
Multi-Attribute Method for CQA Monitoring



The Thermo Scientific HR Multi-Attribute Method (MAM) is a powerful high resolution accurate mass (HRAM)-based workflow that enables comprehensive characterization and monitoring of quality attributes from research to quality control (QC).

The HR MAM enables identification, quantitation, and monitoring of multiple CQAs simultaneously as well as NPD in a verified workflow, serviced and supported by MAM experts from a single vendor.

Learn more about the optimization of this workflow in this application note. This work will also include and discuss:

  • NISTmAb standard CQAs monitoring including glycosylation, deamidation, isomerization, succinimide formation, oxidation and C-terminal lysine truncation, N-terminal pyroglutamate, and glycation
  • Comparison of normal and stressed conditions
  • Illustration of new peak detection (NPD) using spiked and stressed samples