MicroRNA (miRNA) research is advancing rapidly, with growing interest in using body fluids like serum, plasma and urine for less invasive biomarker discovery. Despite their potential, these sample types often have low RNA input, which can limit accurate analysis.
This application note provides insights into innovative methodologies designed to enhance miRNA discovery and mapping from low-input samples.
Download this application note to discover:
- The transformative impact of improved workflows on miRNA research
- Strategies to maximize miRNA discovery from low-input samples
- Solutions to common technical challenges faced in small RNA-seq
MicroRNAs (miRNA) are 18-22 nucleotide-long non-coding RNAs
which play an important role in the regulation of protein levels.
Many recent studies have proposed using miRNAs as biomarkers
because they are tissue specific, stable in extracellular space
and expression profiles can be linked to health status. They
can be reliably detected in tissues and diverse body fluids, of
which plasma, serum, and urine are frequently used as they
are pretty much non-invasive sample types and easy to obtain.
Over the last years we have observed a strong trend in the field
where researchers interested in miRNA are moving from studying
tissues to body fluids.
With these types of samples, the available input is low and
often close to 1 ng. NEXTFLEX® Small RNA-Seq Kit v3 has been
successfully used to study miRNA in different kinds of body
fluids. However, due to the low input amounts the workflow
required PAGE purification to separate the adapter dimers from
the final library product. This is time consuming, makes difficult
the automation of the workflow and might lead to loss of miRNA
diversity and yield. To address this problem, we developed the
NEXTFLEX® Small RNA-Seq Kit v4.
Patent-pending strategies to reduce generation of adapter
dimers were incorporated into this kit streamlining the workflow
and reducing bias The ligation reaction was optimized, adapter
depletion oligonucleotides were added, and the randomized
adapter ends were removed.
Simplify Low-Input
Small RNA-seq
Library Prep &
Improve Discovery
Michael Hawkins
Nicole Clark
Pedro Echave
William Law
Key Takeaways
• Gel-free workflow from 1 ng of
total RNA input
• Exceptional miRNA discovery
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Simplify low-input small RNA-seq library prep & improve discovery.
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Streamlined NEXTFLEX® small RNA-seq
kit v4 workflow
Comparison of NEXTFLEX® small RNA-seq kit
v4 with competitor A
We performed a side-by-side comparison of NEXTFLEX®
Small RNA-Seq Kit v4 with Competitor A, which also offers
a gel-free workflow even from 1 ng. To do so, we selected
serum as input type. Serum is a challenging sample for small
RNA-seq with a low proportion of reads aligning to miRNA.
Additionally, serum samples have naturally a variable
content on miRNA and differences are to be expected from
different donors.
Five human serum samples (Zenbio) were extracted using
the NextPrep™ Magnazol™ cfRNA isolation Kit from Revvity.
The RNA obtained was quantified with the Thermo Fisher®
Scientific Qubit® fluorometer. 1 ng of total RNA was used
as input for either NEXTFLEX® Small RNA-Seq Kit v4 or
Competitor A. Two different scientists performed the
experiment to assess reproducibility.
Small RNA libraries were prepared manually according to
the manufacturer’s instructions and after Thermo Fisher®
Scientific Qubit® fluorometer measuring and pooling they
were run on an Illumina® MiSeq® platform at 1x75. Results
were downsampled to the same number of reads for
comparisons. Small RNA analysis was performed using a
Revvity custom script. Alignment reference was mature
miRNA from mirBase v22.1
miRNA alignment
After filtering and mapping the data, we checked the
proportion of reads that aligned with adapter dimer, tRNA,
YRNA, rRNA and miRNA for both kits (Figure 1).
Figure 1. Proportion of reads aligning to adapter dimer and
different RNA species.
Both kits show a low proportion of adapter dimer or rRNA
in the final data. A higher presence of reads corresponding
tRNA and YRNA are seen on the libraries from Competitor A,
sue ggesting that the mechanism to deplete those species is
less efficient.
Both kits presented a percentage of miRNA reads in
agreement with published data for serum, although the
NEXTFLEX® Small RNA-Seq Kit v4 miRNA mapping rate
was 2-fold higher than that obtained with Competitor
A (15.61% vs 7.15%).
miRNA discovery
Performance of small RNA seq is known to be heavily
dependent on the workflow used. To understand the
relationship between the miRNA species identified by both
kits we quantified how many were found and the similarities
of the miRNA discovered in both workflows.
To do so we looked first at the average number of unique
miRNA discovered per sample (Figure 2).
Simplify low-input small RNA-seq library prep & improve discovery.
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Revvity, Inc.
940 Winter Street
Waltham, MA 02451 USA
(800) 762-4000
Figure 2. Average number of unique miRNA discovered per
sample using 1 ng of serum as input.
We find that NEXTFLEX® Small RNA-Seq Kit v4 has a higher
miRNA discovery rate than Competitor A. Setting a threshold
of 5 (at least 5 counts to call a specific miRNA), the average
of unique miRNA discovered per sample is 163 vs 117, or
39% higher. If the threshold is more stringent and we set it at
10, then NEXTFLEX® Small RNA-Seq Kit v4 can discover 128
vs 90, or 42% more unique miRNAs than Competitor A.
To investigate how comparable were the sets of miRNA
found by both workflows we set threshold to 5 and
determined the miRNA in common between replicates for
each kit. This resulted in 134 miRNA for NEXTFLEX® Small
RNA-Seq Kit v4 and 92 for Competitor A. (Figure 3).
Figure 3. Venn diagram showing that 45% more miRNA were
identified using the NEXTFLEX® Small RNA-Seq Kit v4 than
Competitor A kit.
81 miRNA (88% of the miRNAs discovered by Competitor A)
were also found by NEXTFLEX® Small RNA-Seq Kit v4. 11
miRNA only foundwith Competitor A and 53 miRNA only
found with NEXTFLEX® Small RNA-Seq Kit v4.
NEXTFLEX® Small RNA-Seq Kit v4 has a streamlined,
gel-free workflow delivering exceptional miRNA mapping
and discovery rates even when working at low inputs with
challenging samples such as serum.