Cell Culture Solutions for Biomanufacturing
Last Updated: June 7, 2024
(+ more)
Published: May 31, 2024

Credit: Thermo Fisher Scientific
The success of biopharmaceutical manufacturing relies on a controlled, scalable and high-yield production process.
Cell culture is an essential component in the manufacture of vaccines, therapeutic proteins and antibodies. So, to maintain product consistency and improve quality, researchers must fine tune at each step to maximize the potential of the cell line.
This compendium offers guidance and solutions for the culturing of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells for robust large-scale biomanufacturing.
Download this compendium to discover a broad portfolio of:
- High-performance CHO media, feeds and supplements
- Cell line development kits
- Media manufacturing and optimization services
CHO Playbook
Gibco™ CHO cell culture solutions for
Optimizing process productivity, improving scalability,
and increasing efficiency are central to developing a
successful biopharmaceutical manufacturing process.
To help you improve performance and maintain
consistent product quality, Thermo Fisher Scientific
offers a broad portfolio of high-performance CHO
media, feeds, supplements, cell line development kits,
and media manufacturing and optimizing services.
CHO solution process flow chart
You own your cell culture
media formulations
You are interested in developing
a new CHO cell line
You are interested in
evaluating catalog media
Good outcome
Further evaluation:
different concentrations or
culture conditions
Good outcome
Good outcome
Good outcome
Further evaluation and
technical advice by FAS
Further development
Explore our wide range of
products for your process
Customer Owned
You are interested in Gibco
media panel evaluations or
media development services
You are interested in cell
line development services
Cell Line
Cell Line
Looking for
more support?
Watch our Cell Culture Media
Selection and Manufacturing
Journey Webinar to learn how to
accelerate time to market and
increase production.
Watch the webinar
CHO catalog media, feed, and
supplement navigation guide
Identify your cell line:
Peptones for
CHO cell culture
Tour our facilities
Select your
Select your
Gibco™ feed:
and accurately
achieve a targeted
glycan profile:
Boost your titer by adding
a Gibco™ supplement:
DynamisTM Medium
FunctionMAXTM TiterEnhancer
Perfusion process:
Gibco™ High-Intensity
Perfusion (HIP)
CHO Medium
CD CHO Medium
CD OptiCHOTM Medium
Feed 1
Feed 2
ExpiCHOTM Stable
Production Medium
C+ Total Feed
B+ Supplement
C+ Supplement
A+ Supplement
B+ Total Feed
A+ Total Feed
Spotlight on perfusion
• Savings that speak volumes - the economic
benefits of perfusion bioprocessing.
• Perfusion medium considerations.
Learn more in the white paper
Discover more in the ebook Watch the video
• Gibco perfusion medium.
Description of CHO
(Chinese hamster ovary) cells
Peptones for
CHO cell culture
Tour our facilities
• Predominant host cell line for stable expression in large-scale production
and manufacturing of biotherapeutic proteins
• Robust, scalable, and high titer
• Enables various post-translational modifications
• Well-adapted to suspension culture and can grow to high densities,
particularly in bioreactors
• Safe production platform (low human virus susceptibility)
• Some proteins that are difficult to express in HEK293 cells may be expressed better in CHO cells
• Common variants for biomanufacturing CHO-K1, CHO DG44, CHO-S, CHO-GS, etc.
• Different CHO clones often possess diverse nutritional requirements that are unique to each clone
CHO Cells (Chinese hamster ovary cells)
Could cell line development kits help
enhance your CHO processes?
Learn how the Freedom ExpiCHO-S kit
enhances productivity.
Freedom cell line development kits.
Discover Gibco™ Freedom™ cell line development kits
For cell line development services, please contact us at our website.
Learn more here
Read the app note
Mutation landscape of
CHO cell lines
Peptones for
CHO cell culture
Tour our facilities
Original CHO line (Puck 1957)
CHO DG44 (cGMP banked)
(Life Technologies, A1097101)
CHO Pro- 3 (DHFR+)
(Flintoff, 1976)
DHFR mutant
(Urlaub & Chasin, 1983)
(Avail from L. Chasin)
CHO-S (cGMP banked)
(Life Technologies,
(Tilkins, 1991)
(Production cell line)
(Puck, ATCC CCL-61)
93061 607)
CHO variant
(Tobey, 1962)
(Kao & Puck, 1968)
CHO protein free
(ECACC 00102307)
EMS exposure
Gamma rays
CHO cell lines
CHO Protein Free
Peptones for CHO cell culture
CHO (Chinese hamster ovary) cells
Nutritional diversity
• Balanced composition to meet specific requirements of
all cell types
Protective effects
• Nutritional buffering
• Protects cells from toxic levels of media components
• Allows for higher concentrations of key components
• Delays onset of apoptosis
Peptone selection in CHO cell cultures
How to choose the right peptone for CHO cell culture processes
Select a good complete
base medium
• More enriched base media
yield better results than
deficient media (e.g., CD or SF
complete media)
Select from a wide variety of
peptones to evaluate as
supplement and feed
• Different substrates (e.g., yeast, soy,
cotton, or wheat)
• Multiple products from the same substrate
Characterize the culture throughout the
process using analytical techniques
• Establish baseline data using spent media in multiple
runs with multiple lots of peptones (e.g., feed
strategy: timing and concentration of feed addition)
Evaluate performance on proliferation, production,
and protein quality
• Monitoring only one attribute does not always predict overall
performance (e.g., glycosylation and charge variant profiles)
Create a thorough experimental
• Multiple concentrations (e.g., 1g/L, 3g/L,
5g/L, 7g/L, and 9g/L)
• Individual and blended conditions
(e.g., blend of yeast and soy peptones)
Tour our facilities
Components of a typical peptone
15% 20%
Polypeptides 30% Free amino
Salt and
trace metals
(vitamins, organic
acids, organic
nitrogen bases, etc.)
Adding the right peptone
to your process can
dramatically improve the
culture environment to achieve
production goals.
Learn more about how to screen and
select the right peptone for your process.
Watch the video
Gibco Peptone Starter Packs
Tour our facilities
Get Started With the GibcoTM Starter Paks
Product Description Contents
Starter Pak
No. 1
Ultra-filtered peptones ideal for human health
DifcoTM Yeast Extract, UF
BactoTM TC Yeastolate
DifcoTM TC Yeastolate, UF
DifcoTM Phytone Supplement, UF
BactoTM Yeast Extract, Technical
Starter Pak No. 2 Animal origin–free and animal origin peptones
best suited for vaccine production
BactoTM Yeast Extract
DifcoTM Soytone
PhytoneTM Peptone
BactoTM Proteose Peptone No. 2
BactoTM Proteose Peptone No. 3
BactoTM Casamino Acids
Starter Pak No. 3 Animal origin–free peptones for animal and
human vaccine production
BactoTM Malt Extract
BactoTM Yeast Extract
Yeast Extract
BactoTM TC Yeastolate
PhytoneTM Peptone
DifcoTM Soytone
Preview Pak
Provide new peptones with unique nutritional
profiles, suitable for mammalian and microbial
Wheat 100 UF
Cotton 100 UF
Cotton 200 UF
Soy 100
Yeast 100
Click on the product name to open the product details page.
Looking for more information to
support your peptone selection?
Technical guide to peptones,
supplements, and feeds.
Discover how peptones can increase
titer and optimize productivity.
Using peptones to achieve
demanding bioproduction goals.
Read more here
Watch the webinar
Read the case study
Gibco Media and Feed Panel
CHO media and feed panels
Testing a broad range of formulations increases the
possibility that you will be able to zero in on a nutrient
composition that best supports your clone’s specific needs.
The GibcoTM Media Panel Evaluation was developed with
diversity in mind, providing you with a panel of products that
each have distinct formulations and nutrient levels. This can
enable you to quickly identify the components driving your
increases in productivity and quality.
What’s included in a panel evaluation?
500 mL bottles of
ready-to-use media and
feed formulations
Detailed protocol
Consultation by FAS and
R&D teams
Data analysis and report
Peptones for
CHO cell culture
Tour our facilities
Could panels benefit your
media development process?
We spoke to Thermo Fisher Scientific media
and feed panel specialists to learn more.
Read the Q&A here
Gibco Media and Feed Panel
Discover the diversity you can find in our Gibco panels
Peptones for
CHO cell culture
Tour our facilities
Gibco CHO Feed Panel
Medium #1 Medium #2 Medium #3 Medium #4 Medium #5
Gibco CHO Media Panel
Components Medium #1 Medium #2 Medium #3 Medium #4 Medium #5 Medium #6 Medium #9A Medium #13 Medium #14
Please visit our website on CHO media and feed panels to learn more. High Level Low Level
Rapid Media and Feed Screening
Options for Targeted CHO Clones.
Watch the webinar
Media development services
Why choose Thermo Fisher for media development?
Optimize your unique medium and process for increased titers, quality, and manufacturability by partnering with
GibcoTM Media by DesignTM Services. Our flexible media development options include traditional workflow, multiomics workflow, and key driver identification1
(KDI) workflow. The multi-omics option incorporates insights from
our analyses of thousands of components (proteins and metabolites) within the cell, in addition to spent media
analysis, to more fully characterize the nutritional requirements of your cell line.
Experience and expertise
• More than 60 years of cell line / media development experience
• 160+ projects completed since 2006
• Decades of tech transfer expertise
• Offering best-in-class technology to support our data intelligence, including high resolution UPLC-MS
instrumentation and predictive analytics
• Worked with >100 client process development groups
• 35% of projects from repeat customers
• Dedicated business team, support team, and program managers
• World-class processes and facilities
• Assurance of supply to meet demands
• Scalability to GMP
• Rapid Prototyping Service
Peptones for
CHO cell culture
Tour our facilities
1. Key driver identification (KDI) workflow: Our KDI approach uses statistical modeling of analytical data generated to identify critical
media components that may have significant impacts on process performance. These components must be kept within specific
concentration ranges to achieve optimal and consistent results. This model is then used to inform media design to achieve
improved productivity and enhanced consistency.
Discover the benefits of working with a third-party
custom media development collaborator.
Are you considering outsourcing
your media development?
Learn more in the article
Media development services
Peptones for
CHO cell culture
Tour our facilities
workflow option
Our traditional development
workflow uses spent media
analyses of key components,
including selected water-soluble
vitamins and amino acids. These
insights are used in an iterative
design of experiments (DOE)
process to develop optimized
workflow option
Combining proteomics and
metabolomics, our multi-omics
workflow employs cellular
component analyses of thousands
of proteins and metabolites to
fully understand the nutritional
requirements of your cell line.
This results in a
final formulation
that can help you:
• Increase titers
• Enhance protein quality
• Improve productivity and cost
Traditional workflow. A typical full traditional optimization project workflow follows these phases and evaluates up to 50 molecules.
Multi-omics workflow. A typical multi-omics optimization project involves these phases and can evaluate up to 1,000 metabolites and 7,000 proteins.
Please visit our website on media development services to learn more.
Could multi-omics enhance your production
and maximize your cell line potential?
Learn more about the
Gibco multi-omics
Custom traditional and
multi-omics media
development enhances
antibody production in
CHO cells.
Advances in custom media development:
the multi-omics difference.
Read the brochure
Read the case study
Watch the video
Product list for CHO cells
Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) media
Peptones for
CHO cell culture
Tour our facilities
Gibco product and format Quantity Gibco optimized
cell lines
Gibco recommended feeds
and supplements Features Cat. No.
CD DG44 Medium, liquid 1,000 mL DG44, DXB11, and other
cell lines
Once transfected, scale-up is
recommended in CD OptiCHO™
™ A+
• Optimized for the growth of dihydrofolate reductase– –
) cells in suspension, contains
hypoxanthine and thymidine (HT), without surfactant
• Also available in Gibco™ Freedom™ DG44 Kit with
cGMP-banked cells (Cat. No. A13737-01)
Freedom™ CHO-S Kit –
Kit contains CHO-S™
cells (cGMP-banked)
and media
™ C+ Supplement
• Easy-to-use, beginning-to-end product, for cloning
and expression of recombinant proteins in CHOderived suspension culture
• The Freedom CHO-S Kit includes components for
transfection, expression, clone creation, and stable
cell line selection, all in a conveniently packaged kit
Freedom™ DG44 Kit –
Kit contains DG44
cells (cGMP-banked)
and media NA
• Easy-to-use, beginning-to-end product, for cloning
and expression of recombinant proteins in DHFR–
CHO cells
• The Freedom DG44 Kit includes components for
transfection, expression, clone creation, and stable
cell line selection, all in a conveniently packaged kit
CD CHO Medium, liquid
500 mL
CHO-S and glutamine
synthetase (GS) CHO
™ B+ Supplement,
GlycanTune™ B+ Total Feed,
GlycanTune™ Feed Kit B+
• Best with past culture success in CD CHO cells, and
1,000 mL 10743-029
10 L BPC 10743-001
20 L BPC 10743-002
CD CHO AGT Medium,
granulated powder
1 L
NA • Also available: CHO-S cells (cGMP-banked) and
Media Kit (Cat. No. A11557-01)
10 L 12490-025
100 L 12490-001
10 kg 12490-003
CD OptiCHO™ Medium, liquid 1,000 mL
DG44, DXB11, and CHO
cells except CHO K1,
™ A+ Supplement,
GlycanTune™ A+ Total Feed,
GlycanTune™ Feed Kit A+
• Lower osmolality formulation when feeding
optimization is important and best for hard-to-grow
or hard-to-adapt cells
6 x 1,000 mL 12681-029
CD OptiCHO AGT Medium,
granulated powder
1 L A11222-04
10 L A11222-05
100 L A11222-01
10 kg A11222-03
Dynamis™ Medium, liquid 1,000 mL
and CHO-S
™ C+ Supplement,
GlycanTune™ C+ Total Feed,
GlycanTune™ Feed Kit C+
• Best for achieving maximal productivity with high cell
densities and cell viability at harvest
Dynamis AGT Medium,
granulated powder
1 L A26175-04
10 L A26175-01
100 L A26175-02
10 kg A26175-03
ExpiCHO™ Stable Production
Medium (SPM), liquid 1,000 mL
ExpiCHO-S™ cells
(cGMP-banked, Cat.
No. A37785)
GlycanTune C+ Total Feed,
GlycanTune Feed Kit C+
• Enables seamless transition from transient to stable
production without additional medium optimization
• Use ExpiCHO™ Expression Medium
(Cat. No. A29100) for transfection
ExpiCHO Stable Production
AGT Medium, granulated
10 L A37111-01
100 L A37111-02
450 L A37111-03
High-Intensity Perfusion CHO
Medium (HIP CHO), AGT
granulated powder
1 x 2 L
and CHO-S cell lines
designed for high-density
At full medium concentration,
designed to be used without
additional feed
• Designed to work with all types of suspension
continuous perfusion processes
concentrations for both seed train and production
work with cell lines that may be sensitive to more
concentrated media
• Supports high cell densities while reducing medium
exchange rates—results from continuous perfusion
of >100 million cells/mL at 1 VVD
15 x 2 L A42302-02
100 x 2 L A42302-03
370 x 2 L A42302-03
CHO Cell Culture Medium,
liquid and dry powder
1,000 mL DG44, CHO-K1, other
CHO cell lines, and
BHK-21 cells
• A high-performance, complete formulation yielding
cell growth and production of antibodies and
recombinant proteins in suspension without the need
for further supplementation
• Contains Gibco™ Difco™
10 kg 670006
CD-1000 Medium, liquid and
dry powder
1,000 mL
CHO, NS0, and
hybridoma cells
Various hydrolysates or CD
• Designed as a platform medium suitable for multiple
cell types
• Ideally suited for further hydrolysate or chemically
and perfusion processes for both research and
manufacturing applications
20 L BPC 215205
500 g 215206
10 kg 215207
Easy-Adapt™ CHO-K1 CD
Medium, liquid
1,000 mL
CHO-K1 cells need; rich in carbohydrates, amino
acids, and vitamins
20 L BPC 670114
CHO Media Panel 9 x 500 mL
Diverse media panel
designed to identify
optimal formulation for
various CHO cell lines
CHO catalog feeds or
CHO feed panel
• Diverse library of formulations
• Evaluation protocol
• Technical evaluation support
• Easy to customize
• Scalable to rapid prototyping and GMP
Order through Gibco
Custom Media
™ HT Supplement (Cat. No. 11067).
Express Services, go to
For production of recombinant proteins and monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) in CHO suspension cell culture;
all are AOF, chemically defined and protein-free without phenol red, glutamine, hydrolysates, hypoxanthine*,
or thymidine*, unless noted otherwise.
Gibco product and format Quantity Gibco optimized
cell lines
Gibco recommended feeds
and supplements Features Cat. No.
CD DG44 Medium, liquid 1,000 mL DG44, DXB11, and other
cell lines
Once transfected, scale-up is
recommended in CD OptiCHO™
™ A+
• Optimized for the growth of dihydrofolate reductase– –
) cells in suspension, contains
hypoxanthine and thymidine (HT), without surfactant
• Also available in Gibco™ Freedom™ DG44 Kit with
cGMP-banked cells (Cat. No. A13737-01)
Freedom™ CHO-S Kit –
Kit contains CHO-S™
cells (cGMP-banked)
and media
™ C+ Supplement
• Easy-to-use, beginning-to-end product, for cloning
and expression of recombinant proteins in CHOderived suspension culture
• The Freedom CHO-S Kit includes components for
transfection, expression, clone creation, and stable
cell line selection, all in a conveniently packaged kit
Freedom™ DG44 Kit –
Kit contains DG44
cells (cGMP-banked)
and media NA
• Easy-to-use, beginning-to-end product, for cloning
and expression of recombinant proteins in DHFR–
CHO cells
• The Freedom DG44 Kit includes components for
transfection, expression, clone creation, and stable
cell line selection, all in a conveniently packaged kit
CD CHO Medium, liquid
500 mL
CHO-S and glutamine
synthetase (GS) CHO
™ B+ Supplement,
GlycanTune™ B+ Total Feed,
GlycanTune™ Feed Kit B+
• Best with past culture success in CD CHO cells, and
1,000 mL 10743-029
10 L BPC 10743-001
20 L BPC 10743-002
CD CHO AGT Medium,
granulated powder
1 L
NA • Also available: CHO-S cells (cGMP-banked) and
Media Kit (Cat. No. A11557-01)
10 L 12490-025
100 L 12490-001
10 kg 12490-003
CD OptiCHO™ Medium, liquid 1,000 mL
DG44, DXB11, and CHO
cells except CHO K1,
™ A+ Supplement,
GlycanTune™ A+ Total Feed,
GlycanTune™ Feed Kit A+
• Lower osmolality formulation when feeding
optimization is important and best for hard-to-grow
or hard-to-adapt cells
6 x 1,000 mL 12681-029
CD OptiCHO AGT Medium,
granulated powder
1 L A11222-04
10 L A11222-05
100 L A11222-01
10 kg A11222-03
Dynamis™ Medium, liquid 1,000 mL
and CHO-S
™ C+ Supplement,
GlycanTune™ C+ Total Feed,
GlycanTune™ Feed Kit C+
• Best for achieving maximal productivity with high cell
densities and cell viability at harvest
Dynamis AGT Medium,
granulated powder
1 L A26175-04
10 L A26175-01
100 L A26175-02
10 kg A26175-03
ExpiCHO™ Stable Production
Medium (SPM), liquid 1,000 mL
ExpiCHO-S™ cells
(cGMP-banked, Cat.
No. A37785)
GlycanTune C+ Total Feed,
GlycanTune Feed Kit C+
• Enables seamless transition from transient to stable
production without additional medium optimization
• Use ExpiCHO™ Expression Medium
(Cat. No. A29100) for transfection
ExpiCHO Stable Production
AGT Medium, granulated
10 L A37111-01
100 L A37111-02
450 L A37111-03
High-Intensity Perfusion CHO
Medium (HIP CHO), AGT
granulated powder
1 x 2 L
and CHO-S cell lines
designed for high-density
At full medium concentration,
designed to be used without
additional feed
• Designed to work with all types of suspension
continuous perfusion processes
concentrations for both seed train and production
work with cell lines that may be sensitive to more
concentrated media
• Supports high cell densities while reducing medium
exchange rates—results from continuous perfusion
of >100 million cells/mL at 1 VVD
15 x 2 L A42302-02
100 x 2 L A42302-03
370 x 2 L A42302-03
CHO Cell Culture Medium,
liquid and dry powder
1,000 mL DG44, CHO-K1, other
CHO cell lines, and
BHK-21 cells
• A high-performance, complete formulation yielding
cell growth and production of antibodies and
recombinant proteins in suspension without the need
for further supplementation
• Contains Gibco™ Difco™
10 kg 670006
CD-1000 Medium, liquid and
dry powder
1,000 mL
CHO, NS0, and
hybridoma cells
Various hydrolysates or CD
• Designed as a platform medium suitable for multiple
cell types
• Ideally suited for further hydrolysate or chemically
and perfusion processes for both research and
manufacturing applications
20 L BPC 215205
500 g 215206
10 kg 215207
Easy-Adapt™ CHO-K1 CD
Medium, liquid
1,000 mL
CHO-K1 cells need; rich in carbohydrates, amino
acids, and vitamins
20 L BPC 670114
CHO Media Panel 9 x 500 mL
Diverse media panel
designed to identify
optimal formulation for
various CHO cell lines
CHO catalog feeds or
CHO feed panel
• Diverse library of formulations
• Evaluation protocol
• Technical evaluation support
• Easy to customize
• Scalable to rapid prototyping and GMP
Order through Gibco
Custom Media
™ HT Supplement (Cat. No. 11067).
Express Services, go to
Click on the
product name to
open the product
details page.
CHO Medium, dry powder 10 kg 670006
Order through
Gibco Media by
Design Services
Contact Gibco Media by Design Services, go to thermofisher.com/mediabydesign, or contact your local FAS through your account manager.
Advanced Granulation Technology
Advanced Granulation Technology (AGT) media is a granular dry media format produced through a
technologically advanced process which allows manufacturing of complete formulations in a variety
of serum-free, protein-free and chemically-defined media in a dry format. Click here to learn more.
Product list for CHO cells
Chemically defined feed supplements
Peptones for
CHO cell culture
Tour our facilities
For nutrient replacement or glycan modulation in cell culture production of recombinant proteins,
monoclonal antibodies, and vaccines; all are chemically defined, AOF, protein-free, and without phenol red,
glutamine, hydrolysates, lipids, or growth factors, unless noted otherwise.
Resurge™ CD1 Supplement,
dry powder
(Also see Resurge CD Pak)
100 g
• A 5-member family of diverse nutritional feed
supplements, without glucose and glutamine,
developed using several CHO cell lines and various
batch or fed-batch culture systems
feeding strategy
• All 5 supplements should be concurrently evaluated
your cell line and system
Various basal media for CHO cell lines
1 kg 670012
5 kg 670013
Resurge CD2 Supplement,
dry powder
(Also see Resurge CD Pak)
100 g 670015
1 kg 670016
5 kg 670017
Resurge CD3 Supplement,
dry powder
(Also see Resurge CD Pak)
100 g 670018
1 kg 670019
5 kg 670020
Resurge CD4 Supplement,
dry powder
(Also see Resurge CD Pak)
100 g 670021
1 kg 670022
5 kg 670023
Resurge CD5 Supplement,
dry powder
(Also see Resurge CD Pak)
100 g 670024
1 kg 670025
5 kg 670026
Resurge CD Pak
5 dry powder supplements
1. Resurge CD1 Supplement
(Cat. No. 670011)
2. Resurge CD2 Supplement
(Cat. No. 670015)
3. Resurge CD3 Supplement
(Cat. No. 670018)
4. Resurge CD4 Supplement
(Cat. No. 670021)
5. Resurge CD5 Supplement
(Cat. No. 670024)
100 g of each 670030
CHO Feed Panel 5 x 100 mL
• Diverse library of feeds designed to identify optimal
• Evaluation protocol
• Technical evaluation support
• Easy to customize
• Scalable to rapid prototyping and GMP
CHO catalog media or CHO media panel
Order through Gibco Custom
Media Services (gibcopanelteam@
, or contact your local FAS through your account manager.
Gibco product and format Quantity Features Recommended Gibco basal medium Cat. No.
™ A+ Supplement
Concentrated 3X, liquid
1,000 mL
• Liquid is pH neutral at 3X concentrate
• AGT format can be used from 1x to 3x by altering
the ratio of powder to water
• Total feed volumes generally range from 10–45%
(1x) to 3–15% (3x) of the starting culture volume as
further outlined in the user guide
CD OptiCHO Medium
10 L BPC A39374-02
Supplement, granulated powder
1 L A25023-04
10 L A25023-05
100 L A25023-01
GlycanTune™ A+ Total Feed,
AGT granulated powder
1 L
• Modulates glycan expression from G0F to desired
existing feed replacement with the GlycanTune feed
10 L A29719-05
100 L A29719-01
GlycanTune Feed Kit A+,
AGT granulated powder 2 L (1 L each) •
Supplement and GlycanTune A+ Total Feed A33159-01
™ B+ Supplement
Concentrated 3X, liquid
1,000 mL
• Liquid is a pH-neutral 3X concentrate
• AGT medium can be used from 1x to 3x by adding
• Total feed volumes typically range from 10–45%
(1x) to 3–15% (3x) of the starting culture volume, as
further outlined in the user guide
CD CHO Medium
10 L BPC A39375-02
Supplement, granulated powder
1 L A25030-04
10 L A25030-05
100 L A25030-01
GlycanTune™ B+ Total Feed,
AGT granulated powder
1 L
• Modulates glycan expression from G0F to desired
existing feed replacement with the GlycanTune feed
10 L A29720-05
100 L A29720-01
GlycanTune Feed Kit B+,
AGT granulated powder 2 L (1 L each) •
Supplement and GlycanTune B+ Total Feed A33160-01
Gibco product and format Quantity Features Recommended Gibco basal medium Cat. No.
Click on the product name to open the product details page.
Contact Gibco Media by
Design Services for details
Contact Gibco Media by Design Services, go to thermofisher.com/mediabydesign, or contact your local FAS through your account manager.
Product list for CHO cells
Peptones for
CHO cell culture
Tour our facilities
Peptone selection in CHO cell cultures
For nutrient supplementation in mammalian, insect, and microbial cell culture production of recombinant
proteins, monoclonal antibodies, and vaccine products.
GibcoTM product and format Quantity Features Cat. No.
Starter Pak No. 1
5 dehydrated powders*:
1. Difco™ Yeast Extract, ultra-filtered (UF) (Cat. No. 210929)
2. Bacto™ Yeast Extract, technical (Cat. No. 288620)
3. Bacto TC Yeastolate (Cat. No. 255772)
4. Difco TC Yeastolate, UF (Cat. No. 292804)
5. Difco Phytone Supplement, UF (Cat. No. 210931)
100 g of each
• Starter sample package of five AOF Difco and Bacto peptones for use with
mammalian and microbial cell cultures to enhance growth and production in
batch or fed-batch processes
• Evaluation of all five peptones in concurrent testing is recommended to
determine which nutritional profiles are most beneficial to your culture
* These are non-GMP samples of the same formulation as the catalog products listed; see footnote below.
Starter Pak No. 2
6 dehydrated powders*:
1. Phytone™ Peptone (Cat. No. 211906)
2. Difco Soytone (Cat. No. 212488)
3. Bacto Yeast Extract (Cat. No. 212750)
4. Bacto Proteose Peptone No. 2 (Cat. No. 212120)
5. Bacto Proteose Peptone No. 3 (Cat. No. 211693)
6.Bacto Casamino Acids (Cat. No. 223050)
100 g of each
• Starter sample package of three AOF and three animal-origin (AO) Difco
and Bacto peptones for use with mammalian and microbial cell cultures to
enhance growth and production in batch or fed-batch processes
• Evaluation of all six peptones in concurrent testing is recommended to
determine which nutritional profiles are most beneficial to your culture
* These are non-GMP samples of the same formulation as the catalog products listed; see footnote below.
Starter Pak No. 3
6 dehydrated powders*:
1. Bacto TC Yeastolate (Cat. No. 255772)
2. Phytone Peptone (Cat. No. 211906)
3. Difco Soytone (Cat. No. 212488)
4. Bacto Yeast Extract (Cat. No. 212750)
5. Bacto Malt Extract (Cat. No. 218630)
6. Yeast Extract (Cat. No. 211929)
100 g of each
• Starter sample package of six AOF Difco and Bacto peptones for use with
mammalian and microbial cell cultures to enhance growth and production in
batch or fed-batch processes
• Evaluation of all six peptones in concurrent testing is recommended to
determine which nutritional profiles are most beneficial to your culture
* These are non-GMP samples of the same formulation as the catalog products listed; see footnote below.
Peptone Preview Pak
5 dehydrated powders*:
1. Wheat 100, UF (Cat. No. 215380)
2. Cotton Peptone 100, UF (Cat. No. 215381)
3. Cotton Peptone 200, UF (Cat. No. 215382)
4. Soy 100 (Cat. No. 215383)
5. Yeast 100 (Cat. No. 215384)
100 g of each
• Features new wheat, cotton, soy. and yeast peptones which provide unique
nutritional profiles compared to other cell culture supplements
• Suitable for use with mammalian and microbial cell cultures to enhance
growth and production in batch or fed-batch processes
• Evaluation of all five peptones in concurrent testing is recommended to
determine which nutritional profiles are most beneficial to your culture
* These are non-GMP samples of the same formulation as the catalog products listed; see footnote below.
Note: This chart provides information pertaining to Peptone Starter and Preview Paks for evaluation purposes. A complete listing of all catalog peptones supplements can be found in our Technical Guide to
Peptones, Supplements, and Feeds at thermofisher.com/peptones
GibcoTM product and format Quantity Features Recommended Gibco basal medium Cat. No.
EfficientFeed™ C+ Supplement
Concentrated 2X, liquid
1,000 mL
• Liquid is pH neutral at 2X concentrate
• AGT format can be used from 1x to 2x by alterin
the ratio of powder to water
• Total feed volumes generally range from 10–40 (1x) to
5–20% (2x) of the starting culture volume as further
outlined in the user guide
Dynamis Medium, ExpiCHO Stable
Production Medium
10 L BPC A39376-02
EfficientFeed C+ AGT,
Supplement, granulated powder
1 L A25031-04
10 L A25031-05
100 L A25031-01
GlycanTune™ C+ Total Feed,
AGT granulated powder
1 L
• Modulates glycan expression from G0F to desired
G1F and G2F profile based on shifting the timing of
existing feed replacement with the GlycanTune feed
10 L A29721-05
100 L A29721-01
GlycanTune Feed Kit C+,
AGT granulated powder
2 L
(1 L each)
• Contains 1L each of EfficientFeed C+ AGT supplement
and GlycanTune C+ Total Feed A33161-01
Click on the product name to open the product details page.
Chemically defined feed supplements
Product list for CHO cells
Peptones for
CHO cell culture
Tour our facilities
Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) Cell Line
GibcoTM product and format Quantity Gibco optimized
cell lines
Gibco recommended
feeds and supplements Features Cat. No.
Freedom™ ExpiCHO-S kit -
Kit contains
ExpiCHO-S cells
and media
EfficientFeed™ C+
Supplement or
Efficient-Pro™ Feed 2
• Easy-to-use, beginning-to-end product, for the cloning
and expression of recombinant proteins in CHO-derived
suspension culture
• Freedom ExpiCHO-S Kit includes components for
transfection, expression, clone creation, and stable cell line
selection, all in a conveniently packaged kit
Chemically defined feed supplements
GibcoTM product and format Quantity Features Recommended Gibco basal medium Cat. No.
Efficient-Pro™ Feed 1, Liquid 1000 mL
• Efficient-Pro Feed 1 for CHO-K1 and GS
• Efficient-Pro Feed 2 for CHO-S, DG-44, and GS
• AGT type: Ease-of-use associated with auto-pH
and simplified dissolution
• The Efficient-Pro system increases titer and
specific productivity, improves protein quality and
metabolite profiles, and is easier to use with less
solubility issues than other CHO media and feed
Efficient-Pro Medium
Efficient-Pro™ AGT™ Feed 1,
granulated powder
1 L A5209101
10 L A5209102
100 L A5209103
Efficient-Pro™ Feed 2, Liquid 1000 mL A5221404
Efficient-Pro™ AGT™ Medium,
granulated powder
1 L A5221601
10 L A5221602
100 L A5221603
Additional products
Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) media
GibcoTM product and format Quantity Gibco optimized
cell lines
Gibco recommended
feeds and supplements Features Cat. No.
Efficient-Pro™ Medium, Liquid
1000 mL
Efficient-Pro Feed 1,
Efficient-Pro Feed 2
• AGT type: Ease-of-use with auto-pH and simplified
• Sustain cell viability for longer bioreactor runs and
maximized titer
• Improve downstream outputs such as protein glycosylation,
charge-variants, and aggregation
• Speed up process development and streamline transfer to
manufacturing scale
• Increase flexibility with a range of format and packaging
• Decrease cell shock with simplified adaptation protocols
10 L A5322202
20 L A5322203
Efficient-Pro™ AGT™
Medium, granulated powder
1 L A5322301
10 L A5322302
100 L A5322303
500 L A5322304
Click on the product name to open the product details page.
Efficient-Pro spotlight
Learn more about our Gibco Efficient-Pro Medium and
Feed System, designed to drive productivity in your
batch or fed-batch CHO process.
Watch the video Watch our webinar Read the application note
Global network of R&D
and manufacturing facilities
*R&D facilities: Grand Island (NY, USA), Baltimore (MD, USA), Singapore, and Shanghai (China)
*Bioprocess Design Center: Singapore, Korea, and China
North America
• Grand Island, New York
– Media, reagents, sera
– Media & analytical services
– Gibco rapid prototyping services
– ISO 13485, 21 CFR 820
– MDSAP certified
– FDA registered
• Miami, Florida
– Media, reagents
– Animal-free facility
– ISO 9001
• Detroit, Michigan
– Peptones
– ISO 13485
• Baltimore, Maryland
– Media & analytical services
– Gibco rapid prototyping services
• Paisley, Scotland
– Media, reagents, sera
– ISO 13485, 21 CFR 820
– FDA registered
• Vilnius, Lithuania
– Magnetic beads
• New Zealand & Australia
– Sera, animal proteins
– ISO 13485, 21 CFR 820
– FDA registered
• Shanghai & Suzhou, China
– Media & analytical services (Shanghai)
– Gibco rapid prototyping services (Suzhou)
Media format of manufacturing facilities
Media Format Grand Island, NY Paisley, Scotland Miami, FL Detroit, MI
Advanced Granulation Tehnology (AGTTM)
Animal Origin-Free Dry Powder
Animal Origin Dry Powder
Animal Origin Peptones
Pin mill and FitzMillTM milling technology offered
Learn more about our
innovative Advanced
Granulation Technology (AGT)
media format and how it can
benefit your process.
Peptones for
CHO cell culture
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For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures. © 2023 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved.
All trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its subsidiaries unless otherwise specified.
Take a 360° tour of any one of our cell
culture media manufacturing facilities today.
Learn about our approach to site-to-site equivalency.
Learn more at thermofisher.com/chomedia
Want to learn more about how we can
support your scale-up journey?
Whether you’re looking to reduce risk from supply chains or
increase your capacity, you may need to consider an additional
supplier. Discover more by clicking on the resources below.
• Discover how to successfully qualify a
reliable secondary supplier.
• Streamline your proprietary
media and scale up with Gibco.
• Accelerate your cell culture media
manufacturing from rapid
prototyping through cGMP.
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about our
Baltimore, MD
[Click to take a tour]
Miami, FL
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Grand Island, NY
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Could our CHO cell culture
solutions meet your
biomanufacturing needs?
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and talk to our team
Paisley, Scotland
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Peptones for
CHO cell culture
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