The demand for precise and efficient analysis of in vitro transcribed (IVT) mRNA is growing, particularly in biotherapeutic workflows such as vaccine development.
New methods for assessment of IVT mRNA on the Agilent Fragment Analyzer systems have been developed for the HS RNA kit, providing optimized injection and separation conditions for this sample type.
This application note explores the cutting-edge tools that allow researchers to efficiently assess the integrity and purity of IVT mRNA, ensuring high-quality results.
Download this application note to discover:
- Tailored methods for low and mid-range concentration IVT mRNA samples
- Extended methods for analyzing long IVT mRNAs
- How RNA kits simplify biotherapeutic workflows
Proposed Title
Unlock High-Sensitivity IVT mRNA Analysis
Main Text Body (Maximum of 100 words)
The demand for precise and efficient analysis of in vitro transcribed (IVT) mRNA is growing, particularly in biotherapeutic workflows such as vaccine development.
The latest fragment analyzer systems can be paired with high-sensitivity RNA kits, unlocking innovative solutions for evaluating critical quality attributes (CQAs) like size, integrity and purity of IVT mRNA.
This application note explores the cutting-edge tools that allow researchers to efficiently assess the integrity and purity of IVT mRNA, ensuring high-quality results.
Download this application note to discover:
Tailored methods for low and mid-range concentration IVT mRNA samples
Extended methods for analyzing long IVT mRNAs
How RNA kits simplify biotherapeutic workflows