Radioactive Isotope Detection Using Triple Quadrupole ICP-MS
App Note / Case Study
Published: June 25, 2024

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Environmental contamination with the radioactive isotope 129I poses significant risks to human health. Hence, accurate ultratrace determination of radioactive iodine is essential for assessing environmental hazards, particularly following nuclear incidents.
However, traditional detection methods struggle with low concentrations and interference, hampering accuracy and response times.
This application note explores how to overcome these challenges using triple quadrupole ICP-MS technology and ensure reliable environmental monitoring.
Download this application note to discover:
- The benefits of triple quadrupole ICP-MS for ultratrace 129I determination
- Effective interference removal techniques using oxygen reaction mode
- Improved detection limits and spike recovery results in complex matrices
Certified for Thermo Scientific™ iCAP™ TQe ICP-MS APPLICATION NOTE 44409
Accurate determination of 129I in
environmental samples using
triple quadrupole ICP-MS
Author: Simon Lofthouse; Thermo Fisher
Scientific, Hemel, Hempstead, UK
Keywords: 129I, interference removal,
oxygen, reaction gases, triple quadrupole
To demonstrate the ultratrace determination of 129I in
aqueous samples using triple quadrupole ICP-MS. To
demonstrate that triple quadrupole technology can be used
in oxygen reaction mode to attenuate potential interference
problems associated with the measurement of 129I.
The most common regulatory methods for environmental
analysis focus on highly toxic contaminants such as As, Cd,
Hg or Pb, which are essentially present as stable isotopes
only. In some cases however, the analysis of radioactive
isotopes (or nuclides) is required to accurately assess
potential hazards for example after incidents associated
with power generation using nuclear technology. The most
commonly observed product nuclides of nuclear fission of
uranium are found in the mass range of about 90 amu and
140 amu. Due to their short half-lives, many direct fragments
undergo further decay reactions and therefore, the isotopes
causing the most concern when released to the environment
are 90Sr, 133Cs or radioactive nuclides of iodine. Iodine is
especially critical as it is incorporated into the thyroid gland
of humans and can cause severe damage. For iodine, two
isotopes are of most concern: 131I, which has a half-life of
only 8 days and decays relatively quickly and 129I, which is
a long lived radionuclide with a half-life of 15.7 million years.
The presence of radioactive iodine in the environment is
primarily due to emissions from nuclear fuel reprocessing
plants alongside potential nuclear weapons testing and
nuclear power plant accidents.
Concentrations of 129I in the environment are normally very
low and this, together with the relatively low sensitivity
of iodine, can make it challenging to measure accurately
by ICP-MS. Most of the radionuclides of interest can be
determined by radiometric techniques, but in most cases,
long exposure times are required to ensure sufficient
counting statistics. The opportunity to apply ICP-MS
can therefore help to decrease sample turnaround times
dramatically and speed up official responses to potential
sources of contamination.
ICP-MS is prone to interferences, as are all analytical
techniques, which may bias the results. Whereas socalled polyatomic interferences are of most concern in the
majority of applications and can be effectively eliminated
using kinetic energy discrimination (KED), there are other
interferences that require the use of reactive gases and
subsequent chemical reactions in the cell. However, the
selection of a reactive gas is not straightforward and may
lead to adverse effects for other analyte ions.
Triple quadrupole instrumentation typically employs a
quadrupole before the collision/reaction cell in order to
allow only specific ions into the cell, while eliminating
others. This pre-filtering of the ion beam prior to the cell
provides improved interference removal by reducing the
range of side of reactions that can occur in the cell as well
as allowing selective reaction chemistries to be applied
using reactive cell gases.
Challenges that need to be overcome for the measurement
of 129I include the potential of 129Xe isobaric interference
from impurities in the argon gas, potentially high levels
of naturally occurring 127I in the samples and possible
polyatomic interferences from 127IH2
+, Mo+ dioxide and
dioxide hydride species and Sn+ hydroxide species.
Single quadrupole ICP-MS using oxygen in the QCell can
be used to significantly reduce isobaric interference from
129Xe+. However, potential problems with peak tailing from
127I, 127IH2
and polyatomic interferences from Mo+ and Sn+
based species still remain.
To overcome these issues triple quadrupole ICP-MS
operating in O2
reaction mode has been investigated to
demonstrate the potential of this technique for measuring
ultratrace levels of 129I in aqueous environmental samples.
All measurements were performed using a Thermo Scientific™
iCAP™ TQ ICP-MS. The instrument was operated using the
Thermo Scientific™ Qtegra™ Intelligent Scientific Data Solution
(ISDS) Software and was tuned daily using a mixed standard
solution. The typical operation parameters are shown in
Table 1.
Parameter Value
RF Power 1,550 W
Nebulizer Gas Flow 1.12 L·min-1
Interface High sensitivity
QCell Settings SQ-O2 TQ-O2
Gas Flow 0.6 mL·min-1 0.6 mL·min-1
CR Bias -7.2 V - 7.2 V
Q3 Bias -12 V -12 V
Table 1. Typical instrumental parameters
In order to select the appropriate instrument settings (e.g.
choice of reaction gas and the mass to be transmitted to
the analyser quadrupole (Q3)), the Reaction Finder Method
Development Assistant was used. Reaction Finder allows
analytical methods to be set up without prior detailed
knowledge of potential reaction pathways caused by
other components in the sample. For this work O2
automatically selected by Reaction Finder for the analysis
of 129I in TQ mode. A second measurement mode using
oxygen and single quadrupole operation (SQ-O2
) was also
manually added to compare differences between these
two modes alongside single quadrupole no gas (SQ-STD)
and single quadrupole KED (SQ-KED) modes. The scan
settings for the first quadrupole were optimized using
intelligent Mass Selection (iMS). As can be seen from the
results, iMS was able to remove all ions potentially causing
interferences whilst assuring optimized transmission of the
analyte. The use of high resolution (less than 1 amu) on Q1
was found to not be required for this application.
Signal on
m/z 129 [cps]
BEC 129I
Result Autotune
(0.34 mL·min-1) 30 1.3
Optimized O2
(0.6 mL·min-1) 2 0.13
Mechanisms of iodine interference removal using O2
reaction gas with triple quadrupole ICP-MS
In O2
mode, the 129Xe interference on 129I is extremely
efficiently removed by a charge exchange reaction between
Xe+ and O2
, while 129I doesn’t react. The presence of Mo
and Sn in the samples leads to the formation of MoO2
SnO+ and SnOH+ product ions in the cell, which interfere
with 129I. In single quadrupole mode, there is no way to
prevent Mo and Sn entering the cell together with Xe and
I, so MoO2
+, SnO+ and SnOH+ interference on 129I can’t be
prevented. In fact, if Mo and Sn are present in the samples,
leads to worse results than can be achieved in
either standard or He KED modes. In contrast, triple
quadrupole operation allows Mo and Sn in the samples
to be completely rejected from the ion beam before it
enters the cell, preventing them from forming additional
interference on 129I. MoO2
+, SnO+ and SnOH+ are present
in the plasma, but at very low levels (particularly SnO+) and
furthermore, MoO2
+ reacts further with O2
in the cell to form
higher Mo oxides which don’t interfere with 129I. Reaction of
SnO and SnOH to SnO2
and SnO2
H also appears to occur,
ensuring complete removal of these low-level interferences.
The mechanism of interference removal on 129I using a triple
quadrupole ICP-MS system is shown in Figure 1.
129Xe+ + O2 → 129Xe + O2
+ + O2 → 127I
+ + H2O
+ + O2 → 97Mo16O3
+ + O
Rejected and cannot
form 112Sn17O+, 112Sn16O1
or 97Mo16O2
+ at m/z 129
129Xe+, 127I
+, 97Mo16O2
97Mo+, 97Mo16O+
Figure 1. Interference removal mechanism for analysis of 129I
Sample preparation
129I calibration solution solutions were prepared in a
0.5% v/v tetra methyl ammonium hydroxide (TMAH)
solution rather than dilute HNO3, to prevent the severe
memory effects caused by oxidation of iodide to iodine by
nitric acid. The same matrix was used for the preparation
of all blanks, calibration solutions, samples and rinse
solutions for iodine analysis by ICP-MS. Interference
solutions containing I, Mo and Sn were also prepared in
the same matrix to demonstrate the interference removal
and highlight the potential problems associated with
typical environmental samples. A sample matrix intended
to simulate the typical composition of soil or surface
water samples was prepared containing Ca, Mg, Na (at
20 mg·L-1) and Al, Fe, Mn, Cu (at 5 mg·L-1), with Mo and Sn
(at 1 mg·L-1) also added to provide sources of interference
on 129I. Aliquots of this solution were spiked with known
concentrations of 129I to assess spike recovery.
The iCAP TQ ICP-MS parameters were initially optimized
for maximum sensitivity using the supplied tune solution.
The QCell oxygen gas flow was then optimized to maximize
removal of the 129Xe+ interference whilst maintaining
sensitivity for iodine.
As can be seen in Table 2, the oxygen gas flow rate
determined by the instrument’s autotune procedure
still showed a low signal at m/z 129, which resulted in a
slightly elevated blank equivalent concentration (BEC, the
apparent concentration of 129I caused by the background
signal) for 129I. In order to reduce the BEC further (whilst
compromising signal to noise ratio as little as possible),
the High gas flow setting was used with an offset value of
0.3 mL·min-1 in addition to the default flow rate determined
by the autotune routine, giving a total gas flow rate of
approximately 0.6 mL·min-1. This flow rate provided
optimum 127I signal intensity versus the 129I background
resulting in an ultralow BEC for 129I (Table 2).
Table 2. Signal intensities at autotuned and optimised O2
Figure 2 shows the calibration curves for 129I in triple
quadrupole mode with oxygen cell gas (TQ-O2
) and single
quadrupole mode with oxygen (SQ-O2
) after optimisation of
the O2
Figure 2. Calibration curves for 129I (0–100 ng·L-1). On mass mode using
(top) and SQ-O2
Table 3 contains the calculated Instrument Detection
Limits (IDL). These values are shown for both the single
quadrupole in standard mode, He KED and O2
in single
quad mode and triple quadrupole mode using O2
as the
reaction gas.
Table 3. Comparison between SQ and TQ modes for the analysis
of 129I
Component SQ-STD SQ-KED SQ-O2 TQ-O2
BEC (ng·L-1) 40 30 2.2 0.13
IDL (ng·L-1) 2 2 0.2 0.001
test solution
at 129I
at 129I
20 µg·L-1 127I 45 ng·L-1 0.09 ng·L-1 500
1 mg·L-1 Mo 560 ng·L-1 0.07 ng·L-1 8,000
1 mg·L-1 Sn 30 ng·L-1 0.07 ng·L-1 430
In a second step to further elucidate the potential of using
triple quadrupole ICP-MS for this analysis, solutions
containing elements directly interfering on m/z 129 were
analysed. In many environmental samples, like soils or
plant digests, it is not unusual that higher amounts of Mo
and Sn can be found.
Table 4. Interference effects in SQ-O2
and TQ-O2
modes for the
analysis of 129I
Figure 3. Full mass scan performed on a sample containing 20 µg L-1
natural iodine (127I) in SQ-O2
mode. Xe based interferences are eliminated,
but 127I
+ causes a significant false positive signal on m/z 129.
Table 4 shows the apparent concentrations at 129I obtained
when analyzing solutions containing 20 µg·L-1I, 1 mg·L-1 Mo
and 1 mg·L-1 Sn respectively. The comparison between
and TQ-O2
modes shows clearly that by controlling
the ions that enter the QCell using Q1, the background
associated from interfering species is significantly reduced.
As can be seen in Figure 3 and Table 4 respectively,
even moderate amounts of natural iodine (127I) lead to a
significant contribution to the signal observed at m/z 129
due to the formation of 127I
+ in single quad mode if 127I
is not removed before the ion beam enters the collision/
reaction cell.
Utilizing triple quadrupole functionality attenuates IH+ and
+ and eliminates problems with 97Mo16O2
+, 112Sn17O+ and
H+ ions that arise from the Mo and Sn present in
typical environmental samples.
Finally, the spike recovery results for a range of 129I
concentrations in the simulated environmental matrix
are shown in Table 5. These results show that 129I can
be quantitatively measured at ultratrace concentrations
despite the presence of potential interferences using TQ-O2
mode on the iCAP TQ ICP-MS.
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Sample Spike recovery in TQ-O2
10 ng·L-1 105
20 ng·L-1 98
50 ng·L-1 97
100 ng·L-1 101
Table 5. 129I spike recoveries
Triple quadrupole technology can help to tackle difficult
sample matrices, where significant contributions from
matrix components lead to the formation of severe
polyatomic interferences on the target analyte. In this work,
the background signal on 129I caused by the presence
of 129Xe and the formation of Mo+ and Sn+ species was
significantly attenuated while maintaining high detection
sensitivity, leading to ultralow detection limits for 129I.
Excellent spike recoveries were also obtained for 129I in
simulated environmental matrix samples.
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