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A picture of Dr. Agne Alminaite

Dr. Agne Alminaite profile page

Dr. Agne Alminaite has studied Molecular Biology in Vilnius University (Lithuania) and earned her Ph.D. in Virology from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Helsinki (Finland). She moved to work as a scientific consultant for the International Potato Center in Lima, Peru. In 2011 Agne joined Thermo Fisher Scientific and after several years in R&D advanced to the role in product management. She is currently the Product Manager for Custom Molecular Biology Products, taking care of the portfolio that includes all the isothermal amplification enzymes, Phi29, the Phi29 polymerase mutant - Equiphi29 and the Bst DNA polymerase as well as broad spectrum of enzymes for DNA and RNA modification, NGS and cloning.

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