Simulated Distillation Analysis of Kerosene and Diesel by ASTM D2887

ASTM D2887 is one of the most common SimDis methods, focusing on petroleum fractions with a final boiling point of 538 oC (1000 oF) or lower. Samples analyzed using this method must have a boiling range
greater than 55oC, as well as a vapor pressure low enough to allow for sampling at ambient temperature.
This application note details how the Shimadzu GC-2010 Plus with Advanced Flow Control Technology allows for highly reproducible analysis of hydrocarbons in simulated distillation methods.
greater than 55oC, as well as a vapor pressure low enough to allow for sampling at ambient temperature.
This application note details how the Shimadzu GC-2010 Plus with Advanced Flow Control Technology allows for highly reproducible analysis of hydrocarbons in simulated distillation methods.