were provided by the EPA. These were originally
purchased from Wellington Laboratories for the four
new compounds plus the isotopically labeled targeted
compounds added to EPA Method 537.1. Legacy PFAS
analytes were obtained from AccuStandard. A stock
solution of 18 target PFAS compounds was prepared
in methanol/water 96/4 (v/v) at a concentration of
2 μg/mL prior to shipment to the three outside
laboratories involved in the secondary validation study.
Calibration solutions, with concentrations of 0.1–40
ng/L (ppt), were prepared by serial dilutions of the stock
solution in 96:4 (v/v) methanol/water and appropriate
internal standards and surrogate were added according
to the method.
Analyte Acronym CASRN
Perfluorobutanesulfonic acid PFBS 375-73-5
Perfluorohexanoic acid PFHxA 307-24-4
Hexafluoropropylene oxide dimer acid GenX 13252-13-6
Perfluorohexanesulfonic acid PFHxS 355-46-4
Perfluoroheptanoic acid PFHpA 375-85-9
4,8-dioxa-3H-perfluorononanoic acid ADONA 919005-14-4
Perfluorooctanoic acid PFOA 335-67-1
Perfluorooctanesulfonic acid PFOS 1763-23-1
Perfluorononanoic acid PFNA 375-95-1
9-chlorohexadecafluoro-3-oxanone-1-sulfonic acid 9Cl-PF3ONS 756426-58-1
Perfluorodecanoic acid PFDA 335-76-2
N-methyl perfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid NMeFOSAA 2355-31-9
Perfluoroundecanoic acid PFUnA 2058-94-8
N-ethyl perfluorooctanesulfonamidoacetic acid NEtFOSAA 2991-50-6
Perfluorododecanoic acid PFDoA 307-55-1
Perfluorotridecanoic acid PFTrDA 72629-94-8
Perfluorotetradecanoic acid PFTA 376-06-7
11-chloroeicosafluoro-3-oxaundecane-1-sulfonic acid 11Cl-PF3OUdS 763051-92-9
Sample and extracted QC preparation
A 250 mL water sample was preserved with Trizma®,
fortified with surrogate standards, and passed through a
solid phase extraction (SPE) cartridge containing SDVB
to extract the method analytes and surrogates using a
semi-automated Thermo Scientific™ Dionex™ AutoTrace™
280 Solid-Phase Extraction instrument. The compounds
were eluted from the solid phase with a small amount of
methanol. The extract was concentrated to dryness with
nitrogen in a heated water bath, and then adjusted to
a 1 mL volume with 96%/4% (v/v) methanol/water after
adding the internal standards.
Drinking water matrix for LFSM
Monrovia, California, tap water, a finished drinking water
from a combined ground and surface water source, was
collected and preserved according to EPA Method 537.1.
This matrix served as the laboratory fortified sample
matrix (LFSM).
LC-MS/MS analysis
Since the required limits of detection are in the low
ng/L range, careful selection of reagents and
consumables is necessary to ensure they are PFASfree. The LC-MS/MS system, composed of a Thermo
Scientific™ UltiMate™ 3000 UHPLC and a Q Exactive mass
spectrometer equipped with a H-ESI II ionization probe,
also included an isolator column installed after the LC
pump and prior to the injection valve. The isolator column
offsets background contaminants from the LC pump,
degasser, and mobile phases.
LC conditions
Analytical column: Waters™ Atlantis™ dC18 2.1 x 150 mm
column packed with 5.0 μm particles
Isolator column: Thermo Scientific™ Hypersil™ C18,
5 μm, 2.1 x 50 mm
(P/N 28105-052130)
Column temp.: 25 °C
Flow rate: 0.5 mL/min
Solvent A: Water containing 20 mM
ammonium acetate
Solvent B: Methanol
Injection volume: 10 µL
MS conditions
The H-ESI II source was used in the negative ionization
mode and the optimized MS parameters were as follows:
spray voltage at 2.5 kV; sheath gas at 60; auxiliary gas
at 12; probe heater temperature at 437 °C, and capillary
temperature at 269 °C.
Both EPA Method 537 Rev. 1.1 and Method 537.1 require
MS/MS for the method analytes within specified retention
time segments and a minimum of 10 scans across the
chromatographic peak for adequate precision.
EPA Method 537.1 measures precursor and product
ion transitions, termed Selected Reaction Monitoring
(SRM). Similarly, the Q Exactive mass spectrometer
performs MS/MS in Parallel Reaction Monitoring (PRM)
mode. In PRM mode, a list of targeted precursor ions,
retention times, and collision energies can be included
in the method (Table 2). When detecting a targeted ion,
the system isolates that precursor ion in the quadrupole
and triggers the MS/MS, generating MS/MS spectra
that can be used for both quantitation and qualitative
identification. Both the quantitation and identification are
performed taking into account product ions generated
after the isolation of a specific precursor ion. This
operating mode is similar to SRM (also called MRM)
using a triple quadrupole instrument.
In PRM, the third quadrupole of a triple quadrupole
instrument is substituted with the HRAM mass analyzer
to permit the parallel detection of all target product
ions in one concerted high-resolution mass analysis.
Thus, instead of serially monitoring target transitions
over several ion injections and low-resolution mass
measurement periods as in SRM, PRM monitors all
product ions of a mass-selected targeted compound
in parallel with one ion injection and full mass range
Orbitrap mass analysis (Figure 1).
LC gradient
Time (min) % Methanol
0 30
0.63 30
15 90
16.3 90
16.4 30
21 30
Table 2. Monitored PRM transitions details and instrument parameter: S-lens is set at 50 for all compounds.
Compound Retention Time
Quant. Product
Normalized Collision
Energy (NCE)
PFBS 7.5 298.9430 79.9561 60
PFHxA 9.2 312.9728 268.9829 20
GenX 9.8 284.9779 168.9884 20
PFHpA 10.8 362.9696 318.9794 20
PFHxS 10.8 398.9366 79.9560 60
ADONA 10.9 376.9689 250.9761 35
PFOA 12.0 412.9664 368.9767 20
PFOS 12.9 498.9302 79.9560 60
PFNA 13.0 462.9632 418.9737 20
9Cl-PF3ONS 13.4 530.8956 350.9454 35
PFDA 13.8 512.9600 468.9703 20
NMeFOSAA 14.2 569.9673 418.9736 20
PFUnA 14.5 562.9568 168.9886 20
NEtFOSAA 14.5 583.9830 418.9738 20
11CL-PF3OUdS 14.8 630.8892 450.9390 35
PFDoA 15.1 612.9537 168.9883 20
PFTrDA 15.6 662.9504 168.9887 20
PFTA 16.1 712.9473 168.9886 20
13C2-PFDA 13.8 514.9667 469.9735 20
13C2-PFHxA 9.2 314.9795 269.9864 20
13C3-GenX 9.8 286.9849 168.9884 20
d5-NEtFOSAA 14.5 589.0143 418.9735 35
13C2-PFOA 12.0 414.9652 369.9800 20
13C4-PFOS 12.9 502.9436 79.9560 60
d3-NMeFOSAA 14.2 572.9861 418.9735 35
Figure 1. SRM and PRM
The number of scans across the chromatographic peak
is dependent on the cycle time of the instrument and
therefore on the set of conditions used (e.g. resolving
power). These conditions can be optimized depending
on the objectives of the analysis, in this case, accurate
quantitation as well as unambiguous identification. The
optimized conditions listed below produce >10 MS2
using a resolution setting of 17,750 (full width at half
maximum (FWHM)) at m/z 200.
Another important feature of the Q Exactive mass
spectrometer is the ability to fill the C-trap in parallel
to detection in the Orbitrap analyzer. This presents
an enormous time savings so that more than 90% of
the entire analysis time is spent on filling the C-trap,
enhancing the sensitivity and selectivity. To make the
most effective use of the duty cycle at 17,750 resolution
setting, the Ion Transmission (IT) was set at 55 ms,
and the Automatic Gain Control (AGC) at 2E5 for best
sensitivity. With these settings, the EPA Method 537.1
requirement of >10 scans for all compounds was easily
met. Figure 2 shows PFNA with >30 scans even though
it is at the most overlapping scan window for the other
nearby compounds.
to prove ruggedness of the new method by completing
an initial demonstration of capability (IDC) and perform
a lowest concentration minimum reporting limit (LCMRL)
study for determination of Minimum Reporting Limit
(MRL). The requirements are:
1. Demonstration of low background <1/3 of minimum
reporting limit (MRL)
2. Demonstration of precision by analyzing four to seven
extracted laboratory reagent waters (LFBs) near midlevel to obtain RSD of <20%
3. Demonstration of accuracy from 4–7 laboratory
fortified blanks (LFBs) with recovery of 70–130%
4. Demonstration of precision and accuracy (P&A)
for mid-level laboratory fortified sample matrix and
laboratory fortified sample matrix duplicates (LFSM/
LFSMD) with recovery of 70–130% and RSD of <30%
5. Determination of the LCMRL. The LCMRL is the lowest
spiking concentration where the probability of spike
recovery in the 50% to 150% range is at least 99%.
It differs from MDL studies because it also accounts
for accuracy beside precision. LCMRL procedures
require, at a minimum, four replicates at each of seven
fortification levels plus blanks to calculate MRL.
All the requirements listed above must be processed
through the entire method from extraction to analysis.
Results and discussion
Linearity and sensitivity
Excellent linearity and quantitative accuracy were
achieved over the range of 0.1 to 40 ng/L, with
correlation coefficients greater than 0.995 for all
transitions using unweighted linear regression and forced
to zero. The respective residuals were less than 30% of
the nominal values. Representative calibration curves for
PFOS and PFOA are shown in Figure 3, with correlation
coefficients of 0.9998 and 0.9998, respectively. Figure
4 also shows chromatograms of quantitation ions
injected at 0.1 ng/L demonstrating the high sensitivity
achieved with the Q Exactive mass spectrometer for the
quantitation of PFAS at ultra-low levels (sub-ppt range) for
four new compounds added to EPA Method 537.1.
Figure 2. Greater than 30 scans for PFNA
Data processing
Thermo Scientific™ TraceFinder™ Chromatography Data
System software, version 4.1 was used.
Secondary laboratory validation study
Prior to publishing a new method such as EPA 537.1,
laboratories involved in the inter-laboratory studies need
12.4 12.5 12.6 12.7 12.8 12.9 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5
Time (min)
RT: 12.95
Figure 4. Calibration and 0.1 ppt level for (A) GenX, (B) 11CL-PF3OUdS, (C) ADONA, and (D) 9Cl-PF3ONS. All correlation coefficients were
Figure 3. Calibration and chromatogram of 0.1 ppt the lowest calibration point used for this study for PFOA (left) and PFOS (right)
Peak asymmetry
One of the method’s requirements is to have a peak
asymmetry factor (AF) of >0.8 and <1.5 for the first
Figure 5. Asymmetry for PFBS (top) and PFHxA (bottom)
Initial demonstration of capability
1. Low system background was measured. All method blanks exhibited very low levels of contamination compared to
the lowest calibration level at 0.1 ppt for all analytes (Table 3).
Extract 11CL-PF3OUdS
Method blank -1 0 0.002 0.004 0 0 0 0 0 0.005
Method blank -2 0 0.003 0.074 0 0.035 0.009 0.001 0 0.01
Method blank -3 0 0.005 0.111 0 0 0.011 0.002 0 0.025
Method blank -4 0 0.007 0.129 0 0 0.013 0 0 0.04
Extract PFHpA
Method blank -1 0.003 0.038 0 0 0.019 0.052 0.008 0 0.009
Method blank -2 0.005 0.039 0.001 0.007 0.024 0.055 0.013 0.009 0.011
Method blank -3 0 0.04 0 0 0.025 0.059 0.029 0.013 0.023
Method blank -4 0 0.054 0 0 0.031 0.069 0.036 0.016 0.059
Table 3. Low system background in extracted method blanks. Levels shown below LCMRL calculated levels shown in Table 6 should be
considered only as an estimate.
eluting peaks, PFBS and PFHxA, at mid-point calibration
standard concentration as shown in Figure 5.
Table 5. (part 1) Showing data for precision and accuracy for four laboratory fortified sample matrix
2. The initial demonstration of precision and accuracy was met by analyzing seven LFBs extracted over three days
spiked at 25 ng/L <20% RSD and ±30 difference achieved (Table 4).
3. Monrovia, CA, tap water was spiked at 25 ng/L extracted over two batches in duplicates and analyzed. Results are
shown in Table 5. The %RSD of less than 30% and recoveries of ±30% of spike amount were met.
% Difference % Recovery Limit % RSD
PFBS 26.719 25.000 6.87 107% 70-130% 4.76
PFHxA 26.166 25.000 4.66 105% 70–130% 3.59
GenX 25.459 25.000 1.83 102% 70–130% 4.61
PFHxS 25.739 25.000 2.95 103% 70–130% 2.13
PFHpA 24.744 25.000 -1.02 99% 70–130% 2.77
ADONA 22.629 25.000 -9.48 91% 70–130% 5.52
PFOA 28.394 25.000 13.57 114% 70–130% 3.24
PFOS 27.329 25.000 9.32 109% 70–130% 2.89
PFNA 26.596 25.000 6.39 106% 70–130% 4.60
9Cl-PF3ONS 25.982 25.000 3.93 104% 70–130% 5.49
PFDA 25.791 25.000 3.16 103% 70–130% 5.08
11CL-PF3OUdS 24.883 25.000 -0.47 100% 70–130% 5.49
NMeFOSAA 25.722 25.000 2.89 103% 70–130% 5.36
PFUnA 27.007 25.000 8.03 108% 70–130% 5.64
NEtFOSAA 25.534 25.000 2.14 102% 70–130% 6.66
PFDoA 26.028 25.000 4.11 104% 70–130% 5.36
PFTrDA 24.620 25.000 -1.52 98% 70–130% 5.13
PFTA 25.489 25.000 1.96 102% 70–130% 3.70
Table 4. Data for precision and accuracy for six laboratory fortified blanks
PFBS 25 19.8 21.4 25.1 25.5 23.0 2.8 91.9% 12%
11CL-PF3OUdS 25 21.1 22.7 24.2 24.8 23.2 1.7 92.9% 7%
9Cl-PF3ONS 25 22.0 22.1 26.7 25.9 24.2 2.5 96.6% 10%
ADONA 25 18.2 19.8 19.4 19.6 19.2 0.7 77.0% 4%
GenX 25 22.0 23.0 24.4 24.4 23.4 1.2 93.8% 5%
NEtFOSAA 25 21.2 21.8 24.2 24.4 22.9 1.6 91.6% 7%
NMeFOSAA 25 20.6 22.4 24.3 26.0 23.3 2.3 93.3% 10%
PFDA 25 21.7 22.7 24.6 25.7 23.7 1.8 94.7% 8%
PFDoA 25 21.6 24.0 24.8 26.0 24.1 1.9 96.3% 8%
PFHpA 25 19.6 21.3 24.0 24.2 22.3 2.2 89.1% 10%
PFHxA 25 20.9 22.0 24.4 25.1 23.1 2 92.3% 9%
PFHxS 25 20.6 22.2 23.5 23.5 22.5 1.4 89.8% 6%
PFNA 25 23.5 23.5 25.9 26.2 24.8 1.5 99.2% 6%
PFOA 25 22.0 23.1 24.8 25.3 23.8 1.5 95.2% 6%
PFOS 25 22.5 24.0 25.6 26.2 24.6 1.7 98.3% 7%
PFTA 25 21.9 23.2 26.9 28.0 25.0 2.9 100.0% 12%
PFTrDA 25 21.3 23.1 25.5 25.4 23.8 2 95.3% 9%
PFUnA 25 22.2 24.8 26.1 26.5 24.9 1.9 99.5% 8%
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13C2-PFHxA 40 111% 113% 113% 111%
13C3-GenX 40 100% 103% 106% 101%
d5-NEtFOSAA 160 115% 119% 113% 103%
13C2-PFDA 40 116% 116% 108% 111%
Internal standard:
13C2-PFOA 10 114% 110% 101% 119%
13C4-PFOS 20 113% 112% 101% 119%
d3-NMeFOSAA 40 106% 100% 101% 113%
Table 5. (part 2) Showing data for recovery of internal standards and surrogates used in
laboratory fortified sample matrix
4. For the LCMRL calculation, four replicates at concentrations of 0, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12, and 16 ng/L were
extracted and analyzed. The LCMRL and DL were calculated using the LCMRL calculator from the EPA website: Table 6 shows the results. The
Reported DLs are calculated using the same LCMRL calculator.
Analyte DL (ng/L) LCMRL (ng/L)
PFBS 0.42 2.5
PFHxA 0.22 0.71
GenX 0.34 1.1
PFHpA 0.18 1.3
PFHxS 0.17 0.38
ADONA 0.15 0.25
PFOA 0.16 0.73
PFOS 0.11 0.5
PFNA 0.3 0.58
Table 6. Summary of LCMRL and calculated detection limit
The method referenced in this application note is rugged
and reproducible and shows excellent quantitative
performance of the Q Exactive Orbitrap mass
spectrometer in PRM mode for EPA Method 537.1 with
enhanced selectivity and specificity.
Analyte DL (ng/L) LCMRL (ng/L)
9Cl-PF3ONS 0.14 0.29
PFDA 0.26 0.34
NMeFOSAA 0.24 0.44
PFUnA 0.45 0.64
NEtFOSAA 0.21 0.34
11CL-PF3OUdS 0.33 0.43
PFDoA 0.78 2.5
PFTrDA 0.13 0.58
PFTA 0.1 0.56
1. Winslow, S.D.; Pepich, B.V.; Martin, J.J.; Hallberg, G.R.; Munch, D.J.; Frebis, C.P.;
Hedrick, E.J.; Krop, R.A. Statistical Procedures for Determination and Verification of
Minimum Reporting Levels for Drinking water Methods. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2004,
40, 281–288.
2. J.A. Shoemaker and D.R. Tettenhorst, Office of Research and Development: Method
EPA 537.1, Determination of selected per- and polyfluorinated alkyl substances
in drinking water by solid phase extraction and liquid chromatography/tandem
mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS).