RNA sequencing has emerged as a powerful tool for detecting various types of cancers and gaining a deeper understanding of tumor biology.
However, many samples used in these analyses are derived from tumor tissues preserved as formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) blocks. While FFPE blocks are excellent for histological examination, they pose significant challenges for molecular analysis due to the potential degradation or crosslinking of genetic material.
This application note describes the use of targeted custom RNA panels to overcome these challenges by enabling the robust and sensitive detection of gene expression profiles from FFPE non-small cell lung cancer samples.
Download this application note to discover:
- The latest advancements in RNA sequencing for cancer research
- Advanced bioinformatics tools that enhance the accuracy and precision of RNA sequencing results
- How targeted custom RNA panels can effectively ensure reliable and sensitive detection
In the oncology field, many research laboratories are moving beyond just interrogating
the genome for mutational analysis and seeking more dynamic biomarkers. RNA-based
workflows paired with analytical solutions for molecular analysis of tumor-derived samples
provide a deeper understanding of tumor biology in the context of non-small cell lung
cancer (NSCLC).
The typical biopsy specimen taken from a patient is usually a very limited amount of
material for molecular testing. To improve outcomes, it is critical to provide a thorough
characterization with limited material available.
At the medical center AZ Sint-Lucas, located in Ghent, Belgium, molecular biologists Koen
Jacobs, Ph.D. and Katrien De Mulder, Ph.D. are working to improve the molecular analysis
of NSCLC samples by developing RNA-based workflows. In a feasibility study, they
retrospectively evaluated Twist’s RNA analysis solutions in their laboratory. Most samples
are excised pieces of tumor tissue obtained as formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE)
blocks, a sample type that is ideal for histological analysis, but often presents a challenge
to molecular analysis as the genetic material can be degraded or highly crosslinked.
Additionally, the amount of tissue available can frequently be limited which can make
it refractory to use in an NGS workflow1,2. As a whole, NSCLC presents a challenging
use case due to the difficulty of working with these fixed specimens for NGS analysis3.
Therefore, an RNA sequencing workflow should be capable of working with low sample
input, while also enabling the sensitive discovery of both expected and unexpected
The AZ Sint-Lucas team had some key requirements for any solution that they would
implement in their lab. First and most importantly, they required a library preparation
method that would minimize the introduction of artifacts into sequencing data that could
potentially lead to a spurious conclusion. Second, the solution had to robustly detect lowexpressing genes. In some cases, they would be testing samples in which there is a low
percentage of neoplastic cells relative to normal cells, and therefore sensitive detection
of low-expressing genes is needed to boost their overall ability to detect the tumor’s
expression profile. Finally, the solution they were seeking needed to be able to detect
not just the genetic variation they were expecting but also identify novel changes such as
alternative splicing events and novel gene fusion variants.
Evaluation of a targeted RNA sequencing
workflow for variant calling from FFPE samples
in non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
"The transcriptome provides closer
access to the real biological status of the
tumor cell, in contrast to the more ‘static’
nature of DNA. The parallel analysis
of gene expression, fusion detection,
variant calling, tumor signatures, and
much more, possible with one library
prep and starting from three to five FFPE
tissue slices makes the RNA exome
kit a promising assay for future-proof
implementation into our clinical routine."
Koen Jacobs, Molecular Biologists,
AZ Sint-Lucas Ghent
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
DOC-001496 REV 1.0 2
Target Enrichment With a Custom RNA Panel Design
Twist’s Targeted RNA workflow was evaluated with a Twist
custom RNA target enrichment panel based on targets defined
by the AZ Sint-Lucas lab. The custom RNA panel, designated
“RNA-O”, was targeted against 272 cancer-related genes
relevant to NSCLC (Table 1). The custom RNA panel design was
targeted to coding regions and is therefore not expected to be
capable of detecting regions that are not expressed into RNA,
such as gene promoters or some PGx variants located in nontranscribed regions. It should also be noted that the RNA panel
incorporates Twist's novel “Exon-Aware design strategy” that
avoids positioning probes at exon junctions. The advantages
of this are a more complete targeting of the coding regions
within the transcriptome and the ability to capture novel fusion
events which typically present with fusions joined at exon-exon
junctions in the fusion transcript.
The performance of the Twist Targeted RNA workflow was
compared with two independent workflows that AZ Sint-Lucas
routinely uses on NSCLC tumor specimens. The first is a DNA
sequencing workflow for tumor variant calling and the second
is an RNA workflow specific to fusion detection. The evaluation
used the same set of FFPE samples derived from tumor and
normal tissue to evaluate the feasibility of a single RNA-based
workflow to replace their routine test for DNA (for variant calling)
and RNA (for RNA-fusion detection) analysis in NSCLC.
Sample Cohorts
The initial evaluation cohort included 32 FFPE samples: 29
NSCLC samples and 3 derived from normal lung tissue. The
tumor samples were selected based on the presence of known
consequential variants including missense, indels, CNV, and
gene fusions across a range of sample quality. Sequencing
results were then compared to that of routine DNA and RNA
sequencing to assess variant and fusion transcript detection,
respectively. Such a comparison is intended to evaluate the
feasibility of using a single RNA sequencing workflow in place of
a more complex and resource-intensive approach that involves
both DNA and RNA sequencing.
Genes Covered 84 272
MSI-Screening N/A 39
Aberration N/A 1,921 SNPs
Probe Count 7,279 10,123
Design Target
Region Size 0.36 Mb 0.84 Mb
Table 1. Characteristics of RNA panels utilized in the study. The lab
utilizes a fusion-specific panel in routine testing along with a DNA-based
sequencing panel. The “RNA-O” custom panel has a broader scope of
coverage that targets regions of the transcriptome beyond just fusions,
including variant, MSI, and chromosomal aberrations.
Library Preparation
Briefly, RNA was extracted from 3-5 FFPE curls of 5-micron
thickness and processed for total RNA extraction. Subsequently,
all RNA samples were treated with the optional FFPE repair
module included in the Twist RNA library preparation kit before
proceeding with the standard RNA library preparation protocol
which can be completed within 5 hours. A summary of the RNA
integrity and extraction yields is shown in Figure 1. Overall, the
samples demonstrated a wide range of degradation profiles
and yields based on DV200 score and RNA quantification by
TapeStation system (Agilent) and Quantus (Promega) fluorometric
Figure 1. Cohort of FFPE RNA extractions demonstrating a range of
RNA fragmentation profiles based on DV200 measurements. A sample
with a DV200 calculation of >70% is considered high quality, 50-70% is
considered acceptable quality, and 30-50% is considered poor quality
(<30% is advised as too poor quality for NGS analysis)4,5. DV200 SCORE (%)
10 50 100
Target Enrichment and Sequencing
The prepared libraries were then enriched with the “RNA-O”
custom RNA panel overnight with Twist’s Standard Hyb v2
protocol and then sequenced across multiple sequencing
runs to compare performance against the routine workflow
involving DNA and RNA sequencing. All sequencing data was
processed with a custom pipeline for data processing and variant
calling, the performance of which was compared against prior
sequencing analysis results from the same tumor specimens.
DOC-001496 REV 1.0 3
While evaluating Twist’s RNA sequencing solutions, the team
utilized a baseline of variant and fusion calls from their routine
DNA and RNA sequencing workflow. Importantly, neither routine
workflow was capable of detecting both variants and fusion
transcripts on its own, therefore reliance on the incumbent
technology necessitates the use of precious sample material for
both RNA and DNA sequencing. The Twist Custom RNA-O panel
proved capable of detecting both coding variants and fusion
transcripts. The only variants that RNA-O was unable to detect
were those that lay outside of coding regions and were therefore
not converted into RNA transcripts. Variants were identified in
several clinically relevant genes, including SMARCA4, KRAS,
and MET. Additionally, transcript variants, including two EGFR
exon 19 deletions and one EGFR exon 20 insertion, were included.
Notably, detection of a splice site variant in KEAP1 (c.1709-1G>T)
when RNA-O was used indicates the capture of pre-mRNA.
Alterations were classified as single nucleotide variant (SNV)
(n=37), splice site variant (SS) (n=1), insertion or deletion (INDEL)
(n=4), germline pharmacogenetic variant (PG) (n=3), gene
promoter mutation (GP) (n=2), or fusion gene (F) (n=9). A summary
of the results is presented in Table 2. These variants were
present in several genes that were adequately detected with
“RNA-O”. Detection of fusion genes: ALK, RET, MET exon 14
skipping, NTRK3, and FGFR3 were also concordant between the
custom panel design and the routine DNA workflow.
Concerning pharmacogenetic variants in a coding sequence (one
DPYD, two SLCO1B1), only one variant (DPYD) out of three could
be detected with the RNA-O panel. However, it is notable that
SLCO1B1 is not known to be expressed in the two sample tissues
where no SLCO1B1 RNA coverage was present as shown in
Human Protein Atlas6, therefore this result is potentially spurious
because this gene is not known to be normally expressed within
the lung. Two gene promoter mutations are investigated with the
solid tumor DNA panel: TERT and UGT1A1. Since both variants
are not part of a coding sequence, none of these variants could
be detected with the RNA-O panel. While this may appear to be
a limitation of the panel, the mutational status of the promoter
is not a critical clinical finding in the context of tumor profiling
in NSCLC. Additionally, the mutational status of a promoter is
typically utilized to infer the aberrant expression of a gene. In the
context of an RNA-based analysis, the expression of the gene
itself can be measured and utilized as an alternative marker to
promoter sequence analysis. Overall, the custom RNA panel
designed by Twist shows strong concordance with the routine
DNA and RNA panels regarding tumor-associated variant calling
across a range of variant classes including detection of fusion
The use of the custom RNA target enrichment panel that includes
targets for both mutation detection and fusion calling makes for
a fast and reliable sequencing workflow. Given that all coding
genes are included and tumor-specific expression patterns
could be identified in the context of signatures, this approach is
highly relevant and future-proof to the investigation of additional
genetic biomarkers.
Single Nucleotide Variant (SNV) 37 N/A 37 37/37
Splice Site Variant (SS) 1 N/A 1 1/1
Insertion / Deletion (INDEL) 4 N/A 4 4/4
Germline Pharmacogenetic
Variant (PG) 3 N/A 1 1/3
Gene Promoter Mutation (GP) 2 N/A N/A 0/2
Fusion Variant (F) N/A 9 9 9/9
”N/A” indicates that the workflow is not designed to capture or target these variants. See text for additional details.
Table 2. Summary metrics on the
concordance of the Twist Custom
RNA enrichment panels vs. the
standard stand-alone routine testing
protocols for DNA sequencing or RNA
sequencing. The Twist enrichment
workflow with the RNA-O panel
demonstrates concordance with variant
classes that are targeted with the
routine panel. For detection metrics
amongst the 9 known fusions detected
by routine RNA testing, the RNA-O
panel design was able to also detect
the fusions in addition to other variant
1. De Maglio, G. et al. The storm of NGS in NSCLC diagnostic-therapeutic pathway: How to sun the real clinical practice. Crit. Rev. Oncol. Hematol. 169, 103561 (2022).
2. Penault-Llorca, F. et al. Expert opinion on NSCLC small specimen biomarker testing — Part 1: Tissue collection and management. Virchows Arch. 481, 335-350 (2022).
3. Arreaza, G. et al. Pre-Analytical Considerations for Successful Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS): Challenges and Opportunities for Formalin-Fixed and ParaffinEmbedded Tumor Tissue (FFPE) Samples. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 17, 1579 (2016).
4. Matsubara, T. et al. DV200 Index for Assessing RNA Integrity in Next-Generation Sequencing. Biomed Res. Int. 2020, 9349132 (2020).
5. Evaluating RNA Quality from FFPE Samples. Illumina https://www.illumina.com/content/dam/illumina-marketing/documents/products/technotes/evaluating-rnaquality-from-ffpe-samples-technical-note-470-2014-001.pdf (2016).
6. Thul, P. J. et al. A subcellular map of the human proteome. Science. 356, 6340 (2017).