Microplastic contamination in the ocean is rising at an alarming rate, leading to numerous hazardous consequences for marine life – including microorganisms and coral reef ecosystems – and the overall health of the marine environment.
Despite ongoing research, there still isn’t a clear consensus on the health impacts of microplastic ingestion, complicating efforts to develop effective solutions.
This case study features expert insights from Dr. Jose Isagani Janairo, who is dedicated to raising awareness about the implications of microplastics in marine environments in order to educate the public and to develop effective policy interventions.
Download this case study to explore:
- The critical impact of microplastics on marine ecosystems and human health.
- Innovative research and strategies for addressing plastic pollution.
- Practical insights to help make informed decisions for a sustainable future.
STORY Teaching the World About Mismanaged Plastics
Interview with Dr. Jose Isagani Janairo,
De La Salle University
Microplastics are tiny plastic particles that have become
a permanent part of the marine environment, and many
consider their impact on marine life a pervasive global
concern. The ingestion of microplastics has been
discovered in many species of marine wildlife. Many
believe humankind may be harming itself by introducing
health risks into the food chain.
Contamination of the marine environment by
microplastics was first made apparent to the public
in 1971 by Edward Carpenter of the Woods Hole
Oceanographic Institution.1
But the pollution began far
earlier than that. The mass production of plastics started
in the 1940s and has been an issue ever since.
While some experts believe the threat to marine life and human health is significant, others remain
skeptical. Humans have altered the biology of the planetary seas by introducing microplastics, yet
a consensus regarding the health impacts of microplastic ingestion remains to be reached. Some
studies report the negative impact of microplastics exposure on various organisms, while others report
minimal to no effects.
Dr. Jose Janairo is a Biology Professor at De La Salle University in Manila, Phillipines, working to raise
public awareness of the negative impacts mismanaged plastics can have on the environment.
"At this crucial point, I think it is important to arrive at clear conclusions about the health impacts
of microplastics to guide the public and implement interventions," Dr. Janairo explains.
His research is guided by the Sustainable Development Goals, a collection of 17 interlinked global goals
developed by the United Nations, which are designed to be a "blueprint to achieve a better and more
sustainable future for all".2
Dr. Jose Isagani Janairo
Biology Professor at
De La Salle University
Manila, Philippines
Teaching the World About Mismanaged Microplastics EMPOWERING SUSTAINABILITY™
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“Broadly, I hope my research will contribute to the attainment
of the SDGs and help society harmoniously co-exist with the
environment. Furthermore, I hope my research helps create a
more sustainable future for the next generation, especially for my
one-year-old daughter,” Dr. Janairo elucidates.
Dr. Janairo spends most of his time developing
environmentally-friendly strategies utilizing the principles of
green chemistry. For example, the team he heads up recently
developed an environmentally-friendly pest control strategy for
cacao that can replace more toxic choices. The cacao mirid bug
is an insect that disrupts cacao and cocoa cultivation. Janairo
and his team characterized the chemical signals used by the
insects and used these chemicals as lures to trap them. In
another ongoing project, his team is developing functionalized
nanomaterials using agricultural waste.
However, Dr. Janairo's research is primarily focused on the
study of microplastics, specifically in marine commodities. His
proximity to the sea has helped motivate this decision.
“The Philippines generates a substantial amount of plastic
wastes, which motivated me to investigate the presence of
microplastics in marine commodities. I believe this research is
highly relevant since the Philippines is an archipelagic country
and marine resources and commodities are abundant. I think
focusing on this research will help the public make informed
choices and help policymakers create the necessary policies to
address these environmental challenges,” Dr. Janairo says.
To Inform, Inspire and Empower
Dr. Janairo was selected to become one of the lead authors
for the youth-oriented version of the Global Environment
Outlook -6, Asia-Pacific, published by the United Nations
Environment Programme. He and his colleagues were given the
task of summarizing the current and emerging environmental
challenges in the Asia-Pacific region. This program and report
were created to inform, inspire, and empower students and
young professionals so they may understand and address
environmental issues now and in the future.3
He also worked with local TV network, GMA News, and
government-managed analytical laboratory, ADMATEL, to create
a news feature that investigated the presence of microplastics
in mussels harvested in multiple locations in the Philippines.
The news feature raised awareness to the public regarding the
negative environmental impact brought by plastic pollution.
The DST laboratory utilized PerkinElmer micro FT-IR to analyze
the microplastic samples obtained from mussels. The findings
of Dr. Janairo and the DST reported that two out of the three
samples were found to be positive for microplastics, specifically
Polyethylene. The third sample tested positive for "suspected
“Micro FT-IR is critical in microplastic analysis since it aids in the
identification of the type of microplastic present in the sample.
Knowledge of the type of microplastic present is important. It
provides insights on the environment,” Dr.Janairo declares.
“One thing I liked about the PerkinElmer micro FT-IR was
the clarity of the report generated. For the end-user like me,
the way the data was presented was easy to interpret and
understand,” he explains.
With the help of simple-to-operate PerkinElmer instrumentation,
Dr. Janairo and team found they were able to achieve fast and
accurate results to accelerate their research into the presence of
microplastics in marine environments.
”I am motivated to contribute to this research since we most
likely ingest microplastics daily,” Dr.Janairo says.
1. Bergmann. Marine Anthropogenic Litter. 2015th ed., e-book, Springer, 2015.
2. https://sdgs.un.org/goals
3. https://www.unep.org/