The microbiome affects almost all daily homeostatic functions in all living things. However, the magnitude and complexity of this relationship in humans is still not fully understood and requires more in-depth research.
Much of this research is performed through 16S sequencing, using samples derived from stool. Although these samples are easy to collect, they pose multiple challenges for sample preparation and can result in inaccurate and misrepresentative data.
This application note explores techniques for effective sample preparation, including selecting the optimal bead media and how to achieve full sample lysis and DNA recovery in both liquid and solid samples.
Download this application note to discover:
- How to recover high quantities of high integrity DNA
- Considerations when selecting the best beads for total lysis
- How to combine sample preparation with automated DNA extraction
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures
The microbiome is a vast interconnected network of viruses,
fungi, and bacteria found inside and on the surface of all
entities, both living and non-living [1]. This network affects nearly
all daily homeostatic functions in humans, including digestion,
cognition, and immunity [1]. However, the magnitude and
scale of this relationship in our everyday lives is still not fully
understood, and continued research is needed to unveil the
mysteries of the microbiome.
To aid in the discovery of new relationships and to delve deeper
into current relationships we as humans have with our resident
microorganisms, researchers must use methods that are not
only repeatable and scalable but also maximize the yields of
target analytes from challenging matrices. Much of the human
microbiome data collection is created by 16S sequencing
derived from multiple sources, including swabbing areas of
interest, tissue biopsies, or stool samples [2]. Of these sample
types, stool samples are often utilized for microbiome projects
due to the non-invasive aspects of sample procurement, where
tissue biopsy or swabbed samples may be more accurate
representations or specifically targeted microbiome locations.
While easier to collect, stool samples have proven to have a host
of shortcomings in microbiome research. Stool has been shown
to be an inadequate sampling matrix to determine if treatments
like probiotics are effectively taking residence inside a patient [3].
Additionally, stool does not allow the researcher to determine
if the target organisms are present in desired concentrations at
specific regions of the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract) [4].
Optimal recovery
of microbial DNA
for 16S sequencing
from murine
tract tissue
through bead mill
and automated
nucleic acid
For research use only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.
Omni Bead Ruptor Elite™ bead mill homogenizer
Optimal recovery of microbial DNA for 16S sequencing from murine gastrointestinal tract tissue through bead mill homogenization and automated nucleic acid extraction. 2
To add to these conundrums, many sample preparation
methods add bias to the downstream sequencing data
by not offering a complete DNA extraction of all present
microorganisms [5]. Some bacteria, particularly Grampositive or acid-fast organisms, are resistant to lysis due to
the thicker cell walls. These tougher to lyse organisms also
resist enzymatic lysis methods and require long incubations
for the same reason.
Without complete lysis and recovery of targeted
intracellular analytes, tougher to lyse samples will be
misrepresented as smaller percentages of populations,
and other easier to lyse organisms will be overrepresented.
These misrepresentations, established by the initial
sample preparation, alter the accuracy and, consequently,
our understanding of the data produced.
To address the need for complete lysis and provide quick
and repeatable sample preparation, physical lysis of the
microbes through bead beating gives optimal results.
Bead beating stool samples for DNA recovery have been
used for decades and are available in many typical DNA
extraction kits [6,7,8]. However, not all bead beating
methods provide optimal microbial lysis. When using
esoteric samples like tissue that must have not only the
microbial population lysed but the complete dissociation
of the tissue matrix as well, particular care must be taken
to use the correct methods to address the needs of each
cell type.
Herein, we detail the selection of optimal bead media that
address the lysis and recovery of DNA from liquid culture
samples and the recovery of total microbial DNA from solid
tissue samples.
Materials and methods
• Omni Bead Ruptor Elite bead mill homogenizer
(Cat # 19-042E)
• 2 mL Hard Tissue Homogenizing Mix 2.8 mm Ceramic
Beads (Cat # 19-628)
• 2 mL Microbiome Homogenizing Mix 2.8 mm & 0.1 mm
Ceramic Beads (Cat # 19-636D)
• Omni Bead Ruptor Elite bead mill homogenizer 2 mL tube
carriage (Cat # 19-373)
• chemagic™ 360 (Cat # 2024-0020)
• chemagic DNA Stool 200 Kit H96 (Cat # CMG-1076)
• NEXTflex 16S V4 Amplicon-Seq Kit 2.0
(Cat # NOVA-4203-03)
• NEXTflex 16S V3-V4 Amplicon-Seq Kit
(Cat # NOVA-4204-03)
Optimal bead media selection
To evaluate which bead media would provide the best
lysis for a wide range of microorganisms, a Gram-positive
bacterium (Staphylococcus epidermidis), a Gram-negative
bacterium (Escherichia coli), and a yeast (Saccharomyces
cerevisiae) were chosen as target organisms to evaluate
lysis. Each of these organisms was grown overnight in
growth media appropriate for each target, made to the
manufacturer’s specifications. Either Tryptic Soy Broth
(TSB) (Sigma, Cat # 21185) or Sabouraud Dextrose Broth
(SDB) (Sigma, Cat. # S3306-500G) was used as a growth
media. TSB was used for the propagation of both species
of bacteria, and SDB was used for yeast propagation.
Each organism was grown in an incubator at 37 °C for
16 hours before experimentation.
Each organism’s optical density was measured at
600 nm post-incubation using an ELX808 plate reader,
then standardized in 10 mL volumes by dilution in
appropriate growth media to a standard OD600 of 0.1.
Each organism was transferred into triplicate tubes
containing either 0.5 mm ceramic, 0.5 mm glass, 0.1 mm
ceramic, or 0.1 mm glass beads. The number of beads
between common-sized beads was controlled by using
densities provided by the suppliers. The weight between
tested media (ceramic and glass) was constant between
the two tested sizes. Glass bead media tubes contained
0.26 grams of bead media, and the tubes with ceramic
bead media contained 0.6 grams. Three-time points
(1, 2, and 3 minutes) were chosen to observe the effect of
lysis on each of these organisms. Each time point would
contain all four tested bead matrices. These conditions
resulted in 108 tested samples. 1 mL of the tested standard
was loaded into each 2 mL tube containing the target
bead matrix.
Optimal recovery of microbial DNA for 16S sequencing from murine gastrointestinal tract tissue through bead mill homogenization and automated nucleic acid extraction. 3
All samples were processed on an Omni Bead Ruptor Elite
bead mill (Cat # 19-042E) with parameters set to 4.2 m/s for
1-minute cycles. A 30-second dwell in between cycles was
included on the 2 and 3-minute time points. After processing,
each tube was serially diluted in 1:10 dilutions to reach
CFU/mL concentrations. For all organisms, this was
roughly 103
CFU/mL. Next, using standard microbiological
techniques, 100 µL of the 105
and the 104
concentrations were spread on either Tryptic Soy Agar
(TSA) or Sabouraud Dextrose Agar (SDA) plates for colony
counting. Plates were placed in an incubator set to 37 °C for
16 hours. After incubation, the plates were removed, and
colonies were counted. These colonies were then compared
to control samples plated from serial dilutions of the same
standards that were not subjected to homogenization.
Percent lysis was calculated as the percent reduction of
visible colonies in the colony count plates. The bead media
that created the highest amount of lysis across the observed
time points was chosen as the most suitable media for
microbial lysis. Figures 1-3 display the lysis data from each
Lysis of bowel tissue
A combined bead fill was made incorporating 0.1 mm and
2.8 mm ceramic beads to evaluate the recovery of DNA
from microbes in and on tissues. This new bead fill was
subjected to side-by-side extractions against the original,
non-optimized bead fill containing only 2.8 mm ceramic bead
media. 2 fully intact, flash-frozen mouse gastrointestinal
tracts were sectioned into twelve 200 mg segments (+/- 5%)
starting at the colon and ending at the stomach of each
mouse GI tract.
Each 200 mg GI sample was loaded into a 19-628 or
19-636D bead beating tube containing 1175 µL of lysis
buffer and 25 µL of protease K from the chemagic DNA Stool
200 Kit H96 (Cat. # CMG-1076). All tubes were placed on
an Omni Bead Ruptor Elite bead mill and homogenized at
6 m/s for 3, 1-minute cycles with a 30-second dwell time
between each cycle. After homogenization, each tube was
centrifuged at 13,000 x g for 5 minutes, and 800 µL of the
supernatant was transferred to a 96-well plate compatible
with the chemagic 360 instrument. DNA extraction was
completed by following all steps described in the chemagic
DNA Stool 200 Kit H96 protocol. The resulting extracted
DNA concentrations and purity ratios were quantified with
a Nanodrop 2000. DNA extraction results are displayed
in Table 1.
Extraction of microbial DNA from standard community
To evaluate extraction bias from the optimal bead matrix
for combined microbial and tissue lysis, a community of
microorganisms was selected for extraction by purchasing
a commercially available standard (Zymo, Cat. # D6300).
This standard was then subjected to the same extraction
performed on the bowel tissue samples. In triplicate
19-636D tubes, 75 µL of this standard was combined with
25 µL of protease K and 900 µL of lysis buffer provided in
the chemagic DNA Stool 200 Kit H96 (Cat. # CMG-1076).
All tubes were loaded onto the Omni Bead Ruptor Elite
bead mill and homogenized at 6 m/s for 3, 1-minute cycles
with a 30-second dwell time between each cycle. After
homogenization, each tube was centrifuged at 13,000 x g for
5 minutes, and 800 µL of the supernatant was transferred
to a 96-well plate compatible with the chemagic 360
instrument. DNA extraction was completed by following
all steps described in the chemagic DNA Stool 200 Kit H96
protocol, except for reducing the elution volume to 100 µL
from 250 µL. The resulting extracted DNA concentrations
and purity ratios were quantified with a Nanodrop 2000.
16S sequencing
Sample DNA concentrations were determined using either
a Qubit fluorometer or, for highly concentrated samples,
by NanoDrop. Samples were diluted appropriately in
Resuspension Buffer, and the concentration of diluted
samples was again checked by Qubit fluorometry. Libraries
were constructed using NEXTflex 16S V4 Amplicon-Seq
Kit 2.0 (Cat # NOVA-4203-03) and NEXTflex 16S V3-V4
Amplicon-Seq Kit (Cat # NOVA-4204-03). Kits use specific
primers that amplify the V4 region or V3 and V4 regions
of the bacterial 16S rRNA gene. An input of 50 ng per
reaction was used for DNA extracted from Zymo Community
Standards samples. Library concentrations were measured
using the Qubit fluorometer, and the library DNA length
pattern was visualized on an electropherogram using an
Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer.
Libraries were sequenced on MiSeq (Illumina) using a
2 x 250 nt reads cartridge. Primers were trimmed by
Cutadapt (
index.html). Reads were then analyzed by QIIME 2
software ( using the newest SILVA
( datasets specific to V4 or
V3-V4 regions. Population results from 16S sequencing
are displayed in Figure 4.
Optimal recovery of microbial DNA for 16S sequencing from murine gastrointestinal tract tissue through bead mill homogenization and automated nucleic acid extraction. 4
Figure 1: Lysis of Escherichia coli quantified by colony count.
Small-diameter beads produced the highest average lysis
when evaluating all tested cultured bacteria (Figures 1-3).
In both E. coli and S. epidermidis, the smallest, most dense
beads (0.1 mm ceramic) provided the greatest lysis at all
time points. The second most effective lysing beads for
these organisms was the 0.1 mm glass media. In both
organisms, 0.5 mm ceramic beads produced greater average
lysis at each observed time point than the 0.5 mm glass
variant produced.
When evaluating the S. cerevisiae, some of the same
trends continue. The smallest and most dense bead
produced the most significant average lysis (Figure 2).
However, the second-best bead media for producing
lysis in yeast was the 0.5 mm ceramic bead, the largest
and densest tested bead. The 0.5 mm glass beads also
produced a larger average lysis than the 0.1 mm glass bead
media in S. cerevisiae.
Homogenization of the GI tract samples with the 19-628
and the 19-636D bead kits resulted in liquified samples
that could be easily pipetted into 96-well plates. However,
the average DNA recovered from microbe-rich GI cultures
was 12.7 times higher when incorporating the 0.1 mm
ceramic beads into tubes compared to the average DNA
recovered from tissue samples only using 2.8 mm ceramic
beads (Table 1). Furthermore, the populations of organisms
recovered from the community standard are represented in
ratios equivalent to what is reported by the manufacturer for
16S genomic DNA composition (Figure 4).
E. coli lysis with multiple bead types
Optimal recovery of microbial DNA for 16S sequencing from murine gastrointestinal tract tissue through bead mill homogenization and automated nucleic acid extraction. 5
Figure 2: Lysis of Saccharomyces cerevisiae quantified by colony counts.
Figure 3: Lysis of Staphylococcus epidermidis quantified by colony counts
S. cerevisiae lysis with multiple bead types
S. epidermidis lysis with multiple bead types
Optimal recovery of microbial DNA for 16S sequencing from murine gastrointestinal tract tissue through bead mill homogenization and automated nucleic acid extraction. 6
Figure 4: Population results displayed as the percentage of total 16S DNA present after sequencing the extracted Zymo Community Standard.
Bead fill Total
yield (ng) STD (ng) A260 /A280 A260 /A230
2.8 mm
ceramic beads 26,486 16,358 1.9 1.8
0.1 mm and
2.8 mm
ceramic beads
338,289 104,794 2.0 2.1
Table 1: Total DNA yields from mouse GI tracts after bead beating
with microbial optimized and non-optimized bead fills.
Bead beating microbial cultures and microbe-rich tissues
resulted in complete lysis and unbiased recovery of samples
with high integrity and high quantity of DNA. In addition,
optimal lysis of all microorganisms was accomplished
when using the smallest bead media evaluated, as seen
in Figures 1-3.
For all tested bead types, the smallest-most dense beads
provided the quickest complete lysis and the greatest total
lysis compared to larger beads.
Additionally, combining the effectiveness of the optimal
cultured microbial lysis beads with beads designed for the
lysis of tissues and other solid samples, more total DNA
is recovered from identical samples. This highlights the
effectiveness of the combined bead fill in achieving high lysis
efficiency and higher recovered DNA compared to lysis with
only large bead media.
The sample preparation step utilizing the combined bead
media is compatible with automated DNA extraction and
16S sequencing for metagenomic analysis. This analysis
demonstrates the effectiveness of Omni Bead Ruptor
Elite bead mill in the lysis of both tissues and microbes
simultaneously. Additionally, it shows the importance of
using the proper bead media in the initial lysis steps of the
cellular matrix. Without the proper selection of bead media
and adequate processing times tailored to the sample,
complete physical disruption of the microbes cannot be
If these diminished results are not addressed by additional
steps with enzymatic or chemical lysis, the likely result
would be altered data sets where easy-to-lyse organisms
would be present in higher quantities than the harder-to-lyse
organisms. Utilization of bead beating during the sample
preparation of microbe-rich samples allows researchers
to implement lysis steps that are high yielding, rapid,
repeatable, and automatable.
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Optimal recovery of microbial DNA for 16S sequencing from murine gastrointestinal tract tissue through bead mill homogenization and automated nucleic acid extraction.
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