Ensuring Accuracy and Efficiency in ICP-MS With Built-in Argon Gas Dilution
App Note / Case Study
Last Updated: August 5, 2024
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Published: July 29, 2024

Credit: Thermo Fisher Scientific
Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) is renowned for its exceptional detection capabilities in analyzing elemental impurities across various sample matrices.
However, challenges such as high total dissolved solids (TDS) can affect data quality, causing signal drift and QC failures which hamper productivity and instrument health.
This application note describes how argon gas dilution (AGD) enhances laboratory productivity and instrument longevity.
Download this app note to explore:
- Comprehensive solutions for handling heavy matrices with varying compositions.
- Flexible dilution levels for robust analysis without manual intervention.
- Reduced maintenance frequency and improved overall laboratory productivity.
Achieving robustness and improving productivity every
day using a simplified approach of argon gas dilution
(AGD) with ICP-MS
Technical note | 001705
Bhagyesh Surekar, Daniel Kutscher
Thermo Fisher Scientific
Bremen, Germany
Inductively coupled plasma – mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) is a popular technique for
analysis of elemental impurities in a wide variety of sample matrices due to its excellent
detection capability, wide linear dynamic range, and specificity. However, the quality of
acquired analytical data can be impacted while analyzing samples that contain higher
amounts of TDS, typically above 0.2% (m/v). The composition of samples under investigation
plays a vital role as different matrices affect data differently. The typical indicator of sample
matrix affecting the quality of analytical data is the suppression or enhancement of the
internal standard response compared to the initial calibration blank. Various regulated
methods specify the acceptance criteria for internal standard recovery, and any sample
failing to meet those criteria need to be re-analyzed after appropriate dilution. Other typical
challenges associated with analysis of these types of samples are signal drift, QC failures,
and loss of sensitivity, which lead to repeated sample measurements, adversely impacting
productivity of an analytical laboratory. In addition to the impact on data quality, continuous
measurement of these types of challenging matrices contributes to other instrument health
related problems, such as deposition of solids on interface cones and salt-up on the injector
tip and torch. This leads to frequent cleaning of the respective instrument components being
required in order to ensure that the required instrument performance is achieved.
The Thermo Scientific™ iCAP™ RQplus ICP-MS, which is specially designed for effective
handling of varying sample matrices, offers a built-in solution for on-line sample dilution
using an argon gas dilution (AGD) accessory. The readily available default measurement
modes, which correspond to the different levels of sample dilution, provide the user with
the flexibility to choose the appropriate dilution level. Depending on the matrix load and
application requirement, one of the three variable and user-selectable dilution levels can be
utilized for the intended application. This technical note will highlight how the use of AGD
helps to achieve higher robustness and productivity.
ICP-MS, iCAP RQplus ICP-MS, total
dissolved solids (TDS), high matrix,
robustness, productivity, aerosol
dilution, AGD
Choice of measurement mode and expected dilution level
Three default dilution levels (AGD-low, AGD-mid, and AGD-high)
are provided as an integral part of the Thermo Scientific™ Qtegra™
Intelligent Scientific Data Solution™ (ISDS) Software and are readily
available to use upon the instrument installation. These modes are
optimized and designed to handle a variety of real-world samples,
such as food and beverages, environmental waters and soils,
or industrial samples, which all have completely different matrix
compositions. Since robustness and detection sensitivity are the key
requirements for many sample types across a range of industries,
it is critical to maintain balance between the dilution factor applied
and the subsequent reduction of the analytical signal. The typical
dilution ranges achieved for each of the three default levels can be
best assessed using the sensitivity (cps/µg·L-1) of indium (115In). The
achieved dilution factor depends on the analyte mass, and indium
was selected here as it represents an analyte in the middle of the
assessable mass range.
Table 1 summarizes the different measurement modes, achievable
dilution factors, and detection limits for key analytes.
Table 1. Available dilution modes, corresponding dilution factors, and
achievable detection limits of key analytes. All measurements were
accomplished using kinetic energy discrimination (KED) to remove common
polyatomic interferences.
Detection limit (µg·L-1)
in KED mode
As Cd Pb Hg
No gas
dilution 0 0.004 0.0002 0.0003 0.005
AGD-low 4–6 0.011 0.002 0.001 0.06
AGD-mid 20–25 0.031 0.004 0.002 0.051
AGD-high 75–80 0.077 0.019 0.008 0.106
Table 2. Typical sample matrices, expected TDS level, and recommended dilution modes for their analysis
Sample matrices Detail % TDS content
of samples
dilution mode
Drinking water, surface water Predominantly alkaline and alkaline earth
elements, dissolved organic matter <0.5% AGD-low
Food digests Mixed matrix composition, highly variable 0.5–1.0% AGD-low
Wastewaters Alkaline and alkaline earth elements,
potentially elevated levels of transition/
heavy metals, such as Fe, Cu, Zn, etc.
<1.0% AGD-mid
Soil digests, geological and
mining samples <1.0% AGD-mid
Brackish waters, fracking
flowback solutions
Predominantly alkaline and alkaline earth
elements, transition, and heavy metals
<1.5% AGD-mid
Brackish waters, diluted sea
water and dilute brine solutions <3.0% AGD-high
Highly concentrated brine
solutions and undiluted sea water >3.0% AGD-high
Table 2 provides an overview of a wide range of typical samples
containing high matrix loads together with the recommended dilution
setting that will provide the most suitable solution for analysis. This
table can be used as a first reference point when a method needs to
be developed for a new sample type.
Table 3. Recommended sample introduction system components
for different dilution modes. More details and corresponding part
numbers can be found in the Consumables and Parts Catalog.
Sample introduction system
Dilution level
Low Mid High
Glass concentric nebulizer √ √
Baffled cyclonic spray chamber √ √ √
2.5 mm i.d. quartz injector √ √ √
Torch (quartz/Thermo Scientific™
PLUS torch) √ √ √
Skimmer cone/inset
(high matrix) √ √ √
Humidifier √
PFA-ST micro-flow
nebulizer √
Standard sample introduction system for various
sample matrices
While using argon gas dilution in the AGD-low and AGD-mid
modes, the recommended components of the sample introduction
system remain unchanged compared to the standard configuration.
This includes the glass concentric nebulizer (400 µL·min-1), baffled
cyclonic spray chamber, 2.5 mm injector, and quartz torch. The
same set-up can be used for analysis using AGD-high mode
depending upon the TDS content (<3%) of the sample solution
under investigation. For analysis of samples containing more
than 3% TDS, such as undiluted seawater, the use of a PFA
microflow nebulizer (Elemental Scientific (ESI), Omaha, USA) in
conjunction with a humidifier (pergo™, Elemental Scientific (ESI),
Omaha, USA) is the best option. This combination of nebulizer
and humidifier is an effective solution that enables laboratories
to run challenging samples containing high levels of TDS without
the potential trouble of nebulizer blocking and salt deposition on
the injector tip in the long run. The suggested sample introduction
system for each mode is optimized to deliver robust, accurate,
and consistent instrument performance day after day without the
need of frequent system maintenance and instrument downtime.
Table 3 summarizes the recommended components of the sample
introduction system.
User-friendly hardware and intuitive method set-up
The integrated accessory for argon gas dilution in the
iCAP RQplus ICP-MS allows the user to switch between no
dilution to the different dilution levels very quickly and easily
without the need for any manual intervention or modification in the
sample introduction system. The additional stream of argon used
for sample dilution is provided by an integrated and softwarecontrolled mass flow controller before entering the plasma.
Tuning of the different dilution levels is fully integrated within the
Qtegra ISDS Software to allow for easy and reliable operation by
staff of all levels of experience.
Method creation is accomplished in an intuitive and guided
workflow in Qtegra ISDS Software. The overall user-centric
workflow for hardware set-up and method creation incorporating
the various dilution levels offers unique user-friendliness and
enables analysts to utilize their available time for other analysisrelated important activities, improving the overall productivity of
an analytical laboratory. Figure 1 is a screen capture taken from
a Qtegra LabBook, which highlights the user-selectable choice of
measurement mode from the available options.
Figure 1. User-selectable choice of measurement modes during
method set-up within the user-friendly interface of Qtegra ISDS.
Improved matrix robustness – analyze multiple samples
with varying matrices in a single analytical batch
The approach of automatic sample dilution using AGD minimizes
matrix effects to accommodate various sample matrices in a
single run by eliminating the need for matrix-matching or standard
addition calibration. The most common way of evaluating matrix
effects on an analytical measurement is monitoring the internal
standard response against the calibration blank during the
measurement of each sample of the analytical batch.
To demonstrate the effectiveness of AGD and assess the
robustness of the iCAP RQplus ICP-MS when analyzing various
sample matrices in a single batch, a series of different sample
types were run using the most appropriate dilution level
(Table 2), and the average recovery of common internal standards
was recorded. The results are summarized in Table 4.
Table 4. Typically observed internal standard recoveries for a variety of different sample types. Approximate TDS levels are indicated.
Sample matrices Typcial TDS level
Internal standard recovery [%]
45Sc 73Ge 89Y 103Rh 115In 175Lu 193Ir 205Tl
Food digests1 0.5 to 1% 98 ± 6 N/A 99 ± 5 94 ± 4 N/A 100 ± 2 N/A 97 ± 6
Drinking water2 0.4 % 105 ± 5 102 ± 5 N/A N/A 102 ± 4 N/A 101 ± 4 N/A
Surface water3
Wastewater3 0.4 to 1% 101 ± 5 N/A 97 ± 3 103 ± 5 N/A 103 ± 5 N/A 103 ± 5
Brackish water3 0.75% 107 ± 7 N/A 105 ± 6 104 ± 7 N/A 97. ± 5 N/A 91 ± 5
Saline water3 1.6% 94 ± 7 N/A 89 ± 8 91 ± 7 N/A 92 ± 7 N/A 85 ± 4
Brine4 [ 2.5% m/m] 101 ± 6 N/A 105 ± 6 101 ± 4 N/A 98 ± 5 N/A N/A
As can be seen from the data, the internal suppression observed
across a variety of commonly used internal standards and a series
of different sample types, all typically analyzed in analytical testing
labs, indicates predictable responses and stable performance over
time. In all cases, there was no requirement for maintenance if data
collection took place over two or more consecutive days. This means
that analytical testing laboratories with high demand on the number
of samples run per day, or tight deadlines to deliver results back to
clients, can rely on the iCAP RQplus ICP-MS to help them deliver on
the expectation, even when different sample types are mixed in a
single batch.
Consistency in day-to-day performance
The analysis of samples containing elevated matrix load will eventually
and unavoidably lead to more frequent maintenance of the system,
i.e., cleaning of the nebulizer, spray chamber, or cones. Dilution, either
manual or automatic, using liquid or gas, will reduce the impact to the
performance of the system, but not eliminate it. However, consistent
performance with plannable downtime is a key requirement in
analytical testing laboratories.
The Thermo Scientific™ Hawk™ Consumables and Maintenance
Assistant available in the Qtegra ISDS Software allows monitoring of
the instrument performance over time and therefore enables the user
to track changes in the performance effectively and take corrective
actions—such as maintenance—well in advance of an interruption
in the laboratory workflow. In addition, the Hawk Consumables and
Maintenance Assistant tracks the runtime of the key components of
the sample introduction system and allows configuration of alerts to
inspect, maintain, or replace the corresponding parts in a predictive
manner. Once maintenance has been executed, the action is logged
in the maintenance log to provide traceability for all operators of the
system and to assist in effective troubleshooting, if needed.
Figure 2 highlights the consistency in the performance of the
iCAP RQplus ICP-MS for the monitoring of contaminants in
drinking and surface waters. The plot shows the sensitivity of the
system in AGD mode, determined daily using the factory-provided
performance report. During ten days of continuous operation,
involving measurement of more than 2,800 drinking water samples,
performance was consistent with no unplanned interruptions for
Day 1 Day 10
Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5
Number of days
Consistent sensitivity of analytes across the mass range over ten consecutive days
Normalized intensities
Day 6 Day 7 Day 8 Day 9
59Co 115In 238U
Figure 2. Consistency in the instrument performance observed over period of 10 days of continuous analysis of more than 2,800 water
N/A – Not available
Extended linear range with improved detector lifetime
One of the key features of ICP-MS is its wide linear dynamic
range, especially when compared with other atomic spectrometry
techniques like atomic absorption (AA) and ICP – optical emission
spectrometry (ICP-OES). However, sensitive determination of
typical contaminants occurs in the µg∙L-1 and ng∙L-1 concentration
range, whereas major elements need to be determined at high
mg∙L-1 levels or above. Therefore, the concentration range that
needs to be covered in a single analysis often exceeds the typical
linear range of an electron multiplier used in ICP-MS (equivalent
to 10 orders of magnitude). When analyzing solutions containing
high mg∙L-1 (or even %-levels), saturation of the detector and
rapid aging when performing this analysis over extended periods
is often a consequence. Detector signal saturation limits the
analysis of higher concentrations that can be analyzed reliably
with ICP-OES with good linearity. This limitation generally requires
samples to be run in two dilution levels or re-analysis of samples
after further dilution, in both cases ensuring that measured
concentrations are within the calibrated range. For busy analytical
laboratories, this presents a big obstacle in achieving productive
The automatic dilution of typical high matrix samples helps to
overcome these issues. As fewer ions reach the detector, a
reduction in signal intensity is achieved that allows users to run
even high concentrations of typical major elements, such as
sodium, potassium, or calcium, with excellent linearity. Figure 3
shows a calibration curve for 39K in the range of 0.025 to
1,000 mg∙L-1 using AGD-mid. At the same time, analysis of trace
and ultra-trace contaminants in the range of 0.01 to 25 µg∙L-1
is demonstrated by the calibration curve for cadmium (111Cd) in
Figure 4. A correlation coefficient (R2
) value of greater than 0.9999
was observed during this experiment, which demonstrates the
extension of the upper calibration limit, further helping analytical
laboratories to significantly reduce sample analysis time and
improve productivity. A further extension of the dynamic range for
individual analytes can be achieved by adjusting the quadrupole
resolution to a narrow peak width, again limiting the number of
ions arriving at the detector during a measurement.5
Figure 3. Linearity graph for 39K plotted in the range of 0.025 to 1,000 mg∙L-1 highlighting improvement in linear range using the dilution
approach. The plot shows the uncorrected signal intensity recorded by the detection system.
Figure 4. Linearity graph for 111Cd plotted in the range of 0.01 to 25 µg∙L-1 highlighting ability of detecting trace level analytes using the argon
gas dilution approach. The plot shows the uncorrected signal intensity recorded by the detection system.
General Laboratory Equipment – Not For Diagnostic Procedures. © 2023 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.
Pergo is a trademark of Elemental Scientific. ACT is a trademark of My Green Lab, Corp. All other trademarks are the property of
Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries. This information is presented as an example of the capabilities of Thermo Fisher Scientific
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Learn more at thermofisher.com/ICP-MS
The approach of automatic sample dilution using argon gas
provides a comprehensive solution for effective handling of heavy
matrices with varying sample composition. It allows laboratories
to run different sample matrices in a single analytical run without
the need for any additional modification in the instrumental set-up
and analytical method.
• The default measurement modes allow three different dilution
levels to be achieved, enabling the robust analysis of different
sample types with the required sensitivity.
• The sample introduction system is configured identically
for analysis with and without dilution, offering the highest
flexibility for switching between modes without any manual
• The setting of the right dilution level is embedded in the
intuitive workflow of Qtegra ISDS Software to further simplify
method development in the analytical workflow. Dedicated
autotune routines for each mode enable reliable day-today operation with assured consistency in the instrument
• The considerable decrease in the sample load that reaches
the plasma due to aerosol dilution reduces solid deposition
on the interface cones and lessens the frequency of system
maintenance. This helps in lowering the instrument downtime
and improves the overall productivity of the laboratory.
1. Thermo Fisher Scientific Application Note 001533: Accurate and robust long-term
analysis of food and beverage samples using single quadrupole ICP-MS.
2. Thermo Fisher Scientific Application Note 001529: Reliable analysis of surface and
drinking waters following ISO method 17294 using single quadrupole ICP-MS.
3. Thermo Fisher Scientific Application Note 001592: Robust analysis of a variety of water
and wastewater samples according to U.S. EPA Method 6020B (SW-846).
4. Thermo Fisher Scientific Application Note 001503: Managing the challenges of
analyzing brine solutions of variable concentration using inductively coupled plasma
mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) equipped with argon gas dilution.
5. Thermo Fisher Scientific Technical Note 43399: Linear Dynamic Range Performance of
the Thermo Scientific iCAP Qnova Series ICP-MS.
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