Professor Stephen Bustin
Professor of Molecular Medicine, Medical Technology Research Centre
at Anglia Ruskin University
Stephen Bustin obtained his PhD in Molecular Genetics from Trinity College, University of Dublin, Ireland. He was Professor of Molecular Science at Queen Mary, University of London before moving to Anglia Ruskin University first as Professor of Allied Health and Medicine and now as Professor of Molecular Medicine. His research interests centre around developing novel approaches for the early diagnosis of infectious diseases. Professor Bustin was an expert witness advising the UK High Court and the US Department of Justice on PCR technology in the Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR) vaccine - Autism class action. He has authored numerous papers, review articles and book chapters aimed at improving the reproducibility and robustness of molecular methods, especially those based on the use of the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and has presented hundreds of talks and workshops worldwide on this subject. He has published three books, the “A-Z of quantitative PCR” (2004), universally known as the “qPCR bible”, “The PCR Revolution” (2011) and “PCR Technology” (2013). He led an international consortium developing the MIQE guidelines for the use and reporting of real-time (2009) and digital PCR (2013). Professor Bustin is Editor-in Chief (Gene Expression), International Journal of Molecular Sciences. During the COVID-19 pandemic he published several papers highlighting the importance of correct testing for SARS-CoV-2, debunking the false information surrounding the validity of qPCR testing and developed a novel five-plex assay targeting the virus. He is currently developing a sub five-minute combined extraction, RT and PCR test for point-of-care diagnosis.
Trinity College, University of Dublin
Areas of Expertise
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