Discover Automated Tissue Homogenization for LC-MS Analysis
App Note / Case Study
Published: August 21, 2024

Credit: Revvity
Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry has become a widely used method of quantifying protein expression in many areas of biomedical research, allowing for the highly sensitive and specific quantification of protein biomarkers.
Increasing demand for LC-MS has led to a need for automation to facilitate high throughput without compromising consistency or reproducibility of results. However, traditional methods of sample preparation are time-consuming, labor intensive and result in high levels of variability.
This application note explores how automated workstations for tissue sample weighing and homogenization increased efficiency for Pfizer's R&D team.
Download this application note to discover how to:
- Increase working range by ~5 times compared to traditional methods
- Decrease variability during organ homogenization
- Increase throughput by ~40%
Automation of tissue
for liquid
chromatographymass spectrometry
(LC-MS) analysis
using the Omni
LH 96 automated
Quantifying protein expression via liquid chromatography-mass
spectrometry (LC-MS) has become more widely used in all areas
of biomedical research and development. Quantifying protein
biomarkers can provide essential information on drug efficacy,
mechanism of action, target engagement, and safety [1]. In recent
years, LC-MS has been applied in a wide array of research areas,
including mRNA, lipid nanoparticles (LNPs) [2], gene therapy
(GTx) [3], and protein degraders (PROTAC) [4].
LC-MS analysis, when combined with immunoaffinity capture
and the use of stable isotope-labeled internal standards,
allows for the quantification of protein biomarkers with high
sensitivity and unparalleled specificity in complex matrices,
including serum, plasma, and tissues. Furthermore, the use
of chromatographic separation allows for the quantification
of multiple proteins from a single sample. The demand
continues to rise to develop and deploy these LC-MS assays
quicker than ever, without compromising the consistency
and reproducibility of the assay. This has led to a need for
automation, particularly in tissue dissection and homogenization,
which has been identified as the greatest source of variability
during sample preparation for LC-MS [5]. The traditional method
for tissue sample preparation (shown in Figure 1) is tedious,
time consuming, and labor intensive. It introduces operator
variability, making tissue dissection and homogenization an
excellent candidate for automation.
This application note focuses on the benchmarking and
implementation of the Omni LH 96 workstation to automate the
weighing and homogenization of tissue samples for downstream
LC-MS analysis. A series of tests will be outlined using various
Omni LH 96 automated workstation
Automation of tissue homogenization for liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) analysis using the Omni LH 96 automated workstation. 2
Figure 1: Traditional bead mill tissue homogenization workflow
tissue types to compare the LH 96 automated workstation
vs traditional bead milling. Results showed that the LH 96
was comparable or even more efficient than traditional
bead milling in homogenizing various tissue types.
LC-MS analysis further proved that the two methods
are equally efficient and can be reliably applied in a
high-quality assay. Implementation of the Omni LH 96
automated workstation resulted in ~40% increase in
throughput. The direct workload for analysts was reduced
even greater, as there was no longer a need for tissue
sectioning or pulverization, and all weighing, LB addition,
and homogenization steps were automated. This frees up
hours of analyst time to perform other tasks while the LH 96
workstation is running.
Materials and methods
Bead mill and LH 96 homogenization procedures
All tissues were obtained from BioIVT or locally sourced
and stored at -80°C until ready for use. The tissues were
either pulverized using a crucible (Cell Crusher, Portland OR)
or cut into sections, as specified per experiment.
For bead mill homogenization, tissues were transferred
to 1.5 mL RINO tubes (Next Advance, Cat # TUBE1R5-S),
and a small scoop (about 250 mg) of 0.5 mm diameter
stainless steel beads (Next Advance, Cat # SSB05)
were added to each sample. Lysis buffer (LB) (5% SDS
(Fisher Scientific, Cat # BP2436) in 1x RIPA (Millipore Sigma,
Cat # 20-188) with protease inhibitors (Cell Signaling,
Cat # 5872) was manually added to yield a concentration
of 50 mg of tissue (weight) per mL of LB. Samples were
processed in the Omni Bead Ruptor Elite bead mill
homogenizer (Revvity, Cat # 19-042E) using a standard
method. After centrifugation, the supernatant containing
protein was collected and transferred to a clean plate.
Samples were used immediately or stored at –80 °C until
ready to proceed with downstream analysis.
For LH 96 samples, prepared tissues were transferred to
pre-weighed (using the tare weigh function on the LH 96
system) 14 mL round bottom tubes (Falcon, Cat # 352059)
that were compatible with the Omni LH 96 automated
workstation (Revvity, Cat # 23-010). Samples were placed
onto the LH 96 system and processed using an all-functions
profile, including automated sample weighing, net weight
calculation, and addition of LB at a concentration of 50 mg
of tissue (weight) per mL of LB. Samples were homogenized
with the 7 mm Hard Tissue Omni Tip™ plastic homogenizing
probes (Revvity, Cat # 30750H) at 18,000 rpm for 45 seconds.
Homogenization parameters included a 5 mm cycle height
(up and down motion) and a 3 mm side to side motion,
to ensure total homogenization. Samples were removed
from the LH 96 rack, capped, and centrifuged for 10 min at
4,000 xg at room temperature to reduce foam generated
during homogenization. The supernatant containing protein
was collected and transferred to a clean plate. Samples were
used immediately or stored at –80 °C until ready to proceed
with downstream analysis.
Automation of tissue homogenization for liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) analysis using the Omni LH 96 automated workstation. 3
Figure 2: Automated Omni LH 96 tissue homogenization workflow
Figure 3: Correlation plots for weights of samples taken on the Omni LH 96 scale versus an external scale. A) Set of samples (N=8)
processed before addressing weight inconsistencies. B) Set of samples (N=28) ran after grounding scale to address weight inconsistencies
(difference samples from set A)
Protein content determination via BCA assay
BCA assay was completed using a Pierce BCA Protein
Assay Kit (Thermo Fisher, Cat # 23225) using standard
methods. The plate was placed in a Spectra Max i3 plate
reader (Molecular Devices, San Jose CA) for absorbance
measurement at 562 nm. The total protein was calculated
against the calibration curve, fitted using a linear regression
in the Spectra Max software.
Evaluating weighing precision and accuracy
Precision and accuracy of sample weighing were evaluated
prior to method benchmarking. A significant variability in
sample weights was observed for replicate weighting on
the Omni LH 96 scale, and a mismatch in weights when
compared to an external analytical scale. Figure 3A shows
a correlation plot of weights taken with the LH 96 scale
and external scale, where the line of best fit had a slope of
0.75, indicating that the LH 96 scale was reading 25% higher
than the external scale. The average relative error between
weights for these samples was 36%, further proving these
measurements were not in agreement. After assessing a
variety of causes, including mechanical and user sources,
it was determined that interference from static charging
was the main source of variability. To reconcile, the scale
of the LH 96 was grounded using a grounding mat
(Uline, Cat # S-12743) and samples were neutralized
with the use of a static removal gun (Millipore Sigma,
Cat # Z108812) before processing. With these adjustments,
there was an improved correlation of the LH 96 scale with
external scale measurements. Figure 3B shows a correlation
plot of a set of samples processed after these changes
were implemented, resulting in a slope of 1, and a 2%
average relative error. This reinforces that it is imperative
to ground the scale before processing any samples,
as failure to do so will result in increased variability and
even incorrect sample weights. After sufficient adjustments
were made to address this issue, we were confident to
move onto the benchmark testing of the system.
Automation of tissue homogenization for liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) analysis using the Omni LH 96 automated workstation. 4
Investigating limitations of the system
To begin benchmark testing the system, the first step
was to evaluate the efficiency of homogenization for
various tissue types. Throughout benchmarking testing,
homogenization efficiencies were compared and considered
consistent when the percent differences of total measured
protein content were less than 20%. Figure 4 shows a
comparison of total protein content for homogenization
with the Omni LH 96 versus bead milling for three tissue
types: rat heart, rat lung, and rat spleen. In the heart
and lung samples, the two homogenization methods
were consistent, with percent differences of only 4.6%
and 4.1%, respectively. In the case of spleen tissue,
the LH 96 outperformed bead milling, generating 47%
more total protein.
Figure 4: Comparison of tissue homogenization efficiency in different pulverized rat tissues.
Figure 5: Comparison of tissue homogenization efficiency
of pulverized versus sectioned tissues of rat lung tissues,
processed on the Omni LH 96 system or the control
bead mill method.
In all cases presented in Figure 4, samples were pulverized
first before being processed. Pulverization is used to
reduce biological variability by increasing the uniformity
of the tissue sample, of which a small aliquot can be taken
for processing. However, pulverization is the most time
consuming and labor-intensive part of the traditional bead
milling process, as this is performed one sample at a time
in a crucible that requires thorough cleaning between
samples. Therefore, homogenizing larger tissue sections,
rather than pulverized tissue, was of interest to further
reduce analysts’ hands-on time. Figure 5 shows that the
LH 96 system is more efficient at homogenizing sections of
tissue as compared to bead milling. The difference of the
means between pulverized and sections of tissue was 80%
using bead milling, but when processed on the LH 96 the
difference of means was reduced to 12%. This demonstrates
that when using the LH 96 system, tissue sectioning
rather than pulverization is sufficient. This, along with the
increased weight limitations discussed in the next section,
allows for the option of whole organ homogenization.
Homogenizing a whole organ accomplishes the same goal
of reducing biological variability as pulverization, but with
significantly less direct analyst time needed. Whole organ
homogenization is possible in cases where the organ weight
is within the limitations of the system. Determining these
limitations was the next step in benchmarking the
system for use.
Automation of tissue homogenization for liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) analysis using the Omni LH 96 automated workstation. 5
To determine the lower limit of sample weights feasible
to process, a series of samples with decreasing weights
were homogenized and analyzed for total protein content.
Tissue sections weighing as low as 10 mg were successfully
homogenized and showed consistent homogenization
efficiency between LH 96 and bead milling (Figure 6A).
For tissues less than 10 mg, insufficient LB volume was
dispensed to maintain a 50 mg/mL tissue concentration,
which led to incomplete homogenization and inconsistent
protein content measurements. Furthermore, the upper
weight limit was constrained by the volume of lysis buffer
rather than the sample weight itself. The maximum volume
for the LH 96 was limited to approximately one half of the
tube volume to accommodate for foaming that occurs
when using detergent-containing lysis buffers. Figure 6B
shows that at 50 mg/mL in a 14 mL tube, up to 400 mg
of sectioned tissue with 8 mL of lysis buffer could be
homogenized at a consistent efficiency to the control
method. This upper limit greatly exceeds the limit of the
traditional bead milling method, in which a maximum of
75 mg of tissue can be processed in a 1.5 mL RINO tube.
The larger tubes on the Omni LH 96 allow for larger tissue
sections to be used, which also increases the number of
cases where whole-organ homogenization becomes feasible.
Figure 6A: Tissue homogenization efficiency for a set of pulverized rat liver samples at 25 and 10 mg. 6B: Tissue homogenization efficiency
for a set of pulverized rat lung samples at 50, 100, 200, and 400 mg.
Next, the Omni LH 96 system went through a high
throughput evaluation. This involved a full continuous run
of 96 samples, with the purpose of determining whether
technical issues would occur, as well as ensuring consistent
homogenization efficiency with a large sample set. In this
evaluation, several errors (largely from user error or
incorrect setup) were encountered and remedied, until it
was possible to complete a full run seamlessly without
error. A full set of 96 samples took approximately 2 hours
to weigh, add lysis buffer, and homogenize. This is at least
a 40% increase in throughput as compared to the traditional
bead milling procedure.
From the full set of samples, 28 were selected randomly
and analyzed by BCA for total protein. Samples had an
average protein concentration of 8.37 ± 11% and
9.03 ± 10% mg TP/mL LB for LH 96 and bead mill samples,
respectively. The results were very promising and showed
only 8 percent difference of means between the two groups.
It is important to note that the LH 96 data set included a
few outlying data points. These are likely due to biological
variability, as the samples were neither pulverized nor
whole organ samples, so there was no control for biological
variation. However, when analyzing samples using LC-MS,
it is recommended that data is normalized to total protein
content which would account for these outliers. To ensure
this is true, the last step in benchmarking the LH 96 system
was to process and analyze samples with LC-MS to explore
any differences during downstream processing.
Automation of tissue homogenization for liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) analysis using the Omni LH 96 automated workstation. 6
Investigating differences from downstream processing
Samples for LC-MS analysis were prepared using an
immunoprecipitation workflow to isolate the protein of
interest. Briefly, this process used a biotin conjugated
antibody to bind the protein of interest, followed by a
streptavidin coated magnetic bead that binds to biotin.
This streptavidin-biotin-Ab-protein complex was pulled
down and the protein was eluted using a strong acid to
break the Ab-protein bond. The eluate was a concentrated
solution of the protein of interest, which was then digested
into peptides for a bottom-up analysis using LC-MS [6].
Using this process, a set of mouse liver samples were
processed and analyzed via LC-MS. For this assay,
there was a choice between two potential lysis buffers
for homogenization, either TPER (Thermo Fisher,
Cat # 78510) with 0.2% SDS (Fisher Scientific, Cat # BP2436)
or 1% Triton (Thermo Fisher, Cat # 85112) with 0.2% SDS
(Fisher Scientific, Cat # BP2436). A set of samples were
prepared using each lysis buffer and analyzed for total
protein content via BCA (Figure 7). The protein content was
slightly lower when prepared with the Omni LH 96, 13% and
20% less than bead milling for TPER and Triton, respectively.
While this is a larger difference than seen in previous test
cases, it does still meet the criteria set to be considered
consistent across both methods. Finally, the samples were
analyzed via LC-MS and the signal intensities, normalized
by the signal from a heavy-labeled internal standard, were
compared. Signal intensities were stable across all samples,
regardless of homogenization method. Therefore, even
though the protein content of the samples prepared with
the Omni LH 96 was slightly lower, the signal response is
consistent which reinforces that the LH 96 is recovering
proteins of interest. These results strongly indicate that
homogenizing samples using the Omni LH 96 automated
workstation does not result in any major differences during
LC-MS analysis.
Figure 7: Tissue homogenization efficiency, measured via BCA
for total protein content, for Omni LH 96 versus bead milling for
two different lysis buffers – TPER with 0.2% SDS and 1% Triton
with 0.2% SDS
The results presented here indicate that homogenizing tissues
on the Omni LH 96 automated workstation is equally efficient
as traditional bead milling, when using 14 mL round bottom
falcon tubes with an SDS containing lysis buffer. The system
showed consistent homogenization efficiency for rat heart,
lung, and spleen tissues ranging in size from 10 mg to
400 mg, increasing the working range approximately 5 times
as compared to the traditional methods. Data presented
also showed that homogenization with the Omni LH 96
does not affect downstream analysis of proteins by LC-MS.
Future plans include extending capabilities to include
more lysis buffer solvents and tissue types, as well as
homogenization of tissues for lipid and mRNA analysis.
In conclusion, the LH 96 automated workstation for tissue
homogenization is an effective and robust technology that
can be implemented to save time and effort when preparing
tissue lysates. Use of the system resulted in an estimated
40% reduction of overall processing time needed to prepare
samples. More importantly, the amount of direct analyst
working time needed is dramatically reduced, freeing up
hours of time for the analyst to perform other tasks.
Lastly, the user-friendly interface makes it easily
transferable between analysts, reducing the time need
for training new users. Overall, the Omni LH 96 automated
workstation has proved itself to be an essential tool for
high-throughput assays.
Notes: All procedures performed on animals were in accordance with regulations and established guidelines and were reviewed and approved by an Institutional
Animal Care and Use Committee or through an ethical review process.
All authors declare that they have no conflict of interest, no Pfizer authors have any financial interest in Omni International or any associated companies.
Automation of tissue homogenization for liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) analysis using the Omni LH 96 automated workstation.
Copyright ©2024, Revvity, Inc. All rights reserved. For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. 1513650/202403
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4. Daniels, et al. Monitoring and deciphering protein
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5. Piehowski, et al. Sources of technical variability in
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6. al. Affinity Chromatography Methods and
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Hannah Pepper1
Jay Johnson1
Nick Psychogios1
Bob Seward1
John Cohran2
Gabriella Ryan2
Rodney Nash2
Hendrik Neubert1
1 Pfizer Worldwide Research and
Development, Andover, MA
Omni International, a Revvity brand
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