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Latest Articles

Illustration of a syringe dispersing broadly neutralizing antibodies targeting viral structures.

How Broadly Neutralizing Antibodies Are Driving Next-Gen Vaccines

This article explores how broadly neutralizing antibodies are being researched, not only for their potential in the prevention of HIV, but also for other rapidly mutating viruses such as influenza and SARS-CoV-2.
Various multicolored pills under a magnifying glass, symbolizing pharmaceutical innovation.

Exploring the Frontiers of Pharmaceutical Innovation

In this interview, we explore the key changes shaping the pharmaceutical industry, maintaining compliance across global markets and the innovative technologies shaping the future of pharmaceutical development.
A fungal electrode mid-3D-printing.

Microbial Battery Uses Fungi To Power Off-Grid Electronics

Researchers have developed a first-of-its-kind, 3D-printed cellulose-based fungal microbial fuel cell (MFC). The device is powerful enough to operate small sensors and could be used in agriculture or rural research.
Camera and robot implement over crops indoors.

How Will AI Change the Food and Drink Industry?

In the food and beverage industry, AI is predicted to help automate food production, streamline supply chains and personalize consumer nutrition. But is any of this feasible?
A young woman led on a sofa suffering from stomach pain. Highlighting the need for gut organoids to study IBD.

Library of Organoid “Mini-Guts” Helps Identify New Pathways in IBD

Technology Networks spoke with Dr. Thomas Dennison, University of Cambridge, to learn more about the advantages of using patient-derived organoids for modeling inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
An illustration of a wavy, green, plastic-like material, lit up against a black background. The material has small light dots across its surface,representing a data stream.

How Is AI Accelerating the Discovery of New Materials?

With the advent of machine learning and artificial intelligence, materials science could be poised to take its next big leap in efficiency since the introduction of computational chemistry.
An artistic representation of T cells

Understanding T Cells: T Cell Types, the T Cell Receptor and T Cell Activation, Differentiation and Functions

The adaptive immune system is highly complex and specific. In this article we focus on T cells, and discuss their development, their different functions, and what happens when they don't function correctly.
An illustration of a drug capsule on a computer chip.

How Is AI Being Used in Drug Discovery?

This article provides examples of how AI is helping to shape drug discovery, from drug design through to clinical trials.
A man wearing a mask has a side effect after suffering from COVID-19 during the pandemic

Could AI Help Predict the Next Pandemic?

This article provides examples of where AI has been utilized to predict disease outbreaks and how AI models could help inform future strategies for controlling the spread of infectious diseases.
Two dead fish and a bunch of yellow beads.

Fish vs Fish Oil Supplements: Which Is Better for Your Health?

To get some answers, Technology Networks posed these questions to Dr. Leigh Frame, an associate professor of clinical research and chief wellness officer at George Washington’s School of Medicine and Health Sciences.