Direct Analysis of Trace Elements in Estuarine Waters Using TQ-ICP-MS
App Note / Case Study
Published: June 24, 2024

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Estuaries, where marine and riverine processes interact, are brackish ecosystems with highly variable salinities, making them prone to contamination from industrial, agricultural and urban sources.
However, analyzing samples with high salt content using ICP-MS presents challenges, including crystallization and deposition of salts that can block analysis equipment, leading to signal reduction and drift.
This application note demonstrates how argon gas can be used to dilute the sample before it enters the plasma, reducing potential interferences and maintaining detection sensitivity.
Download this application note to find out how to:
- Effectively mitigate the challenges posed by high salt content in estuarine water samples
- Enhance detection sensitivity for toxic elements in complex sample matrices
- Accurately quantify contaminants, ensuring reliable and reproducible results
Certified for Thermo Scientific™ iCAP™ TQe ICP-MS APPLICATION NOTE 44417
Direct analysis of trace elements
in estuarine waters using triple
quadrupole ICP-MS
Authors: Lionel Dutruch1
, Jörg Schäfer1
Mélina Abdou1
and Daniel Kutscher2
University of Bordeaux, Pessac, France;
Thermo Fisher Scientific, Bremen, Germany
Keywords: Argon gas dilution,
contamination, estuarine waters,
interference removal, matrix effects
To show accurate quantification of toxic elements in a heavy
sample matrix like estuarine waters using argon gas dilution.
An estuary is an ecosystem, which is characterized by
both marine (e.g. tides, or erosion through waves) and
riverine processes (e.g. freshwater and sediment inputs).
At the interface between fresh- and sea water domains,
estuarine waters are often referred to as brackish waters
with salinities between 1 and up to 35 (corresponding to
total dissolved solids between 0.1–≤3.5%). Coastal zones
including estuaries are historically populated by humans,
hosting major cities and industrial activities. Estuaries are
the focal points of aquatic contaminant transport from the
continent to the sea, facing contamination from industrial,
agricultural and urban sources, especially over the past
decades. Important examples for estuaries are e.g. Puget
Sound in the northwestern US, Rio de la Plata in South
America, or the Thames Estuary in the UK. In this study,
the focus is on the Gironde Estuary in southwest France,
a major fluvial-estuarine system in Europe. The main
objective of this study is to track and control historical and
ongoing multi-metal contamination of the Gironde Estuary
waters. Clear evidence for contamination (mainly Cd)
has been observed in seafood (oysters) from the estuary
mouth and the nearby Marennes-Oléron Bay, Europe´s
major oyster production area1
However, the analysis of samples containing high salt
loads imposes special challenges when using ICP-MS.
Salts may crystalize during the process of nebulization
or deposit on surfaces of the interface region, leading to
blockage of nebulizers and cone orifices. This may lead to
severe reduction of signals and cause drift problems. With
respect to spectral interferences, most commonly chlorine
based polyatomics, such as those interfering on vanadium,
chromium and arsenic, need to be removed. Additionally,
strong interferences can be observed on copper, based on
the presence of sodium and magnesium in estuarine and
sea waters.
In order to overcome the impact of the sample matrix,
samples can be diluted using clean diluents, but especially
for the analysis of elements at trace or ultra-trace levels,
dilution always induces the risk of contamination or
overdilution, leading to final concentrations in the measured
solution being lower than instrumental detection limits
(IDL). Another appealing alternative is the use of argon gas
to dilute the sample before it enters the plasma. Although
this also leads to a significant reduction in achievable
instrument sensitivity, method detection limits (taking
into account all steps in sample preparation) can be less
compromised as compared to liquid dilution.
Figure 1. Sampling location along the Gironde Estuary
Sample preparation
Estuarine water samples were collected in the high salinity
range of the Gironde Estuary i.e. relatively close to the
estuary mouth, ~100 km downstream from Bordeaux,
France. Sampling has been performed onboard the
research vessel Thalia (Ifremer) over a cycle of 30 hours,
implying that the water masses sampled have variable
salinity due to the strong ebb-flood cycle in this meso-/
macrotidal estuary. Salinities in the samples ranged from
S = 30.2 to 31.8. To avoid potential matrix effects caused
by different salinity, all samples were adjusted to a salinity
of S=30. The star in Figure 1 shows the sampling site in
the Gironde Estuary mouth, being part of a larger sampling
campaign along the entire estuarine salinity gradient (data
not shown).
Due to the extremely low concentrations in seawater
commonly observed for some of the analytes (especially
Pb, but also Cd), careful control over potential sources of
contamination and clean laboratory conditions are key to
successful analysis. The labware was acid-cleaned (soaking
3 days in 10% HNO3
Normapure®, VWR-BDH Chemicals),
thoroughly rinsed with MilliQ® water (Merck), dried under a
laminar flow hood in a clean lab (over-pressurized, filtered, airconditioned atmosphere), then sealed in double plastic bags
until use. All samples were filtered onboard immediately after
sampling using 0.2 µm membrane filters (MINISART® NML,
Sartorius), acidified (1/1,000, HNO3
Suprapur®, Merck), and
stored in the dark at 4 ˚C pending analysis.
Instrument configuration
A Thermo Scientific™ iCAP™ TQ ICP-MS in combination
with an SC-4DX Autosampler (Elemental Scientific, Omaha,
NE) was used for analysis. The instrument was operated
using Argon Gas Dilution (AGD) allowing direct analysis of
estuarine waters without any prior dilution. Tuning of the
system was accomplished using the autotune routines
provided with the Thermo Scientific™ Qtegra™ Intelligent
Scientific Data Solution™ Software. Typical operating
conditions are summarized in Table 1. The selection of
analytes, appropriate analysis mode (single quad vs. triple
quad, choice of reactive gas) was accomplished using
the Reaction Finder method development assistant. For
the selected elements, this resulted in only arsenic being
acquired in a triple quadrupole mode using oxygen as a
reactive gas, whereas for all other analytes, the use of helium
and kinetic energy discrimination was recommended. The
mass selection in the first quadrupole was controlled using
intelligent Mass Selection (iMS) in all cases.
Table 1. Instrument configuration
Parameter Value
Nebulizer MicroMist Quartz nebulizer
0.4 mL·min-1, pumped at 40 rpm
Spraychamber Quartz cyclonic spraychamber cooled
at 2.7 ˚C
Injector 2.5 mm i.d., Quartz
Interface High Matrix (3.5 mm) insert, Ni cones
RF power 1,550 W
Nebulizer gas flow 0.73 L·min-1
Additional gas flow (AGD) 97%
QCell settings SQ-KED TQ-O2
Gas flow 100% He,
4.2 mL·min-1
100% O2
0.3 mL·min-1
CR bias -21 V - 6.4 V
Q3 bias -18 V -12 V
Scan settings 0.1 s dwell time per analyte,
10 sweeps, 3 main runs
General analytical condition
For calibration and quality control, a certified reference
material was used (CASS 6, Nearshore Seawater Certified
Reference Material for Trace Metals and other Constituents,
National Research Council Canada). Matrix matched
calibration curves were generated by addition of increasing
concentrations of the elements investigated in this study
directly into aliquots of the CASS-6 CRM. Table 2 gives
an overview on the added concentrations for the different
analytes. As the calibration was matrix matched no internal
standard was used in the analysis. Again, all solutions were
Cu Zn As Cd Pb
Zero STD 0 0 0 0 0
Standard 1 [µg·kg-1] 0.5 1.3 1.0 0.02 0.01
Standard 2 [µg·kg-1] 1.0 2.6 2.0 0.04 0.02
Standard 3 [µg·kg-1] 1.5 3.9 3.0 0.06 0.03
Standard 4 [µg·kg-1] 2.0 5.2 4.0 0.08 0.04
Standard 5 [µg·kg-1] 2.5 6.5 5.0 0.10 0.05
Table 2. Added concentrations for calibration curves per element
adjusted to a salinity of S=30. Following 8–9 unknown
samples, CASS 6 was repeatedly analyzed by standard
addition in order to (i) check the accuracy of the method
and (ii) monitor potential sensitivity drift.
The results obtained are summarized in Table 3. As can be
seen, quantitative recoveries are obtained for all elements
under study in the CASS-6 CRM. The CRM was analyzed
4 times throughout the analysis and demonstrated low
relative standard deviations despite the extremely low
concentrations of some of the elements. For arsenic
(the only element measured in both single and triple
quadrupole modes), there is no significant difference in
the results considering the uncertainty information in the
certificate of the CASS 6 reference material. In this sample
matrix, the predominant interference on 75As are chlorine
-and calcium-based species, such as 40Ar35Cl+, 40Ca35Cl+
or 40Ca(OH)2
H+. Due to their polyatomic nature, these
interferences can be efficiently removed by KED alone.
However, it is worth noticing that the triple quadrupole
based mode using oxygen offered a much higher detection
sensitivity (more than double in comparison to KED) and
significantly lower detection limits (more than 5 times
lower). Other interferences, such as doubly charged ions
of the Rare Earth Elements, might affect the results for
elements such as arsenic or selenium, and can only be
removed using triple quadrupole technology. However, in
this study they were not found to be causing any bias to
the results.
The results of this study were compared to an earlier study
using a different analytical technique, i.e. a submersible
voltammetry system validated for measuring estuarine
. The comparison shows that results are very
similar for arsenic, cadmium and lead. Results for copper
and zinc deviated slightly from earlier results probably due
to their higher affinity for forming complexes with organic
molecules present in sea water, which are not detected by
in-situ voltammetry.
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. © 2020 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.
Normapure is a registered trademark of VWR BDH Chemicals; MilliQ and Suprapur are registered trademarks of Merck Group; Minisart is a
registered trademark of Sartorius AG. SC and Elemental Scientific are trademarks of Elemental Scientific Inc. MicroMist is a trademark of
Glass Expansion Ltd. All other trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries. This information is presented as
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1. Dabrin, A., Schäfer, J., Blanc, G., Strady, E., Masson, M., Bossy, C., Castelle, S.,
Girardot, N., and Coynel, A. 2009. Improving estuarine net flux estimates for dissolved
cadmium export at the annual timescale: Application to the Gironde Estuary. Estuarine
and Coastal Shelf Science 84, 429–439.
3. Jouanneau, J.M., Boutier, B., Latouche, C., Phillips, I., 1990. Cadmium in the Gironde
fluvio-estuarine system: behaviour and flow. Science of the Total Environment 97/98,
4. Lanceleur L., Schäfer J., Chiffoleau J.F., Audry S., Auger D., Renault S., Baudrimont M.,
Blanc G. (2011). Long-term (30 years) records and relationships of cadmium and silver
contamination in sediment and oysters from the Gironde fluvial-estuarine continuum.
Chemosphere 85:1299-1305.
The authors greatly acknowledge the use of the R/V Thalia
(Ifremer) of the French National Coastal Research Fleet.
Sampling and sample treatment was funded within the
SCHeMA project (Integrated In Situ Chemical Mapping
Probes; EU FP7 Ocean 2013.2; Project-Grant Agreement
The direct analysis of estuarine waters without prior dilution
is possible using AGD on the iCAP TQ ICP-MS. The results
obtained for the CASS-6 CRM indicate accurate and precise
quantification is possible at very low concentration levels.
The results obtained for the samples collected in the high
salinity range of the Gironde Estuary show that historical
metal contamination in the estuarine waters persists,
although at lower levels (especially for elements such as
Cd or Zn) as compared to earlier studies conducted in
the 1990`ies3
. This observation fits with the continuous
decrease of Cd concentrations determined in wild oysters
from the Gironde Estuary mouth4
. Comparing the data to the
results of an earlier study, it is clear that both, ICP-MS and
voltammetry methods, provide similar results at trace and
ultra-trace levels. Slight differences in results may occur due
to metal species/complexes not detected in voltammetry.
If submersible voltammetry systems allow for in-situ
measurements of a number of trace metals, ICP-MS is a
time-efficient alternative and allows the analysis of a wider
range of elements in one aspiration of the sample due to its
inherent multi-elemental capability. Future work on multielement analysis in seawater should include an even wider
range of elements, including emerging metal contaminants.
Element Cu Zn As Cd Pb
Result CASS 6 CRM
[µg·kg-1] (N=4) 0.57 ± 0.012 1.89 ± 0.23 1.04 ± 0.11 1.09 ± 0.08 0.027 ± 0.004 0.013 ± 0.002
Certified value
[µg·kg-1] 0.530 ± 0.032 1.27 ± 0.18 1.04 ± 0.10 0.0217 ± 0.0018 0.0106 ± 0.0040
Concentration range
in samples [µg·kg-1] 0.31-0.56 0.41-2.34 1.32-1.88 0.017-0.058 0.023-0.042
Table 3. Results obtained for the measurement of CASS 6 CRM and 18 samples
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