Improve Elemental Analysis in Battery Materials
How To Guide
Published: October 28, 2024
Credit: iStock
Elemental analysis plays a vital role in the development of lithium-ion batteries, ensuring the accuracy and safety of materials across their lifecycle. However, complex compositions and high concentrations of dissolved solids often complicate ICP-OES testing.
These challenges can result in blockages, measurement inaccuracies and high background signals, impacting product quality.
This guide highlights several solutions to address these issues, helping you maintain measurement stability and avoid costly errors.
Download this guide to explore:
- Proven techniques for accurate analysis of lithium battery materials
- Solutions to common ICP-OES problems, including poor measurement stability
- Methods to reduce sample contamination and interference
A Practical Guide To Elemental Analysis of
Lithium Ion Battery Materials Using ICP-OES
The lifecycle of lithium ion battery materials 3
Elemental analysis measurements at each stage 3
Elemental analysis during resource extraction 4
Elemental analysis during battery manufacture 4
Elemental analysis during recycling 5
Analysis challenges 6
Common analysis problems and how to overcome them 7
Nebulizer blockages 7
Poor measurement stability 8
Inaccurate (higher) results for some elements, such as Na and K 9
Worked example of dealing with poor linearity for potassium 10
High background signals 11
Difficulty placing background markers 11
Sample introduction components require frequent replacement 12
Poor measurement accuracy 13
Regulations and standards for batteries and battery materials 15
ISO standards on battery raw materials testing 16
China standards on li batteries materials 17
Agilent Solutions for the Lithium Battery Industry 18
Table of Contents
Downstream Application
Raw materials
Li-ion battery materials
and manufacturing of
Li-ion batteries
materials Electrolyte Separator Other
Lithium and other mineral resources
Waste Li-ion batteries
Recycling and reusing waste Li-ion batteries
Assembling, research and
development of Li-ion battery materials
(e.g. new energy
(e.g. portable
power source)
The Lifecycle of Lithium Ion
Battery Materials
Elemental analysis measurements at each stage
The lithium battery industry requires the analysis of the elemental composition
of materials along the value chain:
– Lithium and other minerals extraction: identification and quantification of
elements in ores and brines, and of metal and magnetic impurities in the
refining process
– Lithium battery research and development: studying the interactions between
components, studying the impact of different elements used in batteries to
improve battery safety, performance, cycle life, power density, and energy
density, measuring elements in decomposition products
– Lithium battery manufacturing quality control: Measuring impurities in anode,
cathode and electrolyte materials, controlling any restricted elements such as
lead, mercury, and chromium
– Manufacturing environmental monitoring: Ensuring factory discharges comply
with regulated limits
– Lithium battery recycling and resource recovery of valuable metal elements
(Ni, Co, Mn, Li, etc.)
Lithium-Ion Battery Industry
The Lifecycle of Lithium Ion Battery Materials
Elemental analysis during resource extraction
Battery manufacturers are demanding higher purity raw materials. Suppliers of
Li and Li-compounds must determine the content of some key elements in ores
or brines before extraction to manage the extraction process and the quality of
the final product.
Elemental analysis of these types of samples is challenging for ICP-based
analytical techniques. The samples typically have high total dissolved solids
(TDS) content, high density of the solutions, and likely presence of algae and
undissolved particles in brine samples. Matrix in these samples may deposit
on the sample introduction system or quench the plasma, impacting the
long-term stability of measurements. Ore or brine samples are likely to contain
unknown quantities of a wide range of elements. This unknown composition
can cause spectral and physical interferences, which can impact the accuracy
of measurements.
Elemental analysis during battery manufacture
A lithium ion battery consists of four basic components:
– Cathode materials: These include a variety of cathode materials
including lithium iron phosphates, lithium nickel manganese cobalt etc.
The performance of cathode materials impact the energy density, safety,
and cycle life of the battery.
– Anode materials: These include metals, metal oxides, inorganic nonmetals
(e.g. carbon and silicon). The performance of anode materials is a major
contributor the energy density of a battery.
– Separator materials: They are typically membranes made from organic
materials such as polypropylene and polyethylene. Separator materials
can affect the capacity, cycle performance, current density, and other
electrical properties.
– Electrolyte: These contain high purity organic solvents, electrolyte lithium
salts and additives. The performance of electrolyte materials can affect the
safety of a battery.
Battery manufacturers typically measure the impurities and elemental
composition of the:
– Electrolyte
– Graphite anode materials
– Cathode materials
Manufacturers will also be required to measure the elemental composition
of any discharges from their factory, to comply with regulations.
A lithium ion battery consists of a cathode, anode, electrolyte, and separator. When the battery is
charging the electrons flow from the cathode to the anode. The flow is reversed when the battery
is discharging.
The Lifecycle of Lithium Ion Battery Materials
Elemental analysis during recycling
Approximately 95 per cent of lithium-ion battery components can be turned into
new batteries or used in other industries, if recycled. The materials recovered
account for more than half of a battery’s cost- so there are strong incentives to
recycle. The prices of common cathode materials, such as cobalt and nickel,
fluctuate considerably. Many of these elements are sourced from countries
which are politically unstable, e.g 50% of global cobalt reserves are in the Congo.
In many types of Li-ion batteries, the concentrations of these metals, along
with those of lithium and manganese, exceed the concentrations in natural
ores, making spent batteries akin to highly enriched ore. If those metals can be
recovered from used batteries at a large scale and more economically than from
natural ore, the price of batteries should drop. Recycling also means less mining
and less associated social and environmental harm.
Batteries recycling typically involves high-temperature melting-and-extraction,
or smelting, a process like ones used in the mining industry. But there is a
large amount of research taking place to find better ways to recycle lithiumion batteries, with elemental analysis being a key analytical technique for the
process. As battery chemistry changes continually, the recycling process
becomes more complicated and the need to identify which elements are present
and at what concentrations becomes more important.
Typical battery component samples have:
– High amounts of dissolved solids
– High concentrations of some elements and low concentrations of others
– Lithium mining samples may contain many different elements
These types of samples are more difficult to measure than drinking water or
other common ICP-OES sample types.
Analysis Challenges
Elemental analysis of samples across the battery material supply chain is
challenging for ICP-based analytical techniques. Such samples typically have
high total dissolved solids (TDS) content and contain easily ionized elements.
For example, when analyzing LiCO3
– the presence of many lithium ions in
the plasma can affect the measurement of easily ionizable elements such as
sodium and potassium, giving erroneous results. Battery material samples also
exhibit high background signals and interferences are common. Lithium is also
notorious for degrading sample introduction system components, including the
plasma torch.
Common Analysis Problems
and How to Overcome Them
Nebulizer blockages
Battery material samples can contain fine particles that are virtually invisible
to human eye. These particles can partially or fully block the small capillary
tube at the tip of a glass concentric nebulizer. These blockages lead to many
performance problems, which inevitably lead to having to remeasure samples.
A typical symptom of a partial nebulizer blockage is a low recovery for a
continuing calibration verification (CCV) standard. It is good laboratory practice
to monitor a Quality Control (QC) solution such as a CCV solution periodically
throughout an analysis. Typically, a CCV is measured every 20–30 samples,
so if it fails you must remeasure all 20–30 samples that were measured before
the failed QC. A complete nebulizer blockage results in no signal at all, so is easy
to diagnose as all results, including the internal standard, will show low or no
emission signal. You can avoid having to remeasure samples due to a nebulizer
blockage by monitoring both the CCV results and internal standard results over
the course of an analytical run.
Agilent offers a one-stop supply
of standard solutions, general
consumables, and consumables
for the whole battery production
process. More >>
Common Analysis Problems and How to Overcome Them
If you are frequently suffering from nebulizer blockages, consider taking the
following actions:
– Filter or centrifuge the samples
– Set the autosampler probe depth above the base of the tube, to minimize
the chance for particles on the bottom of the test tube to be drawn into the
– Change the type of nebulizer you are using to one with a larger internal
diameter on the sample line that is more resistant to blockage
– Add a switching valve to reduce the time the sample spends in the sample
introduction system and increase the rinse time without increasing sample
analysis times. This reduces the chance of blockages, and can also reduce
the degradation of the torch, extending lifetimes
– Use an argon humidifier to keep the tip of the nebulizer moist; solids are less
likely to be deposited on the tip of the nebulizer, reducing blockages
– Adjust the sample preparation to fully digest the fine particles. This could
include using a microwave digestion system.
The Agilent 5800 and 5900 ICP-OES instruments have a “Neb alert” function
that alerts the analyst when the nebulizer backpressure changes. An increase
in pressure can indicate that a blockage is developing, whereas a decrease in
pressure may be caused by a leaking connection. When a predefined backpressure
threshold is reached, an onscreen alert notifies the analyst of the problem.
The run can be automatically stopped so the user can fix the problem before the
quality of sample analysis is impacted.
Each type of nebulizer will run at a slightly different backpressure, so the alert
threshold can be adjusted to suit the nebulizer type. To get an idea of what “normal’
is for the nebulizer being used, the analyst can review the plot of the nebulizer
backpressure on the analysis page or use the separate Nebulizer Test function
within the Agilent ICP Expert software.
Poor measurement stability
Poor stability is often experienced when measuring samples with high total
dissolved solids (TDS) – like those typical of battery component samples.
Measurement stability is important for the accuracy of your measurements.
If your instrument is stable, you will get the same result for the same sample
measured at different times i.e the results do not ‘drift’. If you have a stability
problem, you’ll usually see different results for a QC sample such as a continuing
calibration verification (CCV) standard measured at different points in your sample
batch, e.g., every 50 samples. Sometimes the results will trend in one direction, if
there is a stability problem e.g., up or down.
If you are using an internal standard, then look at the %RSD on your IS replicates
and internal standard ratio for each solution. If the concentration of the IS is
sufficient to give a good signal-to-background ratio, and you select a sensitive
wavelength for the IS, then the %RSD should be less than 1% for the IS. With good
precision on the replicates, the measured internal standard ratio should be within
10% of 1. This result indicates excellent stability.
Use sample introduction components best suited to high matrix samples:
Reducing the sample volume being pumped into the plasma will help improve
stability. We recommend:
– Use an Agilent double pass spray chamber, which is well suited to high matrix
samples. Agilent offers an inert spray chamber for samples digested with HF,
which is also ideal for high matrix samples. The inert spray chamber is more
expensive than the standard glass cyclonic spray chamber, but it provides
better stability and reduced blockages with high matrix samples, and won’t
break if dropped during cleaning.
– Use a nebulizer designed for samples with high dissolved solids – the Mira Mist
is recommended
– Use smaller diameter peristaltic pump tubing – black/black tubing for the
sample and orange/green tubing for the internal standard
– Entrained gasses may bubble out in the nebulizer, causing unreliable results.
Use a sample degassing technique e.g. ultrasonication or pre-heating, as part of
your sample preparation
– Ensure the temperature of the water cooling system is consistent within
± 1°C. The ambient temperature in the laboratory should also be consistent.
This is particularly important when you are measuring elements at very low
concentrations (< 1 ppm)
Inaccurate (higher) results for some elements,
such as Na and K
The presence of many lithium and other metal ions in the plasma can affect the
analysis of easily ionized elements (EIEs), generally the Group I and II elements,
such as Na, K, Mg and Ca, leading to falsely high results.
To minimize or eliminate the EIE interferences, the following approaches can be
used, each has a different level of complexity and cost:
– View the plasma radially. Radial view measurements lack the sensitivity
required for the analysis of trace elements, so if the EIE is present in trace
concentrations, radial viewing will affect your detection limits.
– The plasma conditions can be optimized during method development to favor
the analysis of EIE elements.
– Matrix-matched standards can also be used to create the calibration curve to
minimize EIE interferences. However, it can be difficult to obtain standards with
the same matrix as that found in battery materials.
– An ionization suppressant such as caesium can also be used, allowing for
improved accuracy of the target analyte elements. However, the use of an
ionization suppressant can cause changes to emission wavelength and
increased wear on sample introduction components.
– The method of standard addition (MSA) is the recommended way to overcome
EIE interferences – particularly if using an internal standard is not suitable due to
interferences. Standard additions are commonly used to eliminate matrix effects
from a measurement, since it is assumed that the matrix affects all solutions
equally. Using standard additions as the calibration method also allows Na and
K to be measured axially, ensuring that all elements are measured in a single
plasma view mode and with the best sensitivity. MSA can be time consuming as
it requires the preparation of matrix matched standards to complete analysis.
– An internal standard can be used to correct for variation between the matrix
of calibration standards and that of the samples. Using an internal standard
removes the need to perform matrix matching when measuring complex
samples, which are typical of those in lithium ion battery analysis.
When selecting an internal standard, use an element that is not present in
the sample, does not have interferences from the elements in the sample and
is chemically compatible with the sample. The same concentration of the
internal standard should be added to all analytical solutions (blanks, calibration
standards, and samples). The simplest way to ensure the same concentration
is present during analysis is to add it to the sample stream online with the
ICP-OES’s peristaltic pump. The emission intensity measured for the internal
standard element in the blank solution is compared to the intensity of the internal
standard element in the sample. The intensity of the elements you are trying to
measure can then be corrected for the influence of the sample matrix, using the
ratio of the two internal standard measurements. This is also an effective way to
correct for the influence of any EIE elements that may be present.
Common Analysis Problems and How to Overcome Them
Common Analysis Problems and How to Overcome Them
Worked example of dealing with poor linearity for potassium
Problem: The calibration graph for K was not meeting 0.999 linearity
requirements, the correlation coefficient was 0.99873. As a multi-element
standard solution was being used, this was most likely caused by the
‘EIE effect”, where easily ionized elements (EIE) impact the readings for K.
This was confirmed by comparing the calibration graph for a single element
potassium standard to that for a multi-element standard (refer to images below).
The single element standard shows a correlation coefficient of 0.99982 and
the multielement shows 0.99860.
The calibration graph of the multi-element standard (right) is non-linear at the
highest concentrations (circled in red), whereas the single element standard (left)
is linear at all concentrations.
Solution: Four different ways to overcome the EIE effect were trialled:
– Radial Viewing of the plasma
– Using an Internal Standard (200 ppm Rb)
– Using an Ionization Suppressant (Axial View and 1000 ppm Cs buffer)
– Method Optimization with Axial View (plasma flow 12 L/min, Auxiliary flow
1 L/min, RF power 0.9 kW, nebulizer flow 1.2 L/min,
The results are shown in the table below
The recommended solution-using an
internal standard, is easily automated
by using a ‘Y’ piece to introduce the
internal standard solution into the
flow of each solution (refer to image).
Alternatively, a switching valve, like
the Agilent AVS 7 can be used.
coefficient Comments
Radial view 0.99973 Good linearity, but low signal-to-root background ratio (SRBR),
which negatively impacts the limit of detection.
Internal standard 0.99998 Excellent results and simple to setup, but adds additional cost of
the Rb standard to the analysis. Will also improve measurement
of other elements (Na and Li) and will produce better quality data
for real samples that typically have complex matrices.
Ionization suppressant
and Axial view
0.99983 Good linearity, but adds additional cost of the Cs solution to
the analysis.
Axial view method
0.99922 Good linearity, but would need to run different settings for different
elements e.g. cooler plasma for K and other Group 1 elements, but
As, Cd and other elements need hot plasma.
Y piece joins
flows before
Common Analysis Problems and How to Overcome Them
High background signals
Battery material samples often exhibit a high background signal. The matrix can
vary from sample-to-sample, making manual selection of background correction
points a complex task. A fast, simple, and accurate means of background
correction that is independent of the sample matrix is needed.
The complex background signals arising from the matrix of battery materials
need to be corrected for when determining the final sample result. In Figure 1,
the emission peak (C) is incorrectly high, due to the sloping baseline, caused
by strong broadband emissions in the sample matrix – this would result in an
inaccurate result that is higher than it actually is in the sample.
A baseline correction technique, such as the Agilent Fitted background correction
(FBC) technique can be used to remove the effects of the sloping baseline.
The Agilent Fitted background correction function not only improves data
accuracy, it also improves detection limits and reduces over-correction, which is
common when using an off-peak background correction technique.
Figure 1. Background correction Figure 2. Spectrum of P 213.618 nm in a battery cathode material, with Fitted Background Correction
applied, ensuring accurate correction with the complex, sloping background
Difficulty Placing Background Markers
Battery components often contain varying amounts of different elements.
This combination of high levels of some elements with low levels of other
elements may cause complex background signals. Background emissions from
non-analyte wavelengths may be adjacent to the analyte wavelength you wish
to use, which may make it difficult to determine the true background for your
analysis and therefore cause errors in your results.
Complex background signals need to be corrected to ensure accurate results.
In Figure 2, the emission peak at 213.618 nm for Phosphorus (P) is surrounded
by taller peaks from other elements. It is difficult to determine where to place the
background peak markers, therefore leading to inaccurate results for P.
Use a baseline correction technique, such as Agilent Fitted background
correction (FBC), which applies a mathematical algorithm to automatically
correct for the background in complex samples. FBC removes the guesswork
and error associated with manual placement of background peak markers,
improving data accuracy and detection limits.
Common Analysis Problems and How to Overcome Them
Sample introduction components require frequent replacement
Having to frequently replace ICP-OES torches, nebulizers, pump tubing etc is
time consuming and expensive. It’s important to select the right components
for each analysis.
Lithium is notoriously harsh on plasma torches. If you are having to frequently
replace the torch, it’s likely due to the impacts of lithium in the sample.
If you use hydrofluoric acid to digest samples this will degrade all glass sample
introduction components, resulting in a dramatic reduction in performance and
requiring premature replacement.
Measuring electrolytes containing organic chemicals can damage conventional pump
tubing. As the tubing degrades, it goes hard, stretches, and loses elasticity. You may
notice poor result precision, and possibly measurement drift during the analysis as
the pumping efficiency of the tubing changes with use.
When analyzing lithium, use a fully demountable torch, instead of a one-piece torch.
A fully demountable torch will allow you to replace just the damaged components,
instead of the whole thing. Fit a radial view outer torch component to the
demountable torch. The shorter outer tube will last longer in this situation.
Figure 3. Use a fully demountable torch when analyzing lithium-rich matrices.
This makes it easier to replace just the components that are damaged by lithium.
Figure 5. The AVS 7 switching valve reduces the time that sample introduction components are in
contact with corrosive solutions.
Figure 4. The Agilent inert spray chamber and OneNeb nebulizer are ideal for the analysis
of samples digested with HF.
Use an inert sample introduction kit if you are using hydrofluoric acid (HF)
for digestions. These are made from HF-resistant materials that ensure high
performance and long lifetime of components.
Standard pump tubing is fine for most battery component analyses, but use
tubing that tolerates organic chemicals for electrolyte analysis. Agilent solvent
flexible tubing (SolvaFlex) is suitable for organic solvents.
Installing a switching valve on the ICP-OES instrument will reduce the time
the sample introduction components are in contact with damaging solutions
improving component lifetime and reducing costs. A switching valve will also
improve sample throughput, by reducing the sample-to-sample time.
214.405 214.420 214.440 214.460 214.474
Wavelength (nm)
Sample Spectrum
Spectrum Data
Common Analysis Problems and How to Overcome Them
Poor measurement accuracy
There are several possible causes of inaccurate ICP-OES measurements,
– Spectral interferences
– Contamination
– Matrix impacts
– Calibration problems
The wrong results are being reported for elements of known concentration.
There are very few certified reference materials (CRMs) available for the lithium
battery industry currently. CRMs are representative samples of a particular type
e.g. lithium ore, that are supplied with certified concentration values for the
elements in the CRM. A CRM is used to check the accuracy of a method,
by measuring the CRM in a sample batch and then comparing the results
obtained to the certified values. If a CRM is not available that’s representative of
your sample, then check the accuracy of a method by spiking samples. If you
compare a sample with a known amount of an element added (called a spike) to
the same sample without the spike, the difference should be the concentration
attributable to the spike.
Spectral interferences
In all ICP-OES analysis, one particularly problematic source of errors are
unexpected spectral interferences.
Across the UV-Vis wavelength range, there are tens of thousands of elemental
emission lines. Sometimes, emissions from different elements in the sample will
occur at wavelengths that are close together, as shown in Figure 6.
An element that you either didn’t know was there, or is present at a high
concentration, might cause an erroneously high result for your analyte of interest
if it overlaps on the emission line used for measurement (see Figure 7).
Figure 7. This diagram illustrates how spectral interference occurs. The analyte of interest (shown in
blue) has an emission line that is very close to another element (shown in red). The combined signal
(shown in green) is measured as the emission for the analyte.
Figure 6. Across the UV-Vis wavelength range (approximately 160 to 450 nm) there are tens of
thousands of elemental emission lines. Shown here are the emission lines in just a 25 nm region
from 225 nm to 250 nm.
Agilent IntelliQuant Screening is also useful in this situation. You can use it
to quickly screen samples to see which elements are in the sample, and in
what proportions. You can then adjust your method to choose an alternative
wavelength. If an alternative wavelength is not available, interference correction
algorithms can be applied to eliminate interferences from spectral overlaps.
Contamination can cause inaccurate results, usually of elements present in
very low concentrations. Contamination can be introduced by poor lab practices
e.g. not cleaning glassware properly. A previously analyzed sample can also
cause contamination due to the carryover of highly adsorptive or “sticky”
elements such as boron, molybdenum, or tungsten. These elements stick to
the components of the sample introduction system. These situations cause
erroneous results in subsequent samples.
When measuring battery component samples, calibration can be a major
source of result error. Just because your calibration graph is linear doesn’t mean
your results are accurate. Interactions between elements and other matrix
components can impact result accuracy. The simplest approach to improve
the calibration accuracy is to use Internal Standardization (ISTD). Refer to the
method on page 10 that provides an example of ISTD being used with calibration.
Manual sampling
Presenting each sample to the instrument by hand can introduce errors and
reduce productivity. The operator may pick up the wrong sample by mistake or
not rinse between samples for long enough. Automating sample presentation
using an autosampler will reduce the risk of errors. An autosampler, used in
combination with a switching valve will reduce the sample-to-sample time,
so you can measure the most samples within a period of time. It also allows
you to measure samples without an operator present in front of the instrument,
allowing that operator resource to be used elsewhere in laboratory operations.
Metals content in different types of lithium batteries
Type of battery Metals in battery Ni
hydride (NiMH)
Ni, Co 35% 4% 1% – 8%
Lithium cobaltacid batteries
Li, Co – 18% – 2% –
Lithium iron
Li – – – 1.1% –
Li, Mn – – 10.7% 1.4% –
Li, Ni, Mn, Co 12% 5% 7% 1.2% –
Common Analysis Problems and How to Overcome Them
Regulations and Standards for
Batteries and Battery Materials
There are several regulatory bodies working on regulations and standards
for batteries and battery materials. These bodies include: the IEC, ISO and
SAC (China national standards). There are also environment, health and
safety regulations that impact battery manufacture, use, and end of life.
Some examples of existing regulations and standards include:
– IEC/SC21A Secondary cells and batteries containing alkaline or other
non-acid electrolytes
– IEC/TC 35 Primary cells and batteries
– IEC/TC21 & TC 69 Secondary cells and batteries
– IEC 62660 Secondary lithium-ion cells for the propulsion of electric road
– ISO - ISO/TC 333 – Lithium
– ISO TC22/SC37 Electrically propelled vehicles
– ISO/TC 79 Light metals and their alloys
– ISO/TC 82 Mining
– ISO/TC 188 Small Craft
– Battery regulation (EU) No 2019/1020 (effective on Jan 1, 2022), replacing
EU battery directive 2006/66/EC since Jul 1, 2023.
– Hg≤0.1% & Cd≤0.01% (counted in terms of the homogeneous materials) in
vehicle battery; Hg≤0.0005% & Cd≤0.002% (Counted in terms of individual
cells in other batteries.
– The prohibited/restricted substances in Annex XVII in the REACH regulations.
Analytes Sample Matrix Standard # Standard Title Analysis Technique Status
Metal ions content lithium hexafluorophosphate ISO/WD 10655 Methods for analysis of lithium hexafluorophosphate —
Determination of metal ions content by Inductively Coupled Plasma
Optical Emission Spectrometry (ICP-OES).
ICP-OES Working draft (WD) study
Al, B, Ca, Co, Cu, Fe, K, Mg, Mn,
Na, Ni, Pb, S and Zn
Lithium carbonate ISO/AWI 11757 Lithium carbonate — Determination of elemental impurities by
ICP-OES New project registered in
TC/SC work program
Impurities Lithium chloride ISO/AWI 16398 Lithium chloride — Determination of impurities — ICP-OES method ICP-OES
Impurities Lithium hydroxide monohydrate ISO/AWI 16423 Lithium hydroxide monohydrate — Determination of impurities —
ICP-OES method
Chemical analysis NMC ISO/AWI 12467-1 Chemical analysis of lithium composite oxides — Part 1: Determination
of main components
Impurities Lithium carbonate ISO/AWI 12386 Lithium carbonate — Determination of metallic magnetic impurities by
ISO Standards on Battery Raw Materials Testing
Regulations and Standards for Batteries and Battery Materials
China Standards on Li Batteries Materials
China currently has the most extensive list of standard methods for lithium batteries, as shown in the table below.
Regulations and Standards for Batteries and Battery Materials
Samples Specification Standard # Standard Title Analysis Technique
Graphite negative electrode
Fe, Na, Cr, Cu, Ni, Al, Mo, S (<5~50ppm); magnetic
substance (Fe+Cr+Ni+Zn+Co) < 0.1 ppm; Cd, Pb,
Hg, CrVI, PBB, PBDE (<5ppm for each); F-. Cl-, Br-, NO3
2- (<10~50 ppm); Acetone, Isopropanol, toluene,
ethylbenzene, xylene, benzene, ethanol (<1ppm for each)
GB/T 24533-2019 Graphite negative electrode materials for lithium
ion battery
ICP-OES for Fe, Na, Cr, Cu, Ni, Al, Mo, Co, Zn, S and
magnetic substance (Fe+Co+Cr+Ni+Zn); ICP, AAS, ICP-MS
for Cd, Pb, Hg; GC-MS for PBB, PBDE; UV for Cr6+; GC, GCMS for VOCs; IC or anion.
Lithium titanium oxide & its
carbon composite anode materials
Li, Fe, Magnetic material (Fe+Cr+Ni), Cd, Pb, Hg, Cr6+,
Cl-, SO4
GB/T 30836-2014 Lithium titanium oxide and its carbon composite
anode materials for lithium ion battery
ICP-OES, for Li, Fe; ICP-OES,AAS or ICP-MS for Cd, Pb, Hg;
UV for Cr6+
Lithium iron phosphate-carbon
composite cathode materials
Li, Fe, P, Fe ion dissolution rate; Cd, Pb, Hg, Cr6+ GB/T 30835-2014 Lithium iron phosphate-carbon composite
cathode materials for lithium ion battery
ICP-OES, for Li, Fe ion dissolution rate; ICP-OES, AAS or
ICP-MS for Cd, Pb; CVAAS for Hg; UV for Cr6+
Al, Fe, K, Ca, Cd, Cr, Cu, Hg, Mg, Ni, Pb, Zn, As, Cl ≤1ppm
for each; Na ≤2 ppm; SO2
≤5 ppm
HG/T 4067-2015 Cell liquor of lithium hexafluorophosphate ICP-OES for metals.
Lithium hydroxide monohydrate Na, K, Fe, Ca, Cu, Mg, Mn, Si, B, Cl-, SO4
2-, CO3
2- GB/T26008-2020 Battery grade lithium hydroxide monohydrate ICP-OES for Na, K, Fe, Ca, Cu, Mg, Mn, B; UV/Vis for Si, Cl-,
2-, CO3
Nickel cobalt manganese
composite hydroxide
Ni, Co, Mn, Ca, Cu, Fe, Mn, Na, Zn, Pb, Al, SO4
2- GB/T 26300-2020 Nickel cobalt manganese composite hydroxide ICP for Ni, Co, Mn, Fe, Ca, Mg, Cu, Zn. Al. Na; As for
Ni+Co+Mn, Pb & SO4
2-, use the method which agreed by
both the buyer and seller
Lithium cobalt oxide Co, Li, K, Na, Ca, Fe, Cu, Cr, Cd, Pb GB/T 20252-2014 Lithium cobalt oxide ICP-OES (follow up GB/T 23367)
Lithium nickel oxide Ni, Co, Li, K, Fe, Na, Ca, Cu, Cr GB/T 26031-2010 Lithium nickel oxide Use the method which agreed by both the buyer and seller
Lithium carbonate Na, Fe, Ca, Mg, Cl-, SO4
2- GB/T 11075-2013 Lithium carbonate Follow up GB/T11064
Lithium nickel cobalt
manganese oxide
Ni, Co, Mn, Li, Na, Mg, Ca, Fe, Zn, Cu, Si, Cl-, SO4
2- YS/T 798-2012 Lithium nickel cobalt manganese oxide Use the method which agreed by both the buyer and seller
Lithium manganese oxide Mn, Li, K, Na, Ca, Fe, Cu, S, magnetic substance YS/T 677-2016 Lithium manganese oxide Use the method which agreed by both the buyer and seller
Lithium carbonate Na, Mg, Ca, K, Fe, Zn, Cu, Pb, Si, Al, Mn, Ni, Cl-, SO4
2- YS/T 582-2013 Battery grade lithium carbonate Follow up GB/T11064 for product compositions; follow up
IEC62321 for hazard substances; ICP-OES for magnetic
Lithium chloride Na, K, Ca, Fe, Ba, Mg, Cu, SO4
2- YS/T 744-2010 Battery grade anhydrous lithium chloride Follow up GB/T11064, or Use the method which agreed by
both the buyer and seller
Lithium dihydrogen phosphate Na, K, Ca, Fe, Pb, Cl-, SO4
2- YS/T 967-2014 Battery grade lithium dihydrogen phosphate Use the method which agreed by both the buyer and seller
Lithium oxide Li2
, Ca, Na, Mg, Cu, Cr, Si, Zn, Ni, Fe YS/T 968-2014 Battery grade lithium oxide Use the supplier’s method. For arbitration, use the method
agreed by both the buyer & seller.
Lithium fluoride Na, K, Ca, Mg, Fe, Al, Pb, Ni, Cu, Si, Cl-, SO4
2- YS/T 661-2016 Battery grade lithium fluoride Follow up GB/T 22660
Pollutant emission 15 specs for wastewater; 12 specs for air GB 30484-2013 Emission standard of pollutants for battery
industry ICP-OES, ICP-MS, FAAS, GFAA, GC, UV/Vis, IC
Agilent Solutions for the
Lithium Battery Industry
5800 ICP-OES
990 Micro GC
7850 ICP-MS
8890 GC
Cary 60 UV-Vis
Cary 630 FTIR 6545 LC/Q-TOF
This information is subject to change without notice.
© Agilent Technologies, Inc. 2023
Published in the USA, January 4, 2023
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