Understanding mitochondrial function is essential for advancing research in cellular bioenergetics and dysfunction. However, traditional plate reader-based methods often lack the ability to measure multiple parameters simultaneously, making comprehensive analyses challenging.
Researchers can unlock deeper insights into cellular metabolism and structural dynamics by integrating mitochondrial respiration assessments with live-cell imaging. This innovative approach offers a more holistic view of mitochondrial activity and maximizes efficiency.
This application note highlights how combining novel relative oxygen consumption rate (rOCR) assays with imaging technologies can transform plate reader-based mitochondrial research, featuring workflows and examples that simplify complex analyses.
Download this application note to discover:
- How to achieve simultaneous assessment of mitochondrial function and cellular morphology
- Novel techniques to streamline mitochondrial workflows with multiplexed assays
- Practical examples showcasing mitochondrial modulators and structural changes
Application Note
Cell Analysis
Yoonseok Kam, Lisa Winer,
Natalia Romero
Agilent Technologies, Inc.
The Agilent Mito-rOCR assay is an innovative fluorescence plate reader-based
solution for measuring relative mitochondrial respiration rates. Its unique design,
compatible with multimode plate readers, allows for the simultaneous analysis of
mitochondrial function and other cellular processes. This feature is advantageous
when combined with microscopy, which provides insights into both the biochemical
and morphological characteristics of cells. The multiplexed application of the MitorOCR assay enables the extraction of multiple parameters from a single sample,
offering a more comprehensive understanding of cellular metabolism and function.
This application note outlines the basic workflow of the multiplexed Mito-rOCR
assay with other plate reader-based assays and presents two example applications
that combine Mito-rOCR measurements with mitochondrial imaging for deeper
characterization of mitochondrial function.
Multiplexed Assessment of
Mitochondrial Function Combining
the Agilent Mito-rOCR Assay with
Live-Cell Imaging
Agilent offers a range of advanced cell analysis solutions that
enable real-time detection of changes in cellular bioenergetics.
These technologies are essential for understanding cellular
processes such as activation, proliferation, differentiation,
and dysfunction. Notably, the Agilent solutions for in vitro
assessment of oxygen consumption rate (OCR) provide
valuable insights into mitochondrial function and cellular
oxidative energy metabolism.
The Agilent Seahorse XF analyzer and related kits are pivotal
in advancing mitochondrial research. The Seahorse XF
analyzer’s ability to measure OCR offers a direct method to
assess mitochondrial respiration, a key indicator of cellular
metabolism. Its quantitative nature, with the ability to inject
compounds and make repeated OCR measurements, ensures
reliable data for robust analyses. The Mito-rOCR assay
complements this by offering a more accessible option that
can be used with fluorescence plate readers, broadening the
scope for research applications. The seal lid technology and
automated data analysis further refine the process, facilitating
precise assessment of relative OCR (rOCR) changes due to
pharmacological interventions or genetic modifications.
The Mito-rOCR assay can be performed on a multimode
fluorescence plate reader, making it easy to combine with
microscopic imaging analysis. The Agilent 96-well microplate
included in the Mito-rOCR assay kit is highly compatible
with fluorescence imaging on multimode plate readers,
allowing seamless integration with microscopic imaging
for multiplexed assays. This integration saves cost and
time, conserves samples, and reduces variability between
experiments by simultaneous assessment of multiple
parameters. This application note introduces two application
examples integrating live-cell fluorescence imaging with the
Mito-rOCR assay on the Agilent BioTek Cytation 5 cell imaging
multimode reader.
Cell preparation
A549 cells (ATCC, CCL-185) were maintained in F-12K
medium (ATCC, 30-2004) supplemented with 10% FBS. A
day before the assay, cells were seeded on an Agilent 96-
well microplate at 3 × 104 cells/well excluding control wells
assigned for blank, background, and glucose oxidase (GOx).
Reagent preparation
Mito-rOCR reagent working solution was prepared by
resuspending the rOCR vial in 1 mL assay media (Seahorse
XF DMEM assay medium supplemented with 10 mM glucose,
1 mM pyruvate, and 2 mM glutamine, Agilent, p/n 103680-
100). Rotenone/antimycin A (Rot/AA) mix were resuspended
in 106 µL assay media. GOx was resuspended in 100 µL
water. The Mito-rOCR working solution was further diluted
with 5.5 mL assay media prewarmed at 37 °C (final volume =
6.5 mL).
Live-cell labeling
For JC-1 imaging, cells were incubated in the culture media
for 20 minutes in the presence of 5 µg/mL JC-1 (SigmaAldrich, T4069) and 1 µg/mL Hoechst 33342 (Thermo,
#62249). Cells were washed with the assay medium. Since
BioTracker Mitochondria (Sigma-Aldrich, SCT136) does not
require any washing steps, a separated labeling step was
excluded. Instead, 100 nM BioTracker Mitochondria and 1 µg/
mL Hoechst 33342 was included in the assay media together
with the Mito-rOCR reagent.
Mito-rOCR measurements
The plate medium was replaced with the diluted Mito-rOCR
assay media (50 µL/well) except for the two blank wells. The
blank wells were filled with 50 µL of the prewarmed assay
media without any Mito-rOCR reagent. The dilute Mito-rOCR
assay media includes the cell-labelling reagent in the case of
BioTracker Mitochondria staining.
GOx (1 µL/well), Rot/AA (1 µL/well), and other test
compounds modulating mitochondrial function (≤ 5 µL/
well) were added to the corresponding wells and incubated
for 10 minutes at 37 °C. The plate lid was replaced with
the prewarmed Mito-rOCR seal lid and assembled with the
Mito-rOCR magnetic holder as described in the user guide.
Oxygen consumption was measured using a premade Gen5
protocol designed to capture time-resolved fluorescence
measurements at 1-minute intervals on the Mito-rOCR
monochromator assay by Cytation 5.
All media change and seal lid/magnetic holder assembly
were performed on a plate heater set at 37 °C. For additional
nuclear staining, cells were incubated in the presence of 1 µg/
mL Hoechst 33342 after Mito-rOCR measurement.
Mito-rOCR data analysis
Relative oxygen consumption rates were calculated using the
Mito-rOCR Analysis View within Agilent Seahorse Analytics
following the protocol in the user guide. Briefly, the result
file was exported as a text file (.txt) using Gen5 and then
uploaded to Seahorse Analytics. The control and experimental
group layouts were assigned on the template design page,
and kinetic graphs and bar charts were generated. Data
comparison and interpretation were performed using the
bar charts in Seahorse Analytics or by exporting the data to
GraphPad Prism, as illustrated in Figures 1 and 2.
Live-cell imaging
The magnetic holder was removed from the plate for live-cell
imaging. The seal lid can be retained during imaging unless
doing an additional nuclear staining by 1 µg/mL Hoechst
33342. The seal lid was carefully removed and replaced
with the condensation ring lid (the one used during cell
culture) after the addition of Hoechst 33342. Cells were
incubated for 10 minutes at 37 °C in the presence of Hoechst
dye before imaging.
All images were captured at 20× magnification using the
BioTek Cytation 5 cell imaging multimode reader. For JC-1
imaging, three fluorescence filter sets—DAPI (Agilent, p/n
1225100), GFP (Agilent, p/n 1225101), and TRITC (Agilent,
p/n 1225125)—were used. BioTracker Mitochondria images
were obtained using the GFP filter set. The focal point was
identified using laser autofocusing (Agilent, p/n 1225010).
Results and discussion
Multiplexing the Mito-rOCR assay with mitochondrial
membrane potential assessment
The first multiplexed assay example is to compare the rOCR
changes with mitochondrial membrane potential changes
induced by well-known mitochondrial modulators: Oligomycin,
an inhibitor of ATP synthase, rotenone/antimycin A mix, a
combinational inhibitor of complex I and III, and FCCP, a
mitochondrial uncoupler. The loss of mitochondrial
membrane potential is a common indicator of mitochondrial
dysfunction, often induced by drugs. It can be detected by
comparing the green and red fluorescence of JC-1, a cationic
dye that accumulates in mitochondria. When the membrane
potential is intact and sufficiently high, JC-1 forms red
fluorescent J-aggregates. However, if the membrane
decreases due to mitochondrial perturbation, resulting in
membrane depolarization, JC-1 fails to form these aggregates
and emits green fluorescence.¹
Before performing a multiplexed assay, the impact of JC-1
on oxygen consumption rates was assessed. The rOCR of
A549 cells was measured in the presence or absence of JC-1
when cells were treated with the mitochondrial modulators
oligomycin (0.5 µM), rotenone/antimycin A (0.5 µM each),
or FCCP (0.5 µM). These compounds are standard
modulators used in mitochondrial assays like the Agilent
Seahorse XF Cell Mito Stress Test, which assesses the key
parameters of mitochondrial function. The results, depicted in
Figure 1A, indicate that the presence of JC-1 does not affect
rOCR measurements, and changes in rOCR are consistent
with the expected outcomes of mitochondrial inhibition or
uncoupling by these compounds. These results suggest that
JC-1 can be reliably used in multiplexed assays without
interfering with the measurement of mitochondrial respiration.
Next, mitochondrial respiration changes induced by
mitochondrial intervention was assessed alongside
mitochondrial membrane potential. Since oxygen
consumption measurements are not interfered by JC-1 or
Hoechst 33342 (data not shown), A549 cells were labeled
with JC-1 and Hoechst 33342 for 20 minutes and followed
by a wash to remove excess dye. Oxygen consumption was
immediately measured over 45 minutes to obtain Mito-rOCR
in the presence of inhibitors and the uncoupler. The assay
concluded with JC-1 imaging, without any additional washing
steps between the Mito-rOCR assay and image acquisition.
Figure 1B shows the Mito-rOCR assay results, indicating
rOCR decreases by oligomycin and rotenone/antimycin A
and upregulation in the presence of FCCP. Figure 1C
presents representative images obtained from the same plate.
Although both oligomycin and rotenone/antimycin A similarly
lowered the mitochondrial respiration (Figure 1B), the
membrane potential change detected by JC-1 fluorescence
was markedly different. While oligomycin slightly increased
the membrane potential compared to the vehicle control,
adding rotenone + antimycin A severely disrupted the
membrane potential. When cells were treated with FCCP, they
exhibited differential effects depending on the concentration.
The rOCR reached its maximal rate at the optimal
concentration of 0.5 µM FCCP. However, excessive FCCP
lowered the mitochondrial respiration rate, as previously
reported. As shown in Figure 1C, the membrane potential
remained relatively intact at the optimal FCCP
concentration. In contrast, the membrane potential was
disrupted with significant morphological changes by
treatment with higher FCCP concentrations. This
differential effect on rOCR and mitochondrial membrane
potential measurements is expected, considering the nature
of the methods. The addition of the uncoupler at optimal
concentrations results in a small decrease in membrane
depolarization, facilitating and increasing electron
transport, H+
pumping to the intramembrane space, and a
drastic increase in mitochondrial respiration, which contributes to maintaining the steady state of the membrane
potential. The addition of higher concentrations of the uncoupler meanwhile, resulted in respiration inhibition, decreased
electron transport and H+
pumping with the consequential
membrane depolarization. These results highlight the value of
direct measurements of oxygen consumption when
assessing oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS).²
Multiplexed imaging of mitochondrial structure
The second multiplexed assay example shows the structural
changes in mitochondria associated with respiration rate.
Mitochondrial morphology is another phenotypic change
closely associated with the mitochondrial function. As
shown in the multiplexed Mito-rOCR assay with JC-1
staining, uncoupling with excessively high concentrations
of FCCP can cause mitochondrial morphological defects.
These observations align closely with the earlier report
indicating that FCCP can induce mitochondrial fragmentation
by disrupting mitochondrial membrane potential and by
associating with OPA1 cleavage.³
The mitochondrial structural change caused by FCCP at
different concentrations was monitored by BioTracker
488 Green Mitochondria dye along with the MitorOCR measurements. BioTracker Mitochondria dyes
are membrane permeable fluorogenic stains which
become brightly fluorescent upon accumulation in the
mitochondrial membrane. The fluorescence signal depends
on mitochondrial mass not on mitochondrial membrane
potential, and it is lost if mitochondrial membrane integrity is
compromised by cell death or any other damage.
The possible adverse effect of BioTracker Mitochondria dye
on the oxygen consumption measurement was examined
similarly to the previously mentioned JC-1 experiment. There
was no significant change in rOCR caused by the presence
of BioTracker Mitochondria dye (Figure 2A). The FCCPconcentration-dependent Mito-rOCR elevation was repeatedly
observed as shown Figure 2B. The BioTraker Mitochondria
staining pattern in Figure 2C also shows FCCP-concentration
dependent loss of mitochondria integrity loss, with increase
on punctate morphology and expected decrease in MitorOCR. This morphological change corresponds well to the
membrane potential disruption monitored previously
(Figure 1C).
Vehicle Oligo Rot/AA 0.5 μM 2 μM 5 μM
Mito-rOCR (AU/h)
Vehicle Oligo FCCP Rot/AA
Mito-rOCR (AU/h)
(-) JC-1
(+) JC-1
B. A.
Figure 1. Changes in mitochondrial function (Mito-rOCR) and mitochondrial membrane potential (JC-1) induced by mitochondrial inhibitors and an uncoupler.
(A) The impact of JC-1 on Mito-rOCR was assessed in the presence of vehicle or mitochondrial modulators; oligomycin (Oligo), FCCP, and rotenone/antimycin A
(Rot/AA). (B) Mito-rOCR was measured post-JC-1 labeling, both in the presence and absence of mitochondrial modulators. (C) 20× magnification JC-1 fluorescent
images were automatically captured following Mito-rOCR measurements. Nuclei were stained with Hoechst 33342 (blue). JC-1 at high membrane potential is red
and JC-1 at low membrane potential is green. (Scale bar = 100 µm).
Multiplexed Mito-rOCR assay workflow
Combining Mito-rOCR measurement with imaging data
enables a more comprehensive understanding of
mitochondrial respiration and related cellular functions. For
instance, a decrease in OCR due to excessive FCCP can be
linked to defects in the physical state of mitochondria, as
demonstrated in the two application examples in this note.
When designing a multiplexed Mito-rOCR workflow that
incorporates fluorescence imaging data analysis, several
factors must be considered:
1. Fluorescence spectrum compatibility: The fluorescence
spectrum of the imaging marker must be distinct from
that of the oxygen sensor used in Mito-rOCR (Ex 380 nm/
Em 650 nm), and the fluorophore should not interfere
with Mito-rOCR measurements. The oxygen sensor’s
spectrum in the Mito-rOCR kit is distinct from many
commonly used fluorescence markers such as GFP, RFP,
and DAPI, making it suitable for multiplexing (data not
shown). However, it is recommended to check for any
potential interference. Figures 1A and 2A provide
examples of how this can be tested.
Vehicle 0.5 µM 2 µM 5 µM
Mito-rOCR (AU/h)
2. Timing compatibility: The Mito-rOCR assay requires
measurements over 45 minutes while maintaining a
microchamber to limit oxygen supply. Therefore, the
labeling procedure must be compatible with this
requirement. Also, Mito-rOCR measurement must begin
immediately after the Mito-rOCR reagent is administered,
so any labeling or imaging steps that delay measurement
must be avoided.
3. Media compatibility: The multiplexing workflow must be
designed with media compatibility in mind. For live cell
markers that need to be measured in serum- or phenol
red-free conditions, such as HBSS, it is recommended
to start with Agilent Seahorse XF assay media
supplemented with metabolic fuel to avoid acidification in
the microchamber under non-CO2 conditions.
Vehicle Oligo FCCP Rot/AA
Mito-rOCR (AU/h)
(-) BioTracker
(+) BioTracker
Figure 2. Concentration-dependent differential effect of FCCP on Mito-rOCR and mitochondrial morphology in A549 cells. (A) The impact of BioTracker
Mitochondria on Mito-rOCR was assessed in the presence of vehicle or mitochondrial modulators; oligomycin (Oligo), FCCP, and rotenone/antimycin A (Rot/
AA). (B) Mito-rOCR was measured immediately after BioTracker Mitochondria staining, in the presence or absence of FCCP at varying concentrations. (C) 20×
magnification BioTracker Mitochondria fluorescent images were automatically captured following Mito-rOCR measurements. (Scale bar = 30 µm).
Considering these factors, the multiplexed Mito-rOCR
workflow can be composed of four key steps: (1) sample (cell)
preparation, (2) live-cell labeling, (3) Mito-rOCR assay, and
(4) cell imaging. Two possible variations of this workflow are
schematically illustrated in Figure 3. If the live-cell labeling is
fully compatible with the Mito-rOCR measurement conditions
and stable for 45 minutes or longer, the workflow shown
in Figure 3A is recommended, as introduced by the two
application examples in this note. The alternative workflow in
Figure 3B should be considered for any cell imaging analysis
not compatible with Mito-rOCR assay conditions.
Step 1. Sample (cell) preparation:
Cells are seeded on an Agilent 96-well microplate a day before
the Mito-rOCR assay. However, the culture conditions and
duration may vary depending on the cell type. The seeding
density and culture conditions may need to be optimized for
the Mito-rOCR assay. Cells can also be pretreated with test
compounds during this preparation step if necessary.
Step 2. Live-cell labeling:
On the day of the assay, cells are labeled with molecular
markers either before or after the Mito-rOCR assay. The
protocols for live-cell labeling and imaging vary depending on
the targets of interest and the nature of the markers. If there
is no interference between the Mito-rOCR reagents and the
live cell marker, cells can be labeled before the Mito-rOCR
measurement (Figure 3A). If cell labeling potentially interferes
with Mito-rOCR measurements or if the Mito-rOCR assay
environment affects live cell markers, the Mito-rOCR assay
should be completed before cell labeling and imaging.
Step 3. Mito-rOCR assay:
Mito-rOCR can be obtained. Depending on the live cell
markers, the cell labeling and washing steps need to be
carefully arranged. The media should be changed to one
compatible with the live-cell imaging markers. The Mito-rOCR
assay requires fluorescence measurements at 1-minute
intervals for at least 45 minutes. To examine the acute effect
of test compounds, they are typically administered to cells
along with Mito-rOCR reagents and included during the MitorOCR measurement.
Step 4. Live-cell imaging:
The Mito-rOCR seal lid and Agilent 96-well microplate are
compatible with inverted microscope imaging. Therefore,
automated brightfield and fluorescence imaging is feasible
with any compatible multimode imaging plate reader. The
magnetic holder can be retained for low magnification
imaging. However, it increases the lens-to-object distance
and may interfere with high magnification microscopy for
outer wells. It is recommended to remove the magnetic holder
from the plate before imaging. There is no direct interference
with inverted microscopy caused by the seal lid. However, if
reagent addition or media change is required between the
Mito-rOCR assay and imaging step, the lid must be carefully
removed to avoid lifting the cells and replaced with the Agilent
96-well microplate lid.
Figure 3. Two general workflows of multiplexed live-cell imaging accompanied with Mito-rOCR assay. The cells are labeled with live cell markers before the MitorOCR assay (A) or after (B). Test compound may be applied to cells before this workflow for a long-term pretreatment assay or included the Mito-rOCR preparation
for an acute treatment assay.
The Agilent Mito-rOCR assay, a fluorescence plate readerbased assay, offers the advantage of multiplexed analysis
of mitochondrial metabolism and function by integrating its
workflow with imaging. This multiplexed workflow enables a
more comprehensive analysis by combining mitochondrial
function with other related cellular activities, using the Agilent
BioTek Cytation 5 cell imaging multimode reader.
1. Perelman, A.; Wachtel, C.; Cohen, M.; Haupt, S.;
Shapiro, H.; Tzur, A. JC-1: alternative excitation
wavelengths facilitate mitochondrial membrane
potential cytometry. Cell. Death. Dis. 2012, 3(11),
e430. DOI: 10.1038/cddis.2012.171
2. Kowaltowski, A.J.; Abdulkader, F. How and when to
measure mitochondrial inner membrane potentials.
Biophys. J. 2024. DOI: 10.1016/j.bpj.2024.03.011
3. van der Stel, W.; Yang, H.; le Dévédec, S. E.; van de Water,
B.; Beltman, J. B.; Danen, E. H. J. High-content highthroughput imaging reveals distinct connections between
mitochondrial morphology and functionality for OXPHOS
complex I, III, and V inhibitors. Cell. Biol. Toxicol. 2023.
39(2), 415-433. DOI: 10.1007/s10565-022-09712-6
For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
This information is subject to change without notice.
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2024
Published in the USA, November 20, 2024