Kinetics of CpG internalization and sub-cellular organelle co-localization within circulating human plasmcytoid dendritic cells

As ligand-bound TLR9 enters the endosome, MyD88 dependent IRF-7 and NF-kB signaling is promoted, resulting in the sustained anti-viral responses mediated by the pDC. The lack of available cell lines and the poor adaptability of pDC to culture have rendered the study of TLR-mediated internalization and subcellular traffi cking of viral particles, as well as TLRmediated signaling within pDC difficult by tradition biochemical or microscopic techniques. We have recently shown that nuclear translocation events within nonadherent primary cells can be quantified by correlating
transcription factor and nuclear images collected in flow using the ImageStream imaging fl ow cytometer. We have also demonstrated the ability to quantify sub-cellular trafficking of internalized molecules in tumor cells using the ImageStream.