The effectiveness of cancer immunotherapy is hindered by mechanisms enabling tumor immune escape and subsequent tumor progression. T cells are essential to the tumor microenvironment, but a deeper understanding of the mechanisms which prevent T cells from entering tumors is crucial for developing new therapies and improving existing ones.
This application focus explores how high-plex spatial profiling can be applied to better understand the role of T cells in cancer immune surveillance and how cancers evade the immune system.
Download this application focus to discover:
- A high-plex spatial profiling platform that can acquire data from over 200 markers on a single tissue slide
- A case study using this technology to study the role of T cell microenvironments in liver cancer
- How high-plex tissue imaging can be paired with machine learning to uncover deeper insights
The effectiveness of cancer immunotherapy is hindered
by mechanisms that allow tumor immune escape and
subsequent tumor progression. T cells are essential to the
tumor microenvironment, but a deeper understanding of the
mechanisms which prevent T cells from entering tumors is
crucial to develop new therapies and improve existing ones.1
This application focus explores how high-plex spatial profiling
with the MACSima™ Platform can be applied to better
understand the role of T cells in cancer immune surveillance and
how cancers evade the immune system.
Using spatial biology to uncover γδ T cell
Gamma delta (γδ) T cells are a subset of T cells that are essential
effectors in tumor immunosurveillance. They bridge features of
both adaptive and innate immunity, have antigen-presenting
capacity and exhibit cytotoxic and regulatory functions
independently of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC).
However, their function and resulting clinical significance has
been difficult to elucidate. Notably, it is known that γδ T cells
have both antitumor function and protumor function, and their
accumulation in tumor tissues has been identified as the best
predictor for positive prognosis across 39 malignancies.2
There are also currently several avenues of research attempting
to use γδ T cells in immunotherapies, as their lack of MHC
restriction means that they do not induce adverse immune
responses (i.e., graft vs host disease) when administered.
However, the biological mechanisms underlying γδ T cell
functions must be fully understood in order to exploit
them for therapeutic approaches. MACSima Imaging Cyclic
Staining (MICS) technology (Figure 1) was used in a proof-ofprinciple study to investigate γδ T cells in their native tissue
Figure 1. An overview of a MACSima multiomics workflow using MACSima Imaging Cyclic Staining (MICS) technology. Credit: Miltenyi Biotec
Uncovering the Role of T Cells in Cancer
With Spatial Biology2
High-plex in situ proteomics imaging
using the MACSima Platform
The MACSima Platform automates cyclic staining to
simultaneously acquire data from over 200 markers on
a single tissue slide, allowing a deeper look into subphenotypes in the tissue. Any traditional antibodies used for
immunohistochemistry or immunofluorescence staining or
any antibody that works on fresh, frozen or FFPE tissue can be
used. A serial section is taken and H&E stained. Pathologists
identify regions of interest (ROIs), such as the tumor center,
invasive front and normal tissue. These are then used to set the
respective ROIs on the MACSima Platform (Figure 2).
Subsequent stitching and alignment of all the images and
removal of background noise produces high-plex images
which can be analyzed with MACS® iQ View Spatial Biology
analysis software to bring scientific context to the results. This
is particularly useful for the visualization of the changes in cell
phenotypes and the resulting interactions that enable tumors
to infiltrate healthy tissue (Figure 3).
This proof of principle study identified 28 γδ T cell
neighborhoods from 6 benign colon samples and 22 colorectal
cancer samples. The study was performed on fresh frozen
tissues that were PFA-fixed on 5 μm thick tissue slides.
For the assessment of the markers, high-plex imaging with the
MACSima Platform was performed with 56 markers per tissue
(Figure 4). Several immune cell populations were selected
for the markers in the panel, as well as tissue-forming cells
and cancer-associated epitopes. These markers were either
selected from the broad pretested antibody portfolio covered
by Miltenyi Biotec or from other vendors. In the resulting
image of a fresh, frozen human colon sample, an immune
infiltrating compartment can be seen, along with a muscular
layer and crypts (circular structures surrounding the tertiary
immune infiltration spot). Most importantly, γδ T cells were
also stained, allowing their study in a high-dimensional
Subsequently, a workflow was established to identify cell
phenotypes, annotate cell clusters and bring more context
into the images. A cell segmentation was performed, followed
by a transformation of greyscale values and principal
coefficient analysis. Finally, a Leiden clustering was performed.
The resulting cell type annotation illustrated cell subset
clusters, including the immune cells of interest. The findings
Figure 2. Sample preparation for MACSima workflow. Credit: Kilian Wistuba-Hamprecht, Manfred Claassen
Figure 3. High-plex images of human colon tissue (healthy compared to tumor invasive front) taken using the MACSima Platform.3
from the computational analysis were used to quantify the
neighborhoods of the δ1 γδ cells and δ2 γδ cells (Figure 5).
This showed differences in interactions between different
immune cells and the γδ T cell subtypes. For example, there
was a clear higher frequency of myeloid cells interaction with
δ2 cells compared to δ1 cells.
Furthermore, the phenotypes of colorectal cancer (CRC)
and hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) infiltrating δ1 and δ2
cells were identified, and the cell-type composition within
individual neighborhoods was determined. Single-cell
sequencing was used to validate the findings from the
MACSima Platform, particularly the phenotypic signatures of
γδ T cells at the single cell level.
Deciphering the role of MAIT cells in liver
cancer with multiplex tissue imaging
While the previous approaches were sufficient for single-cell
analysis, a more general computational approach was required
to determine the broader composition and phenotypes of the
Tcell neighborhoods. In a collaboration with partners at the
National Institutes of Health (NIH), multiplex tissue imaging
was used to understand the role of mucosal-associated
invariant T (MAIT) cells in liver cancer and patient survival.
MAIT cells detect intracellular metabolites as a method of
identification of abnormal cells by the immune system.
Previous research into the role of MAIT cells in liver cancer,
specifically HCC, has shown contradictory results. While
some studies showed that high levels of MAIT cells in the
liver correlated with a better chance of survival, other studies
showed the opposite. Therefore, the hypothesis of this study
was that the tissue microenvironment (the neighborhoods of
these MAIT cells) may determine their role (either beneficial
or non-beneficial) in liver cancer.4 For the multiplex imaging
performed in this study, 37 different protein markers were
measured simultaneously on the same tissue. To understand
the results, a machine learning model was used to determine
differences in cell type composition of the cells surrounding
MAITs in healthy tissue and tumor tissue.
The neighborhoods around MAIT cells in healthy and tumor
tissue were classified and the frequency of each neighboring
cell type was quantified, allowing for comparison of enriched
or depleted cell types between the two tissue types (Figure 6).
However, this analysis can only be as accurate as the cell types
Figure 4. Visualization of tissue infiltrating γδ T cells. Overview of a few antibodies included in the panel (left). Image of fresh, frozen human
colon (centre). Examples of γδ T cell stains (right). Credit: Kilian Wistuba-Hamprecht, Manfred Claassen.
Figure 5. Quantified neighborhoods of γδ T cells. Credit: Kilian Wistuba-Hamprecht, Manfred Claassen.4
initially identified. Therefore, if cell types were defined too
broadly or too narrowly, no differential frequencies would be
observed between healthy and diseased tissue.
To overcome this challenge, the computer model was
developed to identify possible novel cell types that are
particularly depleted or enriched across tissue types
independently – without accounting for the cell type
annotations – instead characterizing them according to their
molecular markers. This set of cells was then used as input for a
shallow convolutional neural network – CellCnn – to classify the
tissue type of origin of the input and enable the identification of
potential novel cell types.
When this model was applied to liver cancer data, the groups
of cells enriched in the vicinity of MAIT cells in healthy, rim
and tumor tissue could be observed, and the key enriched
cell populations identified (Figure 7). Subsequent differential
Figure 6. Cell-type annotation from multiplexed tissue images which were segmented to identify individual cells and their associated marker
expression profiles. Credit: Kilian Wistuba-Hamprecht, Manfred Claassen.
Figure 7. A & B) Identification of PD-L1+ M2 macrophages in MAIT neighborhoods. C) Mapping back the PD-L1+ M2 macrophage -MAIT interaction to the raw images to confirm the viability of the model. Credit: Ruf et al., 20235
expression analysis showed a strong enrichment of
programmed cell death ligand-1 (PD-L1)+ M2 macrophages
around MAIT cells. These M2 macrophages are known for their
inhibitory effects on other immune cells, and the presence of
PD-L1 on these macrophages suggests a mechanism along the
PD-1/PD-L1 axis to confer inhibitory function.
The mechanistic hypothesis of MAIT inhibition by PD-1/PDL1 mediation was further investigated in a mouse model. M2
macrophages were depleted, which resulted in a far stronger
infiltration of the tumor and stronger effector functions of MAIT
cells. This supports the hypothesis that M2 macrophages inhibit
the ability of MAIT cells to fight liver cancer.
The MACSima Platform was used to establish and image an
ultra-high-plex panel, including γδ T cell markers. This panel
was then used to characterize γδ T cell microenvironments in
CRC. In HCC tissue, the data produced by the MACSima Platform
allowed analysis of the tumor-associated microenvironment of
MAIT cells in HCC, and subsequently allowed the identification
of a PD-L1+ M2 macrophage subset.
The use of both machine learning analysis and MACSima
Platform high-plex tissue imaging shows how collaborative
experimental and computational methods can be used to
establish a joint aim and investigate biological mechanisms.
High-plex tissue imaging with the MACSima Platform is ideal
to produce information rich data which can be used to form
detailed mechanistic hypotheses to follow up in further
Dr. Kilian Wistuba-Hamprecht
Dr. Wistuba-Hamprecht leads groups at the
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ)
and University of Heidelberg. He led an
independent research group at the University
Hospital Tübingen with a focus on cancer
immunology, monitoring the interplay
between immune systems and tumors with
phenotypic and functional investigations.
Prof. Dr. Manfred Claassen
Prof. Dr. Manfred Claassen is Professor for Clinical
Bioinformatics at the University of Tübingen.
His research focuses on learning explainable
quantitative models in systems medicine from
high dimensional single-cell omics data.
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